Basic Information

Preschool is held twice per week.  Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30pm-3:00pm.  Tuition is $40.00 per month due on the 1st school day each month.  School runs from September through May.  We are now accepting applications for the 2001-2002 school year.

My Preschool program is built around three main objectives:  1- to build image, 2- to build self confidence, 3- and to develop an awareness of the adult world around the child.

I reinforce the academic skills such as shapes, colors, ABC's and numbers.  Each month has a theme and we do various activities to correspond with this theme.  Thematic teaching enhances learning by allowing children to make connections between the various experiences during a school day.

Click here to email me
Child must be 3 years old on or before September 1st.  Fill out an application and return it to me with a $10.00 non-refundable registration fee.

Please feel free to contact me via email or telephone for any more information.  You can go to the application page and print it or call me and I will send you an application in the mail.
Click here for application
Sunrise Preschool
344 W. 200 S.
St. George, UT  84770
Ph.  435-628-7212
Sample calendar, click on calendar for larger view
Sample Schedule
12:30  Arrival/Free Play
1:00   Circle Time
1:15   Activity 1
1:40   Outside Play
2:00   Snack Time
2:20   Activity 2
2:35   Sharing Time
2:45   Story Time
3:00   Depart