Welcome Glacial Explorer! You are visitor number:
New photo of Pat with Gene Simmons on Trio page!
The slow-moving GLACIER is set for a full-fledged return in 2002! The original line-up, Machs I & II (and possibly Mehdi & Timm?) will be reuniting for a 20-year reunion to coincide with Grant High's in Portland, Oregon. It'll be August 2, 2002. Don't miss all the action: bookmark this page & check periodically for updates & new features! If you have any GLACIER photos, flyers, live tapes or locks of hair, you can e-mail the webmaster below & find out how to include it! If you have access to a scanner, just send what you've got! Thanks!
NEWS FLASH!!! Reunion scheduled for Friday, August 2, 2002 at the Eastmoreland Country Club in Portland!
NEWS FLASH!!! Loren "The Master" Bates has been cyber-dumped as the new drummer for Wild Dogs!!!
(They don't know what they're missing.)
Click on the highlights and thumbnails below for more info & larger photos:
Thanks for visiting!
Original GLACIER Trio (1979-81)
GLACIER Mach I (1981-1982)
GLACIER Mach II (1982-1983)
GLACIER Mach III (1983-1986)
GLACIER Mach IV (1989-1990)
Links to other COOL sites on the Web
(Being re-constructed)
Most recent visiter: the lovely Lavine from Australia!!! (4/27/99)
Tim (aka "Timm") Proctor gave us his nod of approval in April! (4/15/99)
We recently had an official visit from Major Metal (2/8/99)!
Also, Matt McCourt
The guestbook is below...PLEASE sign!!! C-ya!
© 1997 glacier2002@hotmail.com