My what a list we've got here..

Dee, Eddie, AJ, JayJay and Mark have had a very prolific recording life...and they're not done yet! I've done what I can to make a list of the mass-produced releases of Snider and company, both with Twisted Sister and not.

Take some time later on to look at my ever-growing list of bootlegs,including Snider related material on both audio and video.

The Works of the Mighty Sisters

Band Name

Album Name

Year of Release

Twisted Sister Ruff Cutts 1981
Under the Blade 1982/1999
You Can't Stop Rock and Roll 1983/1999
Stay Hungry 1984
Come Out and Play 1985/1999
Love Is For Suckers 1987/1999
Big Hits and Nasty Cuts 1992
Live at Hammersmith 1994
Club Daze, Vol. 1 1999
Desperado Bloodied, But Unbowed see notes section
Widowmaker Blood and Bullets 1992
Stand By for Pain 1994
Let the Pain Begin (tentative) ???
Scarecrow (Eddie Ojeda) Scarecrow (self-titled) 1991
Cities (A.J. Pero) Annihilation Absolute 1986
Father Time (A.J. Pero) Right Between the Eyes recorded 1996 (unreleased)
Dee Snider (solo) Never Let the Bastards Wear You Down 2000
SMFs Live: Twisted Forever, Forever Twisted 1998