Ahhh, so many favorite T Moments, so little space on the web to tell them all. BUT, if I were *forced* to choose just one favorite moment, it would have to be when I saw the Divine and Luscious One in Cleveland, and toward the end of the concert, he *finally* took his hair down out of the ponytail it had been in ALL night, and shook that deliciously silky golden hair out.....OMG, it was HEART STOPPING, let me just TELL you! If TLS lives to be 100, that is the one and only memory that will NEVAH fade away!

Okay, you should have KNOWN I couldn't pick just ONE. On "This Time Around, Making the Video", when Taylor is standing there discussing his views about how the video should look, and he tells the director that "it seems disingenuous", well, ladies and gentlemen, *THAT* became TLS's favorite moment of all time. Mensa Taylor is SOOOOOOOOO dang sexy, don't you agree??
~Tay's Love Slave

Well I think MINE was when I was at the beach and they showed him banging away on those drums, smiling the MOST beautiful, happy, content Tay-Smile...And it was SO close up on the big screen! ::shiver::
~Tay's Temptress

After much deliberation, as you can imagine, I have come to the conclusion that my favorite Tay-moment must be the way his blue eyes sparkled in the sunshine during the Fanatic episode on MTV. If you have this on tape and haven't watched it in awhile, I urge to you to watch it again, now. You will get that funny feeling in your stomach all over again as you drown in those eyes; I promise, you will remember why you fell in love with him to begin with. ::sigh::
~Tays Coquette

This one of my fave Tay moments from Rick Dees weekly top 40, November 10th, 1997. At the very begining, the song 'I Wanna Kiss You All Over' was played. When the song finished Rick said "I wanna kiss you all over" (it being the song title and all), then Tay said "I feel good about you to Rick, but I don't kiss you all over (everyone starts laughing, except Tay), we've just met, and thatz a bit too much for me". Itz soo funny. Hehehe. He makes another remark like that later on in the show too. Hehehe.

Well, it's hard to narrow it down-there are so many. But the one I remember most is when they were singing "Gimme Some Loving" on "Hard Rock Live." He was sweat-drenched and ecstatic and just looked like he was doing what he was born to do. Which he was! That was quintessential Taylor Moment for me.
~Twilite Z

My favorite Jordan Taylor Hanson moment has got to be when he is on top of the mountain on TT&TMON video...and he is talking to his dad and his dad asks him about the caves and all Taylor has to say is..."Sweet!". Yep! I melt like butter everytime I hear him say that. I mean he could've said so many other things but he *as usual* said something unique and brilliant. Thanks for listening,. Toodles and Keep the Hanson Pride Alive!
~Jess, 15, NC

1. On RTA I like it when Tay is in his bunk and he's talking to us all serious like. 2. At the Atlanta concert, at the end of 'I Will Come to You', on the very last yoooouuuuu, he points his finger out at the crowd. I lost it.

I met Hanson on June 20th, 1998, at the Musique Plus studios, and my fave moment with Tay was when he was talking to me, and looking straight into my eyes!

Hmmmm, which do I choose! I have several, but the ones that stick out is when the guys were on Much Music and Ike accidentally elbowed Tay in the ear. The look on his face when it happened was so cute. But, probably my ultimate Tay moment was when they were on Rosie O'Donnell for the very first time (May 6th 1997 I believe). It was when I first laid eyes on the most beautiful creature to ever walk this planet.... love at first site I guess. He was so cute, it's a moment I'll never forget!

Oh..which one to choose? Well, I'll just go from TT&MON..first the bit where they're singing a capella and Ike tells Tay to sing higher and Tay sings that bit (I'm sure u know what I mean) and the bit about Paramus Mall when Ike says "they're screaming your name" and Tay's like "oh my god"..I love him there...that's just 2 for starters! =)
~ Lisa

In TT&MON when Taylor's climbing that mountain or whatever and he says Sweet or when they're singing that part of WTL.

There's one bit in the I Will Come To You concert version of the video and it's the next "I will come to you" after Isaac's solo. It's a close up and all, his hair is over his face and he looks so damn sexy!

My favorite experience is probably everytime that I see them on television, hear them during an interview, and definitely when I hear their music.

I love when he talks about putting Puff Daddy in their video on the interview with Conan. I love everything he does so it's hard to pinpoint one thing. He's a very interesting person. >

This is only something little, but I thought it was cute. When I was at my 2nd Hanson concert in Hartford, Connecticut, someone in the front row threw a balloon on stage and it went flying around Taylor's head!! He kept trying to grab it and keep playing the keyboards and singing and he finally caught it and put it under his foot:) He looked like he was laughing. And he did this all at the same time!! I thought it was soo cute!!:)

My favorite Tay moment is in TTMON, during one of the radio interviews, this guy is talking to them in German or something, and he must have spit on Tay, because he jumps back and wipes his arm off.. and in the next clip he's switched places with Zac, and Zac is in front by the guy! hehe.

Ummmm dunno, how can I choose? So many....uuuuhhhhhh, how 'bout.....oh I don't know!!! On 'The Road To Albertane' when he's in his bunk. And then Ike comes in with 'Bingo' and Tay's got that gorgeous grin on his face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think my favorite show would have to be the time that they were on Oprah. Their performance was great, as usual, and I just liked the whole show!

Everything he says and everything he does is so special, itz hard to choose just a few, but I'll *try.* Some of my fave sexy T moments are: the "Wahhhhh-tusi" part of Hard Rock Live; any time he throws his gorgeous head back and swings his hair or even just runs his hands through it at the end of a song; and that special ::ahhhh:: look when he was performing "Ever Lonely" during the Albertane tour. Another fave is the shot on RTA where he is walking from the back of the stage to join Ike and Zac for their bow. Something about that walk...really gets to me. AND, after seeing that new TTA video last night, I have to add those incredible close-ups of those beautiful eyes...wouldn't THAT be an awesome first and last sight of every day? ::sigh:: There are SO many more, but I'll finish with some of my fave sweet T moments such as those times when the camera has caught him carrying a tired Mackie or pushing little Zoe in her stroller and especially that exasperated, but loving, look reserved only for his best friends, Ike and Zac, when they get a little too crazy. He's the best brother, the best friend...simply the BEST! LoneStar summed it up well in their song, "Amazed"-- "Every little thing that you do...baby, I'm amazed by you..."
~Tay's Captive

My fave Tay moment has always been on TTMON when he's fooling around and says, "What do you reckon?" in all those different voices.

I was @ their concert & @ the end of the song IWC2U I SWEAR his hand stopped @ me.

On the TTMoN video when he does the British Accent during > the interview.

My favorite moment would have to be when my friends and I got to meet Hanson at Planet Hollywood Chicago, July 31, 1998. The guys heard that we had camped out for 26 hours from the news and stuff so they sent their manager out to invite us back to their private eating room when they arrived at PH. We hung out back there and talked to them for about 10 minutes and then we got pics taken. After that, the manager told us that we had to leave because the guys had to go out to do the press conference. My two friends Amy and Kris left right away, but my friend Mel and I had to get our cameras. We got them and were about to leave, but Taylor and Isaac followed us and kept asking us questions! They kept us there even though we were supposed to leave! It was so cool! We finally decided that we had to go since the manager lady was shooting us some seriously evil looks, but it was definitely the greatest day of my life!

I was able to go to 2 concerts. At one concert I was able to get a third row seat. It was unreal...like a dream come true! I can't wait until their next tour. :-)

In "Tulsa Tokyo and the Middle of Nowhere", when he is reading, "What do you reckon" off the ping pong balls.

After the Milwaukee concert everyone was standing by where the buses come out so they could catch one last glimpse of Hanson. Everyone was lined up on the sides of the road so when Hanson drove by you would only be able to see into the sides of the bus and those window are tinted so we didn't like that idea very much. When they were about to leave we decided to run down the road a ways, where no security gaurd could control us. So by now the bus is coming down the road and me and my 2 friends are standing in the middle of the road, right in their path. Zac and Tay were in the front window of the bus by the bus driver, they noticed us and started yelling and waving their hands, "GET OUT OF THE WAY" so at the last second my friends and I move out of the way of their bus. You should of see the looks on their faces. Then we chased the bus as far down the road as we could. It was the best 5 seconds of my life!!!

My favorite moment is went he and the boys were on Oprah and he said that girls don't have to go through voice changes , and that we don't have it so bad, and the girls all started screaming and stuff.... that's my favorite moment.

A fave TAY moment?? There are so many, but a favorite is when I saw them in Atlanta..they were singing "Good Love" and they were showing a close up of him on the screen...He was singing ..."I was feeling so bad"...as he sang,he gripped the mic in both hands and did that little dip/lean in thing he does and closed his eyes.."I asked the family doctor just what I had"....it was at that moment that I completely went over the edge....sigh...

At the Dallas concert when they got in a water fight with their water guns and Taylor was soaking wet in a white t-shirt! (yeah, baby!)

This isn't especially a *good* Tay memory, but it really is my fav: when they were on 'Donny & Marie', and Zac went off into the drum solo at the end, that was obviously not planned. Ike just sorta looks at Zac like, 'Ooookay', but Tay shoots him this *look* that totally cracked me up, like, 'Dang it Zac, what the???' I just *adored* it, hehehe...

When he and his brothers are swimming in The Road to Albertane. Everyone loves Hanson shirtless!!!!

Probably when in the Chicago concert Taylor dropped his water bottle leaned down to pic it up and looked right at me, I thought I was going to die!

My favorite Tay moment is from MTV's Live at the Ten Spot when he took off his sweater revealing one of his tight white shirts! =)

My favorite Tay moment would have to be when I was at their concert at Coral Sky Ampitheatre in West Palm Beach, FL. I was sitting in the front row, right in front of him. I could see him perfectly throughout most of the show. Anyway, my favorite moment was when they brought out the water guns and he came right up to me and completely soaked me! That was the best! I wouldn't stop talking about it for weeks, LoL.

When he played drums on Albertane.

Atlanta concert when Zac threw water all over Tay....who was then drenched in a tight, white, and wet T-shirt :-) Binoculars are a wonderful thing...hehehe

Two favorite moments....a) meeting Taylor at Boston--wow--he is totally not just really photgenic and b) at the end of their first song on Christmas in Washington, Taylor smiles and it just ahhh....

My special Tay moment is that I have touched a hand that has touched Tay! My daughter Lauren met them backstage at Va. Beach .... she didn't actually have a particular Tay moment to report from the meeting, but said they were all so genuine and not egotistical. They all signed her hat, so come to think of it I have touched a tangible item that he has touched as well! hehe I have lots of Tay moments in appearances and performances so I can't really pick one. But, one of my fav all around Hanson appearances was Meet Hanson on ABC when they sang Madeline acapella. Oh yeah and there was this other time .............. *sigh* ..... oh well, nevermind ... if I go on, I'd write a book and you'd have to pay for tons more web space! LOL

That would have to be the first time I saw his legs, because they always wear pants!!!

3rd row in Nashville in front of the keyboards (the best place to be, but he drenched me and my husband).

My favorite Taylor moment was when he played the drums at their concert I went to in Chicago on the Albertane Tour!

Well my friend knows Hanson. Well she's gonna get me to meet 'em! Also when she told them about me Tay said :Thanx for sticking in. Its fans like ME that make their job so much easier.

Well my fave Tay momment was when I saw them in concert at Cuyahoga Falls. After the show most of the people had started to leave and there wasn't really anybody in front of me anymore and I was jumping up and down waving and stuff and he smilied and waved back... of course he could have just been waving, but I choose to believe he was waving at me! Hehe! Wouldn't everyone?

Well it would certainly have to be the RTA bunk scene I love it especially the part where he licks his lips and says 'it can be bad' I like to help him make it much more enjoyable!;)

When they were in the UK sometime last year, they appeared on TGI Friday and after they performed Where's The Love one fan threw something on stage and darling Tay bent down to pick it up. Now fortunately as he was bending down, the cameraman zoomed in on him and we were treated to a close up of hot stuff's a$$!! The best part was that he was wearing these tight trousers that hugged his butt so perfectly. Those perfectly formed, round and juicy buns in tight fitting leather pants were a sight to behold!

VH1 Save the Music on the outtakes when they can't say that line "It's a proven fact that music improves reading and math scores" or something like that. When Ike tries to say it and messes up Taylor leans over, points, and does that funny "har har har" laugh.

I could literally write volumes here, but will try to keep it brief! Two words: "Save Me". Yep, the new song clip. Scrape me off the floor, please! Moe 6: Surfboard Tay. I see flesh! I see flesh! The Voice, In Concert, Cleveland, 98: Deep, soulful, to die for. The Bunk Scene from LFA. If it isnt endearing enough we are actually allowed into the private inner sanctum of Hansons home on the road, it also gives us a perfect visual of what Taylor would indeed look like if we were sitting atop him! >;-)

Uhh, on Oprah when she asked them if they get in trouble still and Taylor looked all confused and said, "For what?" ...there you go!... :)

I love the part on Oprah when he says "girls are lucky..girls dont have to go through that..wait..wait..I know where thats goin'" Oprah: "You KNOW where thats goin." Tay: *blush* <>

I met Taylor before the Orlando concert on September 21, 1998. He is the SWEETEST guy you'd ever want to meet! If you think he's good looking in his pictures, you just have to see him up close & personal....he's DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! He looks like a porcelain doll! And I had the pleasure of seeing him again in Miami on December 8, 1999, when my daughter,a friend and I went to see them. We were one of the first to see Taylor with his new haircut. He looked AWESOME! I can't wait to see him again when they start their tour!

:When I was at the Jay Leno show on Dec. 4, 1998, Walker went by and a talked to him and shook his hand!

At the Seattle concert, I had a flannel shirt tied around my waist. I tightened the knot on my flannel and then looked back up at Tay. He did the same motion and looked up at me and laughed!! :) Never forget that!! *I was like 15 feet from him, BTW!!*

This isn't especially a *good* Tay memory, but it really is my fav: when they were on 'Donny & Marie', and Zac went off into the drum solo at the end, that was obviously not planned. Ike just sorta looks at Zac like, 'Ooookay', but Tay shoots him this *look* that totally cracked me up, like, 'Dang it Zac, what the???' I just *adored* it, hehehe...

WE all know this moment. It was on May 8th 1998 on MTV Live at 10 when da Babe decided that he was hot (like temperature hot) and took off his maroon velvet top. Just look at the snicker on his face cuz he just realised what he had done to the audience. That's why on tour he wore a shirt - so he can take it off... It's between IWCTY and MWY. Laura in 'Bright and Beautiful" - one of my fave sites described it like this: "Taylor's General Pectoral Area: Um, well now* I don't know that a lot of explaining needs to be done regarding this one (two). All I know is that during Live at the 10 Spot, we all questioned why it suddenly got a little hotter in the room about halfway through the show."

I can never say I have only 1 favorite moment! He's always special. Everytime I see him he is so nice. In every appearance they've made he's ...just... WOW! I really am speechless! And ...now! What he is NOW! I mean, he's just the BEST! Thats all I have to say! Oh, no wait! I read this not so long ago and I think it prefectly describes him - "You are so sweet can't be beat Nothing sweeter ever stood on feet!"

So many fave moments. In the RTA video, during Gimme Some Lovin/Shake a Tail Feather, there is a part just before they sing "twistin" where the camera is behind him and we get to see him swivel those hips. Ohmigod! That drives me insane everytime I see it! Then there's the Buddy Faro episode where the pecs were first unveiled! An audible gasp escaped my mouth! And finally, he looks so delicious these days - every appearance is to die for!

this is my fave T moment... on June 9th, hanson was gonna do a little meet and greet here in Atlanta at noon, so we camped out to be sure that we would meet them...june 9th comes along and hanson gets to the venue and Tay comes right up to us and was like " I heard that you guys were here to 10:30 last night!!" and we were like, yeah, and he goes "sheesh!" and the little spittle kinda just gathered up in the corners of him mouth and it was the hottest thing!! So I went ahead and gave him my rose and when he saw it he was like "Is this for me??" and I said yes and he was like "awww" and he hugged me and it was sheer MAGIC!!
~TaYz OnE aNd OnLy

I was at the TTA concert in Poughkeepsie, NY and they performed "Thinking of You". Tay was looking in the balcony where I was sitting, during most of the song (probably because I was the only one standing up there).  During the chorus of the song, he pointed up straight at me and started smiling! Melt!

Hmm... my favorite Tay moment. There are sooo many to choose from. But the one that would have to claim the prize would have to be right at the end of the "If Only" video where He turns around to go into the RV and Omg His BUTT is right in the camera and the first time I saw it I couldn't help but rewind right back to that scene and pause it for an hour. Every crease in His body is so damn SEXY but His butt is just the right size and sticks out at just the right angle that I love looking at it almost as much as I love looking at His face and have dreams about it every night. Wouldn't you agree?

Lead Me To Luscious!