Annie Douglas and Jude Cavanaugh

The information is split up into both of them, and then their relationship togther.

Annie DouglasAnnie Douglas---

Annie Douglas has an eventful life, yet has been deprived of one very important thing: love. It seems right when she was born that her parents really did not want her. The only one who loved her was her Aunt Bette. Her mother, Madeleine Madison Mahaffey Douglas, was never heard from or seen. Her father, Del Douglas, was murdered by Elaine Stevens. Annie attended law school for six weeks, but dropped out and began her career as a schemer and maipulator. Her best friends was Maria Torres Evans. When Maria was thought to be dead for five years she pursued Maria's widower, Ben. But his heart was not to be won until Meg Cummings came to Sunset Beach. She and Annie quickly became rivals. Annie has always had a streak of greed, which led to her marriage to Gregory Richards. As stated in her father's will, Annie would have to marry Gregory to get stock in the Liberty Corporation. First, though, she had to get Gregory to divorce his wife, Olivia. Annie hated Olivia, because the latter woman had had an affair with Del and was left everything in the will. Annie offered to help Gregory's daughter, Caitlin get a baby when she miscarried (which is a whole different story and too long to tell.) and in turn Caitlin would get Annie and Gregory's good side. Annie was able to seduce Gregory and the two were found in bed by Olivia, who's baby Annie had stolen and given to Caitlin. Gregory and Olivia were divorced and he and Annie were married. Gregory, ever aware of his money, had Annie sign a pre nuptual agreement, which she was too much in a hurry to realize. As their marriage continued Annie found herself in love with Gregory. Also, a few months later she found that her dearly departed best friend, Maria, was alive. Annie had hidden the fact that she was alive so that she could break up Ben's wedding to Meg with Tim and Maria had a hard time forgiving her. But, knowing that Annie was Annie she was forgiven. As the year passed Annie's bad deeds were revealed to all. Trey's paternity was discovered and Gregory grew to hate her. Francesca Vargas, a woman everyone hated, was murdered and the couple were suspects. First suspecting it was Olivia, Annie worked with Cole to find the killer. It turned out to be Gregory who faked his death and disappeared for a bit. DUring this time Annie attepmted to get the money left in Gregory's will, which was left to Trey. She also met a man named Jude Cavanaugh, who proved o be quite an adversary. Gregory's Uncle Tobias was to be executor of his nephew's will and came to Sunset Beach. Annie and Olivia both tried to make the other seem unfit to handle all of that money and Annie got a potion that made Olivia start drinking again. Gregory was revealed to be Tobias, who was working with Jude, and tried to kill Annie. In the end Gregory went to jail, Annie confessed making Olivia drink, helped bring back her children. and found love with Jude.

Jude CavanaughJude Cavanaugh---

Very little was revealed about Jude. He came to town an saved Annie's life when attacked by a man she'd 'impressed'. AJ had brought him in to be the managing director of the Liberty Corporation. He soon befriended the Richards family and helped them when Cole first went missing. As time went on, and Uncle Tobias, came into the picture. It was revealead the Jude had been working with Tobias, who was actually Gregory, ro ruin Cole, Annie, and Olivia. Jude's motivation was that he was AJ's illegitimate son, whom the elder man had never accepted. That a large amount of money. One night "Tobias" brought Annie to the power plant where he and Jude would kill the redhead. Instead Jude knocked Gregory out. Jude is an undercover FBI agent and has been investigating Gregory for years, and not AJ's son. He put Gregory in jail and he and Annie brought Cole, Caitlin, Sean, and Trey back to Olivia for the new year. And found love for themselves.

Annie Douglas and Jude CavanaughAnnie Douglas and Jude Cavanaugh---

When Jude first came to Sunset Beach the first local he encountered was Annie. After Gregory's memorial service a depressed Annie headed to the Deep for a night of fun. She met a man who she led on and then threw a drink on him. She left, but the man followed her. Jude had seen what happened and helped her. He kept his identity a secret and was quite rude to her, which she had no problem telling him. When she found out he'd become the managing director she tried to get money out of him, he offered her a job instead. The two were always at each other's throats. He knew she was a schemer and tried to help her. She bagan the hate him. One night, sick of all of her petty pursuits of money, he threw her over his shoulder, took her to the office, and yelled at her. The arguement became heated, as did they. They made love for the first time. Both were shocked that it happened, but happy it did. Until Annie rememberd she had to check on Olivia and make sure she was drunk. They began to argue and the evening ended on a a sour note. A month or so went on and Annie went to work about one time. She impressed Jude with her intelligence, but turned down his invitation to lunch, so she could get in "Tobias' " good graces. The plan back fired and he was there to comfort her. The night at the power plant, she was devestated to think that he had betrayed her. And became very confused when he knocked Gregory out. He told her his true identity and that he wanted a life with her, he had feelings for her. She was skepitcal at first, but soon relented and that night they made love for the second time. They brought back Olivia's children and will hopefully live happily ever after.

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