The Britbeachers Round Robin - 1998


For those of you who don't know what a 'Round Robin' is, I'll try and explain. They're a bit like fan fics only they're written by a group of people. One person starts off the story and it is then passed on to the next person on the list who continues where the last person left off. The story goes from person to person until we reach the bottom of the list and the final person has to wrap the story up.

'Britbeachers' was the original UK mailing list for Sunset Beach fans. Many of the people who contributed to this story are a little mad so be prepared for some strange goings on. Also, this RR is very light-hearted so don't take it too seriously - the authors didn't!!




You know, humans have this stupid saying: 'It's a dogs life,' and that's meant to imply that us canines have it easy, but that just isn't true. Look at me. Since arriving here I've had some very worrying experiences.

Take today, I was out for a stroll when who should I bump into but that strange female human called Madame Carmen. As soon as she sees me she scoops me up in her arms, starts crying and babbling on about reincarnation (whatever *that* is) and calling me 'My darling son!' She obviously thought I was someone else.

Mind you, there seems to be a lot of that kind of mistaken identity weirdness going on round here. The girl who brought me here, Tiffany, walked in one day looking *totally* different, but no one batted an eyelid. I kept running in circles, telling everyone it wasn't her, but did they listen? Then the same thing happened to that guy who lives in my house now: the human with the big behind. One minute he's this skinny ugly specimen, the next he's all beefcake and hair gel.....*and nobody noticed!* It didn't end there either. That human who's all orange and squeaky: well her sister changed. Then the whelp who hangs with the goofy-toothed man who keeps jumping into the sea; suddenly he was about a year younger and twenty pounds lighter. And now my second favourite human, the one with the cute nose like a Pug, has vanished, replaced by something which seems more like a tree to me. In fact, I think I'll take a leak on her. Thank Dog nothing's happened to my best friend yet. His name is Sean. He and I share a very special relationship: very intimate.

Anyway, back to this morning. After I managed to get away from the crazy woman, I trotted on down to the white building, the one with the big pointy roof with two crossed sticks on top. The human there usually feeds me and fondles me (though not in the way Sean does), and he has such nice brown eyes; reminds me of my young nephew, Bonzo.

Suddenly I could hear voices coming from a room nearby. I stuck my head round the door. Inside was the lovely, dark eyed man who feeds me, along with the man he sees a lot of, the one with strange fur on his cheeks.

The furry-faced one was saying "Antonio, nobody can ever know my secret. You've gotta help me keep Gabi from finding out."

"Your secret's safe with me," the incredibly nice looking human said (in his rather hypnotic voice which makes me want to bound joyously into his lap).

"Thanks T," said the first human. Then he did a disturbing thing. He took hold of the furry bits on his face and started pulling them 'till they came off. Next he grasped at the fringe of his rather odd looking hair, and that came off too, and all this long black hair tumbled down onto his shoulders.

The handsome human.....the one with the kind face and mischievous twinkle in his boyish, endless dark brown eyes.....didn't seem at all surprised, he just smiled warmly and patted the other's shoulder. "Don't worry, Maria," he said, "Gabi will never hear it from me that it was Ricardo who drowned all those years ago, and that you took his place because you'd always wanted to be a boy anyway."

"You don't think she suspects anything though?" said the strange looking one, "I mean these lips *are* a bit of a give away."

Just then there came the sound of a door opening behind me and a female human's voice called out "Ricardo!"

Meanwhile ...... Watching the sun setting over the pier, Prunella suddenly began to feel the chill air as it lifted her ebony hair from about her face. Hugging herself in an effort to keep warm she began thinking to herself. "At last the chance for a new start in a new town, where no-one knows me."

Sunset Beach was a world away from Prunella's hometown of Margate (although they both have a pier). Life had been hard for Pru, working seventeen hours a day down the factory plucking chickens. She thought she'd escaped the day to day drudgery when a handsome stranger had swept into her life.

She sighed thinking back to when she first met him, she never dreamt someone like him could be interested in boring little her. He was her dream man, tall dark and handsome, with the bluest eyes she'd ever seen. Their time together had been joyous and she thought it never would have ended the way it did. A lone tear escapes from her cerulean blue eyes, tracking its way down her ivory skin. Mentally chastising herself Prunella, shook such thoughts from her mind. He was a part of her past, he would not be back. It was time for her to move on and start her new life, here in Sunset Beach. A million miles away from Margate, and a lifetime away from Derek...........

"Ricardo? Ricardo, are you in there?"

Antonio and Maria looked at each other, both fearing the worst. Maria put her foot onto the bits and pieces of the 'Ricardo' hair, and then watched as Gabi walked into the church. Antonio looked from Gabi to Maria, and then back to Gabi again. What to do? Unable to think of anything else, he threw his oh-so masculine arms up, and exclaimed, "Oh My God! Look! It's Maria, back from the dead!"

Maria threw Antonio a nasty glance but it was too late to do anything about it. Gabi's eyes widened as she looked at Maria, who smiled back at Gabi. She walked over to Gabi, extended her hand, and said, "Hello, my name's Maria. And you are?"

"A lot smarter than you think, Maria!" Gabi said. "Or should I say...Ricardo?"

Antonio and Maria let out a collective gasp.

"Did you really think I'm so blind I couldn't see the truth? I've known about your cross-dressing habits for months now."

Maria's lip quivered. "Gabi, I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you like this."

Antonio reached out and touched his sister's shoulder tenderly.

"I love you, Gabi," Maria said. Gabi watched as Maria came towards her, her lips ready to kiss Gabi's, but Gabi put one hand up, blocking the kiss.
"I really don't go for that sorta thing," Gabi said. She looked at Antonio, who had remained silent for the entire conversation. "Since we're sharing secrets today, though, I have one of my own." She stared into Antonio's eyes.
"I'm in love with you, Antonio, and always have been. Now what are we going to do about this sexual tension between us?"

Antonio opened his mouth to speak.

Prunella found herself walking along the beach, her mind a million miles away. In her mind, she was back in Margate, back in Derek's arms. She felt a soft shudder rush through her body as the memories of her first sexual experience with Derek came into her thoughts. "Oh Derek," she thought. "How could you leave me?"

As if by magic, Prunella's eyes fell onto a handsome face yards away. He was sitting on the beach, hand in hand with a woman whose skin looked too orange for its own good. But the man. It couldn't be.... Could it?

Unable to control herself, Prunella ran across the beach. The people she ran by couldn't help but notice she had only one hand, and that the other hand had been replaced by a block of wood. Yet Prunella ran gracefully towards the pair.

She reacted in horror as she watched the couple make out in the sand.

"How dare you, Derek!" she screamed. She reached up one hand to slap him, and before she realised she was using the hand made of solid wood, she punched him solidly in the face.

Leaving the church, Spike bounded up the beach, until finally he rested comfortably beneath a pier. His dog senses suddenly reacted to something coming from several yards down the beach. Curious as to what it might be, Spike ran happily towards the source of the smell. It didn't take him long to find out what the smell was. He sniffed around the dead body, unable to believe it was true. The man he loved was dead. Sean Richards lay on his back, a huge pair of scissors sticking out of his chest.

The lifeguard came running down the beach. He had heard the high pitched yelping of a dog. Dogs were not allowed on his beach, though he made an exception for his friends, Meg and Spike.

When Casey reached the canine in question, he discovered that it was Spike. His momentary joy at spying the only resident of Sunset Beach that truly understood him ended instantly when saw the body on the ground. It was Sean Richards. The only man he'd ever loved. Tears of anguish ran down his face as he ran to the lifeguard station to call SBPD. Spike was left alone on the beach, standing guard over the scrawny body.

Prunella stood back, shocked at what she'd done to the man she loved. The orange woman appeared equally stunned. After a brief pause, she began shrieking. "Beeeeeeeeeennnnnnn, Beeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnn! Nooooooooooooo! Are you alright?!" Then she turned to Prunella "How could you attack the man!" Prunella was still trying to digest the orange woman's previous words though.

"You called him Ben!" she said "But this is Derek Evans, my fiancee!" The Orange Woman appeared stunned at this. Then indignant. "No!" She told Prunella. "This is BEN Evans, *my* fiancee! Derek is his twin, and Derek is DEAD!"

Prunella glared at the orange woman. "You're lying! You've stolen the man I love, and now you're pretending my Derek has a twin so you can keep him! What sort of woman are you!?"

The Orange Woman opened her mouth to retort, but at that very moment, the unconscious man beside her groaned.

Prunella dropped to her knees and bent over him, pushing the Orange Woman out of her way. "Derek, Derek!"

The man stared at her in confusion "Meg?" he asked weakly. Prunella shook her head in concern.
"No, Derek, it's me, Prunella! I'm sorry I hit you, I was just so angry at the way you left me! But now we're together again, none of that matters." Prunella paused, glanced at the Orange Woman, and decided to continue. This woman was a freak of nature. There's no way anyone could love her. Derek was obviously on the rebound from her. There was no harm in telling him her news. "Derek, I have something to tell you." She paused. "I'm pregnant! I'm having your triplets!"

No one at SBPD knew where Ricardo was, so Officer Spence arrived at the murder scene. Casey and Spike watched sadly as he blocked off the beach with tape and called the mortuary. When Spence turned his back, Casey reached into Sean's pocket. He wanted to find the photo. To hide it so that no one would ever discover it. But it wasn't there. Instead he withdrew a folded sheet of paper. Curious, he unfolded it, and gasped at the message written in bold red letters : 'I KNOW CASEY. I KNOW YOUR SECRET. I HAVE THE PICTURE. YOU'RE NEXT.'

Casey stifled a gasp. Someone knew. His relationship with Sean Richards was the best kept secret in Sunset Beach. *How*? And the picture. Taken during a night of passion at the Seabreeze Motel, Sean always kept it with him, so he could be close to Casey when they were apart. And now the killer had it. Were they going to be exposed? Who would do this? Why did they have to kill Sean? And how long till they reached him...........

Annie Douglas Richards strolled down the pier. Sara Cummings was waiting at the end for her. Annie smiled at the waiting girl. Sara did not look so happy. Annie ignored this. "Is everything set?" She asked.

Sara nodded grimly. "Annie, do we really have to this? Isn't this a bit extreme?"

Annie lost her patience. They had had this conversation many times. "Listen, hayseed! Have you forgotten what's at stake
here? I know about your affair with the congressman. And while I, personally, don't have a problem with that sort of thing, your inbred thoroughly moralistic parents just might. You know the deal. You help me, and I keep quiet. Is that too complicated for you!?"

Sara quietly shook her head. She didn't know why she ever thought she could trust Annie with her secret. In a moment of
madness she had thought that because her sister hated her, she must be OK. And now she was going to pay dearly for her error in judgement. She was going to have to kill Caitlin Richards.

"Is everything ready?" Annie snapped. Sara nodded again. Annie smiled evily. Tonight was the night. Finally, Caitlin would be out of the way. After her death, she and the true love of her life, Caitlin's husband Cole, could leave Sunset Beach with Trey, the child Annie secretly loved as her own. When she and Cole had left it wouldn't matter if Olivia regained her memory. Trey would be long gone. And Gregory? She had emptied their joint bank accounts and secretly sold the house. Gregory would be evicted tomorrow, and she, Cole and Trey would be enjoying the first day of their new life. Sara just had to sort out Caitlin first.

Olivia Richards entered the mortuary. She had come to identify her son Sean's body. This was deeply tragic for her. Though she never cared for Sean deeply, but she *had* lost a son she truly loved, and this brought back that terrible pain.

"Can I help you?"
Olivia looked up. Standing in front of her was a woman. The ID badge on her labcoat identified her as 'Diane.' Diane. The most beautiful woman Olivia had ever seen.

Meg stomped angrily down the quiet beachfront road. The sun was setting, and her convertible had broken down on her way back from shopping at 'Linda's House of Tack.' She had made the shopping trip to calm her down after the confrontation on the beach. Ben had insisted over and over again that he was not Derek, but the woman, Prunella, refused to believe it. In the end, Ben invited her over tomorrow to talk. He told Meg it was because he cared about the future of the nieces and nephews of his that Prunella was carrying, but Meg was worried. Prunella was strikingly beautiful, and she could have sworn that there was an attraction between her and Ben.

The black Jeep came quietly round the corner. Then suddenly it screeched into high speed. Meg stared in shock, but it came at her too quickly to jump out of it's path. Her body hit the windshield, then fell to the ground. The Jeep stopped for a moment, then sped away rapidly. Prunella grinned evily as she glanced back in her rear-view mirror at the motionless body on the road behind her, bleeding red blood and orange false tan. Unless someone found her quickly, and that was unlikely to happen on a road this quiet, Meg had no chance of survival. Prunella laughed with joy. Derek was hers. All hers.

Caitlin walked slowly to the place where her brother had been found. "Oh God" She murmured "Who could have done such a thing?" She looked about her and shivered. "Now that you are gone who on earth am I gonna get to look after my baaabeee Tres?"

"Cait?" Cole had followed her down to the beach because he was worried about her. He had began to suspect that she knew about the affair with Annie. He bit his lip but he would rather she found out about his relationship with her step mother than her actual mother. "Cait? What are you doing?"

"I had to come to the place ... the place Sean died." She glanced at Cole. "Where's Tres?"
"Oh, Bette's looking after him."

Just then Cait began to cry. "Come here Cait." They stood beneath the pier in a comforting embrace.

Meanwhile on the pier Annie was watching the couple.
"Enjoy it while you can Cait, you don't have long left."

She looked at Sara who stood nearby. "Go on, get to work."

"Please Annie, I can't do this!"
Sara was whining and Annie frowned at the girl becoming more like Meg every day.
"Put a cork in it Sarah!" Annie snapped as she made a note to buy Sara some fake tan before she left.

Casey was walking the streets, trying to figure out who would kill him and Sean when his sixth sense bleeped that Meg was in danger. He ran around the corner and saw Meg on the ground. The ground around her was bright orange and at first Casey thought there was a Radiation problem. Then he saw the blood and got out his cell phone.
"Meg?" There was no reply and for a moment he thought that he'd have to give her mouth to mouth. Then she gasped and he breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God he didn't have to touch her ... he didn't look good in orange!

Olivia stared at Diane. "Erm ... My son ... He ... I ..."
Diane smiled at Olivia. "You're Sean Richards mother? I've been expecting you. This way."

Diane led Olivia through the mortuary to show her the body. Her mind was working overdrive. How could anything as ugly as Sean come from a woman as beautiful as this?

Olivia looked at the body and nodded. "That's my son ... I can't believe it."
"Neither can I."
Diane gasped as she hadn't meant to speak out loud.

The two women looked at each other.

Emily stood staring at the photograph in her hand. She had never meant to kill him but now she knew the secret she had
no regrets. She just could not believe that Sean of all people had mislead her so much. She had almost begun to fall in love with him. Casey had to go. Emily saw red as she looked at the photo. Now she knew why they had been so pally.

She turned and saw Michael walking towards her. She stuck the photo in her pocket and hoped there was no blood on her white shirt.

"Hi, I'm just off."
"Emily, I didn't see you there. I'll see you at training in the morning."
Emily wandered off and looked back to see Michael sitting on the steps of the life guard tower with his head in his hands. In normal circumstances she would have gone back, but right now she had to find Casey.

The ambulance arrived soon after Casey's call. Meg was lifted onto a stretcher and driven away. Casey got out his cell phone and called Ben to tell him the news.

Prunella watched from around the corner with an evil grin on her face. "Ben, Casey here. There's been an accident. Meg was involved in a hit and run accident.... The paramedics seem to think that it was deliberate... South Bay General's ER... OK. Bye".

Prunella's plan hadn't worked, Meg was still alive. She had to find a way to finish her off. "Hmm, South Bay General..."

"Annie, I can't kill someone. Even if I have to tell the truth about my affair with Congressman Blythe" Sara said.
"We had a deal Sara" whispered Annie.
"And it's off" said Sara as she stormed off.
"Damn you Sara" thought Annie. "You'd be in for it if I had the time. But for now, I've got to see to Caitlin."

Cole's pager beeped. "I've got to go Sweetie. There's a problem at work. Are you gonna be alright?"
"I think so" sniffed Caitlin. "You go."
"OK. See you back at home," he said, placing a soft, tender kiss on her cheek.

Caitlin watched Cole walk off across the beach. She sat down on the sand and put her head in her arms. She
couldn't believe that her baby brother was dead.

"What..what do you mean?" asked Olivia.
"Erm, nothing replied" replied Diane.
"No" Olivia said grabbing the mortician's arm. "Tell me what you meant."
"Well" Diane began. "It all began two weeks ago...."

Casey arrived at Surf Central in a hurry. He wanted to change quickly and get to the hospital. Michael was sitting
on the couch with his head in his hands. "Hey man. What's up?" Casey asked.

"It's Vanessa" Michael replied. "Something terrible has happened."

"What is it, buddy?" asked Casey, sitting down next to him. Michael looked up, his eyes all puffy. Casey could see that Michael had been crying. "You can tell me."

Ben was greeted at South Bay General by Dr. Robinson. "How's Meg?" asked Ben. "Well, she's still alive. But her condition is critical. She may not survive" Tyus told Ben. Ben was dumbfound. How could this happen to Meg. Who would want to do this to Meg?

Nurse Smith arrived at South Bay General. It was her first day in the ER after transferring from Cedar Oakes. It was
chucking it down with rain. As she walked through the car park she heard footsteps behind. She looked, but there was no one there. She carried on walking, but suddenly felt something hitting her on the head...

"Excuse me" called the receptionist to Nurse Smith as she entered the ER. "I presume you're the new nurse here. Nurse... Caroline Smith isn't it" she asked looking through the many forms in front of her. "Yes. That's right" the nurse replied. "Doctor Robinson is waiting to see you. He'll be in the locker-room in a moment. That's the second door on the right."
"Thank you" Nurse Smith replied. She entered the staff locker-room, which was empty. Nurse Smith laughed to herself as she took off her hood. "The game is over Derek. Once Meg is gone, you'll be mine again!" Prunella hung up the jacket she had been wearing. "Sorry, Nurse Smith". But there's too much on the line here."

Dr. Robinson led Ben towards the locker-room. "There's a phone in here you can use to call Mr & Mrs Cummings. I'm meeting a new nurse as well so I'll be able to show you to Meg's room" Tyus told Ben as he opened the door to the

"Come on you witch, what is taking so damn long", Virginia thought to herself.

On opening her door Mrs Moreau took a look at Virginia and said, "Oh you again, what is it now girl?"

"I need help, again", moaned. "Vanessa is making my life hell".

"Oh lord what now? Can you possibly hurt her anymore? I won't make you another potion" Mrs Moreau snapped.

"No not a potion, I need you pretend to be someone" Virginia begged.

"Girl what are you talking about?" Mrs Moreau spat out.

"I need you to pretend to be Vanessa's mother. If her mother convinces her that it is best to leave town before her Martin's Syndrome gets any worse, she'll listen and I'll have Michael all to myself." Virginia said.

"I won't do it" Mrs Moreau replied.

"If you don't I'll tell Vanessa what you did to her and you'll be deported back to Haiti quicker than you can give me another bad to the bone speech. Well come on, are you going to do it or not?" Virginia yelled.

"Ben, there you are", Sara called to him just before he entered the locker room. "I heard about Meg, how is she?"

"She's not doing well at all Sara, would you like to see her?" Ben asked her.

"Yes, I'd like that very much thank you", Sara replied and off they walked.

"Whew, that was close, I'd better learn to be more careful", Prunella thought to herself as she saw Derek and Sara walk toward Meg's room.

"Paging Nurse Smith into the ER stat, Paging Nurse Smith into the ER stat", the intercom blared. "Dammit, I'll never get into Meg's room if I have to work all the time, I hate this crappy job" she moaned walking away.

Virginia and a disguised Mrs Moreau passed Nurse Smith in the hospital hallway. "Now that woman is a fake nurse if I've ever seen one" Virginia thought to herself, "and I've had plenty of experience with fake nurses."

"Wake up Girl, I have better things to do with my time" Mrs Moreau said. "I hate this make up".

"Well you look exactly like Lena, I'd never tell the difference" Virginia said thinking about the hours it took to apply all the special make up to make Mrs Moreau look like she had Martin's Syndrome. "Now what?" Mrs Moreau said angrily.

"Well we have to find a way to get Lena out of her room and out of the way and for you to slip into her place before anyone becomes suspicious" Virginia thought, easier said than done. "There's Lena's room" Virginia pointed out. Just as they were opening the door, Nurse Selita's old boss called to Virginia. "Selita is that you? You look so familiar. I thought I told you never set foot into this hospital again!" She spat out.

"Dammit, we're sunk" Virginia thought, how can I possibly get out of this one?

"What do you mean it all began two weeks ago?" Olivia asked. "Do you know anything about Sean's murder, who killed him?"

"Well, you know I really shouldn't say anything" Diane moaned. "He told me he'd kill me too if ratted on him. No you'd better leave now, you've already identified the body" Diane said pushing Olivia out of the morgue.

"Well now that does it" Olivia yelled, "I know you know something about Sean's death. Tell me now. NOW!"

Diane escaped the gaze of Olivia's eyes. "Well If I must. . ."

"You Do", Olivia shouted. "Spill it".

"Ok, it started out like this", Diane cried.

Annie walked in her and Gregory's house, calling for Caitlin.

"Okay okay I'm coming," cried Caitlin as she ran down the stairs, "what do you want now."

"Your man," replied Annie, "Cole and I have been having an affair together, and we're gonna run away from Sunset Beach with Trey and all of Gregory's money."

Caitlin tried desperately to show an emotional response, but her wooden acting abilities prevented her from doing so. So she just pulled a gormless face and replied, "You'll never get away with this Annie."

"Why not," Annie replied, "I stole your mom's husband, and I nearly stole Ben from that hayseed Meg. Besides, Cole wants to leave you for me. There's just one loose end...YOU!"

"Me?", replied Caitlin with a gulp.

"Yes. I've come to kill you. I originally wanted Sara Cummings to do it, but the little hillbilly wimped out on me..."

"No I didn't!" shouted a disheveled Sara, as she came into the kitchen, covered in blood...

"Well Antonio", said Gabi, "what are we gonna do about the sexual tension between us?" Antonio almost began to tell Gabi about the myriad of wives that he has on the Britbeachers Mailing list, when Ben strides into the church.

"Ben!" said Ricardo/Maria, "what are you doing here!"

"Maria! You're alive! It's a miracle!", he replied, "but if this is Maria, who's the bird in the nightie at Cedar Oaks?"

"It must be Ricardo! He's alive too!", said Antonio, "come on Maria, lets go to Cedar Oaks and see for ourselves!"

With that, Maria/Ricardo and Antonio left the building.

"Gabi. I have some bad news about Meg." said Ben turning to Gabi, "She was run over by one of Derek's crazed lovers. I
initially went to see her, but I changed my mind at the last minute and came here. But now that I've found Maria, I'll have to go to the hospital and cancel my engagement to Meg." With that, Ben left for the hospital again. Gabi stood alone, thinking to herself "If Ricardo's actually Maria, then how did he have sex with me last year?"

"I suddenly changed my mind about killing Caitlin," said Sara, "so I came to your house. I had to kill the maid because she was asking too many questions. Then I developed a taste for murder and killed Gregory, Cole and Spike too--"

"You killed Cole?", cried Annie, "how *could* you? I wanted him!"

"Yes, and for my next act as a serial killer, I will kill you two."

Sara walked slowly towards them, holding a meat cleaver in a menacing way. Then suddenly, in walked................Vanessa Dorman!!

"You BITCH!" she yelled at Caitlin, "You stole my life!"

Prunella walked into Meg's hospital room, looking evil. "How dare you take my man from me, you orange hussy!". Prunella pulled a meat hook out of her pocket and began to stab Meg repeatedly with it, screaming "DIE! BITCH! DIE!" Suddenly, Ben walks in. And he and Prunella stare at each other for a long time, as if to show that an ad break should occur now.


Click here for Part 2…

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