personal notes
- the soul is like a baby, needing care
- it requires milk, caressing, and being carried
- it enjoys (delights) in long periods of prayer
- it enjoys (delights) in pennances and fasts
- consoles itself in Divine things
[the Saint here appears to be talking about the early stages of salvation - the "honeymoon" period where everything is blissful, before the souls sets upon the long journey of sanctification]
- in these early stages the soul falls into various sins, described as spiritual versions of the Seven Deadly Sins
PRIDE (page 39)
- soul wants to speak of spiritual things in presence of others
- wants to teach spiritual things to others, rather than learn
- condemns those not as "devoted" as them
*** when not approved of by leaders, feels leaders don't understand them
*** thinks then leaders are not spiritual and seeks other leadership
- so others will see how spiritual and devout they are, sometimes will fall into "ecstasies" in public, rather than in private
- want to be favorites of leaders, thus won't share all their faults with them. Go to confession for excuse not accusation (comfort not correction)
- become depressed when sin (because thought they were already saints) so beseech God to take away sin, though God likely allows it to keep them humble
Seek instead spiritual humility -
- spiritually humble are little satisfied with themselves, consider others better than them (holy envy)
- know (or learn) how much God deserves of them, yet how little they do for Him
- because so focused on wanting to do for God don't notice others [I think this is a refernce to judgement, not holy envy - MZ]
- desire not to be praised but considered of little esteem
- desire to be taught
- rejoice when others are praised and wish could serve God like them
- don't want to talk about what they do [for God]
- would rather speak of their vices than virtues
- a pure, simple, genuine spirit, pleasing to God
- wish to help other serve God
- when sin are humble and meek of spirit, having a loving fear of God
AVARICE (page44)
- don't find the consolation in spiritual things they desire
- listen endlessly to counsels and "learning" of spiritual precepts, read many books
- all this rather than focus on mortification or "perfecting inward poverty of spirit"
- wear images and rosaries of "curious" nature [costly? showy? -MZ] Frequently change to new one then change back. Some adorned with relics. The Saint condemns the affection for these things, not things themselves (45) [early in my walk with God I owned a number of different (and unusual) crosses, often feeling a need for a new one a few monthes later. I think the Saint is here condemning this materialistic tendancy towards religious objects, not the wearing of crosses or such - MZ]
LUXURY pg 47
[this word is often used as a euphemism for lust; I'm still trying to work out exactly what the Saint is talking about here, please forgive the, thus, unclear nature of my notes - MZ]
- often happens during prayer or Eucharist (communion)
- one cause is because the senses react when the soul receives joy from God [John often differentiates between the soul and the senses]
*** hence arise emotions of impurity (page 49, 2nd paragraph)
- a second cause is that it is done by the Devil so some will give up prayer
*** it sometimes focuses on spiritual things or persons
- a third cause could be the soul's fear of such imaginations, thus they enter by seeing things or people. [I once knew of a woman who thought singing into a microphone was obscene - she was seeing it as a phallic symbol, due to sexual abuse she had suffered earlier in life - MZ]
- some experience a kind of spiritual lust because, being so tender or frail, the joy of God "excites" their flesh (or better said, inebriates them page 50). "Their blood is excited at the least disturbance" (50)
- "vain gratification" is another form of spiritual luxury (51) [? - MZ]
[my best guess is that the Saint is talking about sexual images entering the mind of the Christian while they pray or are at service; whether or not the soul seizes on these images and engages in literal lust depends on the individual soul; he seems to be talking specifically about the images in the mind -MZ]
WRATH page 52
- when delight in spiritual things comes to an end, they become embittered, becoming easily irritated, similar to the child who is taken from the breast
- another reason is anger at other sins; they set themselves up to watch others "keeping watch" and even reprove them angrily. This goes against spiritual meekness (53)
- some get impatient with themselves, instead of humility. Purpose to do grand things, but because they find they are not perfect, greater is their fall and annoyance
GLUTTONY page 53
- seeking spiritual "sweetness" from excercises rather than purity and true devotion [see Peers' note on page 54]
- "kill themselves with pennances...weaken themselves with fasts" (54)
- add to those things commanded them [20 Hail Marys, not 5 - MZ], for obedience is bitter to them
- numerous confessions
- seeking always spiritual sweetness; if get none think they've done nothing. "This is to judge God unworthily". Rewards of sense are the least rewards and God may withhold them so can see through the eyes of faith
- when no pleasure in prayer get discouraged. But should instead embrace perseverance, patience, and humility
- spiritual temperance and sobriety lead to mortification, fear, and submission in all things.
- "...the perfection and worth of things consist not in the multitude and the pleasantness of one's actions, but in being able to deny oneself in them" (58)
ENVY and SLOTH page 58
- displeasure in the spiritual good of others
- would prefer they be praised instead of others
- sloth, people irked by the things that are most spiritual because they are joyless
- afraid to do God's will and will associate God's will only with the things wherein they find satisfaction
- thus run from all things difficult on the Road, taking only the easy and pleasureable
"When they are going about these spiritual excercises with the greatest delight and pleasure and when they believe that the sun of Divine favor is shining most brightly upon them, God turns all this light of theirs into darkness and shuts against them the door and the source of the sweet spiritual water which they were tasting in God whensoever and for as long as they desired."(62)
- two kinds of darkness soul enters into: Sense and Spirit
- Night of Sense is common to all believers, Night of Spirit more rare
- God causes these Nights to draw people closer to Him
How to tell if you're experiencing the Dark Night or results of sin
1. In Dark Night soul finds no consolation in the things of God, nor in things created
2. In DN person thinks about God, fears they are backsliding; when lukewarm in faith one doesn't care
- those backslidden are like Israel, despising manna and desiring meat; they spurn what is best for them (DN)preferring their own comfort
- DN gives person desire to be quiet and alone (66), unthinking. In this lonely state find some refreshment
- in DN God helps soul to not cling to understanding
3. In DN soul no longer "meditate(s) or reflect(s) in the sphere of sense". God no longer communicates through sense [feelings or emotions? - MZ], but through pure spirit
Conduct of souls in the Dark Night of Sense
- may try to take pleasure in the sensual (with some repugnance and unwillingness since find pleasure in silence and solitude)
- when trying to feel peace, cannot. Peace comes passively
- in this Night one must persevere in patience. Trust God
- in this Night do not worry about perceiving or experiencing God
- "For contemplation is naught else than a secret, powerful and loving infusion from God, which, it it be permitted, enkindles the soul with the spirit of love" (72)
- "...the yearnings for God become so great in the soul that the very bones seem to be dried up by this thirst."(73)
- Soul begins to feel kindlings of love for God, very intense but only on occasion, not continuously
Benefits of souls in the Dark Night of Sense
- quenching of desire for all things but God
- only a few make it through the Night (75)
- knowledge of one's self and one's misery (lowliness - humility)
- like when God told Israel to take off festive clothing and wear work clothes (Exodus 33:5), their clothing is symbolic of aridity and abandonment
- communicate with God with more respect and courtesy as soul's desire for God during the early stages caused it to be more bold than was fitting (78). God telling Moses to take off his shoes was a sign of respect for Moses. Also as in how God brought Job low so He might speak to him face to face (perhaps showing Job his unworthiness?)
- knowledge not only of our unworthiness but also of the greatness of God
- "Vexation makes us to understand how the soul that is empty and instructed supernaturally by God in His Divine wisdom through this dark and arid night of contemplation."(79)
- "In the desert land, waterless, dry and pathless, I appeared before Thee, that I might see Thy virtue and Thy glory." (Psalm 62:3 [unverified])
- the soul believing itself dry and miserable, esteems other for their spiritual progress -> thence comes love for neighbors (81), hence destroying spiritual pride
Benefits regarding other sins
- finding no pleasure in excercises or objects the soul lets go of them
- freed from spiritual luxury
- regarding gluttony curbs desire for sweetness. As in a mother breast-feeding when the milk is no longer given it. It's "courses...are dried up", so desires of the soul dry up. Hence comes spiritual sobriety, tranquility and peace, for where there is no concupiscense [inclination to sin - MZ] there is no disturbance but peace and consolation of God
- fear of backsliding. Soul is thus purified of desires and affections that deaden and darken it (Psalm 76:4)
- soul begins practicing patience, long-suffering, fortitude
- spiritual wrath replaced with meekness (mercy for self and others)
- spirtual envy replaced with charity and if any envy exists it is to serve God as fully as others (holy envy)
- liberty of spirit. Being free of all these afflictions and desires
- very rarely finds any sweetness in spiritual disciplines
- seeks no spiritual pleasure but seeks only to serve God
- when the four passions (joy, grief, hope, fear) are calmed through continual mortification, the world, flesh and devil no longer obstruct this spiritual liberty and "the house remains at rest"
- hence the soul sets out on the path of illumination or infused (given by God) contemplation where God feeds the soul without meditation or the soul's active help
Dark Night of Sense may include tempatations of:
- fornication (the Saint implies succubi[89])
- blasphemy (violent and powerful)
- spiritus vertiginis (Isaiah 19:14) tries them not so they fall, but to test them. "This spirit darkens their senses in such a way tha it fills them with numerous scruples and perplexities so confusing that, as they judge, they can never, by any means, be satisfied concerning them...this is one of the severest goads and horrors of this night, very closely akin to that which passes in the night of the spirit" (88-9)
[Peers footnotes spiritus vertiginis as "spirit of giddiness" or "perverse spirit"; vertiginisis, I believe, the root of the word vertigo; the passage in Isaiah reads "The LORD has mingled with her a spirit of confusion; and they have made Egypt stagger in all her doings as a drunken man staggers in his vomit"; there appears to be a connection with legalism in the Saint's description, though I am not completely certain of his meaning in this passage]
- trial sent by God to those whom He will lead to the Dark Night of Spirit
- if the soul is not tempted, excercised and proved, it cannot quicken its sense of wisdom. Thus the interior trials
Not all experience the Dark Night of Sense the same way or for same length of time
- some people experience a brutal Night, others less as they can handle it
- those passing to the Dark Night of the Spirit remain DN Sense a long time and are long tempted
- sometimes comes long after Dark Night of Sense
- sometimes soul will have further aridities, some worse than before so the perfecting process may continue.
- proficients find loving contemplation and spiritual sweetness without meditation
- proficients may experience raptures, trances, and "dislocations of bones" (93)
- Dark Night of Sense accomodates the senses to the spirit, the Dark Night of Spirit unites the soul with God (93)
Imperfections of proficients
- habitual and actual imperfections
- habitual remain in spirit like roots. DN Sense couldn't reach them
- difference between habitual and actual sins is like the stain that's fresh and the one that's set
- proficients also have "deadening of the mind" and "natural roughness" thay "every man contracts through sin and the distraction and outward clinging of the spirit which must be enlightened, refined, and recollected by the affliction and perils of that night"(94)
- actual imperfections; some souls have very superficial spiritual pleasures and fall into certain (greater) difficulties (Spiritual Seven Deadly Sins, see above). Some see imaginary and spiritual visions and the devil tries to deceive them. Devil makes them think God and/or saints are talking to them and they "often trust their own fancy" ["But God said it was okay for me to sleep with him/her!" - MZ]. Presumptuious and prideful. Enjoy being seen doing spiritual things. Become bold with God and lose holy fear
The Dark Night
- senses now attracted to spiritual pleasure and can be made one with spirit, eating the same spiritual food as the spirit
- in Dark Night of Spirit sense and spirit completely purged, as one cannot be truly purged without the other. DN Sense is then a restraint of sense, not a purgation of it (dying to self? - MZ)
- soul needs corrections of 1st Night and fortitude born through the tranquility that proceeds from it, to endure the 2nd Night
- proficients are still at low state of progress and think of God as children
Suffering of the Soul
- in Dark Night there is no understanding, the will is constrained, afflictions and anguish. Purgation of the Old Man
- "This dark night is an inflowing of God into the soul which purges it from its ignorances and imperfections..."(100)
- called "Dark Night" because of its affliction and torment. For "the closer and more manifest are Divine things in themselves the darker and more hidden are they to the soul naturally", just as the bright sun darkens the eyes
- "When this Divine light of contemplation assails the soul...not only does it overcome it, but likewise overwhelms it and darkens the act of its natural intelligence" (101). Thus Psalm 96:2 - God surrounded by darkness and cloud, not in fact but He is in darkness to our weak understanding
- there are 4 pains the soul endures in the Dark Night
* soul suffers when light comes to it, as eyes with tumors are hurt by light (because the soul is impure, it hurts). In this anguish the soul believes God has forsaken it (Job 7:20), sees its imperfections and knows it is unworthy of God (102)
* the Holy Spirit assails it to stengthen and subdue it, but the soul suffers such pain in its weakness that it nearly swoons away. Soul is so weak that lightest touch of God seen as too heavy for it, even though God does this to help and not chastise it (102-3)
* the third is due to the meeting of the Divine and human -> the purgation of the soul. Like unto the death or digestion suffered by Jonah - the soul awaits resurrection. Pain of the soul seen in Psalm 17:5-7 (AV 18:4-5), and 87: 6-8 (AV 88: 5-7). The soul feels God has abandoned it, thrown it into darkness. Soul feels its friends have condemned it (105), Jonah 2:4-7 (AV 3-6).
* the soul sees its beauty and its utter wretchedness
- there are 3 kinds of pleasures of the soul: temporal, natural, spiritual [examples may include drinking coffee, seeing a sunset, and worshiping God - MZ]
- soul finds 3 evils contrary to these - imperfection, aridity and emptiness/inability of faculties to apprehend, and abandonment of spirit in darkness
- senses purged in aridity, faculties in emptiness of perceptions, soul in thick darkness (106)
- God does this to purge imperfect habits which soul has contracted; since these are deeply rooted soul is undone and inwardly tormented
- soul purged as metal is heated and purged by fire
- "the soul seems to be seeing Hell and perdition opened..." (107)
Further afflictions
- the soul remembers times when God consoled it in the past and sees that it is now far removed from those times and consolations
- Jeremiah speaks of the Dark Night in Lamentations 3:1-20 (110)
- Dark Night of Spirit may last for years, with periods of rest and illumination
- during Dark Night the soul cannot pray for feels God is not listening Lam 3:44 (115)
- soul has trouble remembering things and paying attention to things (116)
This Night illumines the soul
- the spirit must be "simple, pure, and detached from all kinds of natural affection" to be able to share in Divine wisdom (death of preferences, perhaps? - MZ). Thus experience sweetness in all things
- Israel, for example, held onto love of meat from Egypt and couldn't enjoy Manna; so with us when hold to affections
- the Night continues as long as is needed to expel and annhilate habits
- through this Night the soul is exhausted, withered, and tired ("well wrung"); thus able to feel the "pure and sublime touches of Divine love" - thuss being truly poor in spirit
- the Night draws spirit away from ordinary and commom experience of things to the Divine sense, so many things now seem strange
- all this is done so the soul may be begotten anew
- soul feels all good is gone. Has pain so deep it causes it vehement spiritual groans and cries, which sometimes it gives vocal expression. Sometimes the soul dissolves into tears, Job 3:24. This is pain beyond any possible exaggeration (125)
A comparison to fire (127)
- fire first dries the wood (aridity)
- fire secondly turns the wood dark (removing evil)
- kindles externally, giving heat to the wood (kindling of love, see below)
- finally transforms wood into itself -> Fire, which is beautiful (transformation)
- souls feels affliction come from its own imperfection, fot from the transformation proceeding the union of love (128)
Kindlings of love (132)
- soul feels itself to be deeply and passionately in love with God
- yet soul does not yet have fulfillment of this love and so suffers. Psalm 62:2 (AV 63:1)
- soul suffers without consolation or hope or light of spiritual good. Thus thirsts terribly for God Isaiah 24:9
- Dark Night infuses soul with love and wisdom bringing enlightenment and purging ignorance
- sometimes there is understanding (illumination) and feelings of love (will), sometimes only one - may not understand the Dark Night but feel love or comprehendGod is at work but emotions are left arid. Both are infused as God wills it (139). Sometimes soul may experience serenity rather than love (140)
- love tends, however, to preceed understanding
- this love is caused passively through the Dark Night, not an active act of the will. Thus this enkindled passive love enkindles the desire of the will to love - that is, "I love You, and want to love You more". Thus passions required purging as passions help the soul to love, by being passively enkindled by God
- in the depths of love the soul will do anything to find Him whom it loves. The woman who wept at Christ's feet did so despite social stigma and humiliation. Soul rises up at night (purgative darkness) and seeks its Beloved (Song of Songs) else it will die for want of Him
A house at rest (147)
- "I went forth without being observed, my house being now at rest"
- a metaphor for one who leaves to do business at night so none may hinder them. For God is found with-out, in solitude
- those at rest are passions of the soul (natural affections? - MZ)
- all the soul is thus focused on God
In Darkness and Secure
- "in darkness and secure" soul not lost in the Dark Night but held secure by God (HALLELUJAH!!!! - MZ). Instead has been freed from its enemies (affections et cetera)
- "in darkness": affections of soul constrained, spiritual and sensual desires are mortified, memory gone, understanding in darkness, will is arid - all faculties void and useless; in addition a thick and heavy cloud is upon the soul, keeping it in affliction (150). This is done to keep the soul from straying, due to them (affections etc)
- " walking in darkness, not only is the soul not lost but has even greatly gained, since it is here gaining the virtures" (151)
- also its best for soul to be dead to these things as it is yet impure and natural (carnal - MZ) and can receive thsese things only in an impure way
- thus deadened, soul may lose its base reception of these and begin to receive in a Divine manner
- "Therefore, O spiritual soul, when thou seest thy desire obscured, thy affections arid and constrained, and thy faculties bereft of their capacity for any interior excercise, be not afflicted by this, but rather consider it a great happness, since God is freeing thee from thyself and taking the matter from thy hands. For with these hands howsoever well they may serve thee, thou wouldst never labor so effectively, so perfectly, and so securely (because of their clumsiness and uncleanness) as now when God takes thy hand and guides thee in the darkness and though thou wert blind, to an end and by a way which thou knewest not. Nor could thou ever hope to travel with the aid of thine own eyes and feet howsoever good thou be as a walker" (153-4)
- in dark and secure because God has blinded it to all else and draws the soul to Himself (see pages 154-7; sections 8-13)
- soul will ask itself constantly if it has done something to offend God and focus all engeries on pleasing Him, so deep is it kindled in love.
The Secret Ladder
- secret because God pours Hi light (darkness) into the soul secretly, enkindling its love. Also secret because understanding is darkened
- secret too, because soul cannot understand or speak of it, or explain the love it feels
- because this love (wisdom) come not through the senses, senses cannot express or understand it, since God's "language" in this transcends sense, sense is made dumb by it
- thus the soul cannot say where they are in their spiritual state, and dislike talking about it. But feels tranquil, satisfied, can feel the presence of God and all is going well
- soul sees itself lifted into a "profound and vast retreat"; vast, solitary, and secret. Sees that words cannot fully describe Divine things, cannot perceive Divine through anything but this illumination from God Himself
- ladders. Men use ladders to ascend to their strong places and treasures. So the soul, by means it knows not how, ascends to the treasures of Heaven - God Himself is the treasure
- ladder has steps for up and down. As soul ascends it is humbled with respect to itself
- thus the soul goes up and down. Bad follows good, storms after celebrations
- perfect love for God and contempt for self require knowledge of God and oneself. Thus these trials to teach knowledge of God and self. When these are acquired reach top of ladder where God is and thus united with Him
- thus the soul losing itself and becoming as nothing (which is good) goes against natural inclination of finding consolation and sweetness (which is not as good)
The Ten Steps (Degrees) of the Ladder of Love
Note: While the Secret Ladder may be an overview of the entire Christian life, detailing the soul's journey into love for God, the text of Dark Night does imply that one reaches the Ladder only in the process of, or completion of, the Dark Night. As I understand it, John of the Cross did not originate the idea of "the ladder" but transplanted it from works by Saint Bernard of Clairveaux and Saint Thomas (Aquinas?). I am attempting to find more information on this astonishing teaching.
1. Languishing - sick with love (Song of Songs 5:8). As a sick man loses taste for food, soul loses desire for all but God
2. Seeking God without ceasing - Genesis 3:2; Psalm 104:41/105:4; Mary Magdalene did not notice the angels at the sepulchre so focused was she on finding Christ (John 20:11-14)
3. Labor and fervor to labor - as Jacob worked 14 years for Rachel. Soul sees its work as little and suffers in thinking it does so little for God. Feels living in vain, worse than other souls: because love teaches it what is due to God, and it knows its works are imperfect and faulty
4. Habitiual suffering - but without weariness. For love makes all things great, grevious, and burdensome to be almost nothing (paraphrase of Saint Augustine; Songs 8:5). Soul desires not consolation or favors from God because sees it has had enough of these. Soul concerned with how to do something pleasing to God as praise for all He has done. God grants the soul joy occasionally out of love (Jeremiah 2:2)
5. Desire and longing for God - impatiently. Every delay is wearisome and oppresive. Desperate longing and hunger for God (Psalm 83:2/84:2)
6. The soul runs to God (Psalm 40:31)
7. Vehement boldness - Songs 1:1 "May He kiss me with the kisses of His mouth"
8. Siezing the Beloved and not letting go - Songs 3:4. Some satisfaction but not continuously for that would be glory itself in life. Thus only short periods
9. Burning with sweetness (union) - Perfection. Saint Gregory said when the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles they burned inwardly and sweetly through love. Sweetness from the Holy Spirit by reason of union with God. (To my understanding of John's writings and other readings on Theresa of Avila, I do not believe this stage is what is called the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit" in Pentecostal/Charismatic theology, but is something utterly beyond even that experience, and is something exceedingly rare in mortal life - MZ)
10. Beatific Vision - to behold the Beloved. This step is not reached in this life. At the tenth step the soul leaves the flesh and goes to God, because it is now like Him (1 John 3:2, Matthew 5:8)
- a disguise conceals from the enemy and reveals affections of the heart for the one loved (Reading this I got the image of a woman dressing beautifully to go to her Beloved but wearing a cloak and cowl so may hide from highway men and steal secretly to the Beloved's side)
- soul wears white, green, and purple (faith, hope, and charity)
- first, tunic of faith for without faith one cannot please God. "It suffered with constancy and persevered pressing through these trials without fainting or failing the Beloved, Who in trials and tribulations proves the faith of His bride (177). Faith protects against the devil
- hope protects against the world. The hope of Heaven makes all the world seem bleak and unworthy
- hope is the helm of salvation (1 Thessalonians 5:8). No arrow of the world may wound the head. This helm has a visor so the soul may look up to God (Psalm 122:2/123:2)
- love (a cloak perhaps? - MZ) which draws soul close to God (Songs 1:3,4)
- love protects from the flesh
- so in faith, hope and love the soul goes by the secret ladder to union with God. Faith voids darkness over understanding, hope voids and withdraws memory from all natural possessions, love (charity; agape greek) voids and annhilates the affections and desires of the will from whatever is not God, and seeks Him alone
Oh happy chance (181)
- purpose in writing this to explain the night to those who have been through it but know nothing about it
- soul praises God that He lead it to Himself through this dark night
In darkness, in concealment
- in concealment, in a hiding place, and so "in concealment" has the security of the earlier lines of the poem ("in darkness and secure")
- the devil can't know what is happening in the soul except what passes through the senses. As this passes not through the senses, it is hidden from him.
- the devil may see that some blessing is happening and so tries to disturb senses and disrupt what God is doing but sometimes God will draw the soul even deeper into its hiding place so devil can't get to it, giving the soul great joy
- the devil recognizes when God is using an angel to bless the soul and may sometimes interfere through terrors or false visions,br>
- God allows this as He allows temptations - to prepare the soul for something better to come
- but when God visits the soul it is in total darkness and concealment and Satan cannot interfere
- As God visits the soul (Songs 1:1), that is communicating or communing - the soul sees how different and far above spirit is from sense and sense may lose its influence over the soul. Thus "my house at rest"
My house now being at rest
- a period of rest follows the dark night
- when all faculties and sense are laid to rest the, the soul is united with God fulfilling Wisdom 18:14 and Songs 5:7
- soul cannot come to this union without great purity. This purity comes from detachment from created things and "sharp mortification"
My reflections on the Dark Night (coming soon)