Name: Fannya Silberman
Nicknames: Fanny, F.F (freaky fannya & funny fannya), Crunk Girl, Flirt, jcsangel4eva, Funyun (most common) and more...
Birthday: May 23, 1980
Age: Im 19 baby!!
Boy/Girlfriend: =) Well some guys say I look like Christina Aguilera so...I guess her
What are you afraid of?: Hmm dyin unloved, spiders etc etc
Do you wear contacts or glasses?: Neither, but wouldnt mind enhancin my green-blue eyes =)
Describe what you look like: Oh boy....5'5 or 5'6, petite, dirty-blonde hair, green-blue-silver eyes.
Most Embarrasing Moment: Umm shoot dont member but there were a few
Your future kids names: That I dont know and plus I wouldnt make the names it would be me and my husband makin da names.
Pets names: Dont have any =( But had cats...and they were Snickers, Sweetie and Misty
Do u get along with ur parents? Yea


Ice Cream: MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP and Cookies N Cream
Food: Pasta and Chinesse!!
Vegetable: Corn and sometimes Brocoli
Fruit: Strawberries!! and...apples =)
Candy: Hmm this is a hard one not..GUMMI BEARS!!
Beverage: Mountain Due, Sprite, Juices
Movie(s): Dont have one
Actress: Julia Roberts, Demi Moore
Actor: Mathew Maconohay (the one in A Time To Kill)
Cartoon: Dont watch cartoons anymore..=P
Cartoon Character: Ummmm...I like goofy
Animal: Cats, Horses and dogs
Job/Chore: Doin dishes
Brand of clothing: Huh? I like Tommy Hillfiger, FuMan, Gap, Levis.
Clothing/ Shoe Store: Clothestime, Gap, Tommy Hilfiger, Sacks 5th Ave, Robinsons-May, Outlets (for shoes: Nike, Adidas)
Group: Now you dont know this one by now....its da guys..*NSYNC
Song: "God Must Have Spent A Little More Time on You" by *N SYNC, "Angel Of Mine" by Monica, "I Never Knew The Meaning Of Christmas" by *N SYNC (this song cuz of the part where it goes "I was lost in the dark, till you opened my heart, like an angel shining bright" that referes to JC opening my heart cuz he is my angel), "It's Christmas" by *N SYNC (this song cuz, once my dream and wish comes true, to be with JC, I will be able to celerbrate Christmas with him and I will cherish that and never let that go (as sung in the song), just liek the love I have for him) last songs are "I Want You Back" and "Here We Go" both by *N SYNC!
Theme Song to a movie: Ummm...
Playground equipment: Hmm..thats a good one..but dont know lol
Thing To Wear: Well whateva looks g-o-o-d on me and has to be comfortable. Prob nice pants and a nice tank top (Im a tank top girl!)
Jewelry To Wear: My necklace which has a gemini and dolphin charms on it =) (luck charms too)
Sport: Bball
Number: I have no clue LOL. 3
Flower: Rose of course.
Inside Joke: "Giddy up giddy up ride it ride it.." "Yes yes here we go" and "Laptop!!"


Career/Family: Hopefully singing, if not that then in comp. Family..that can wait!
Do you want to have kids: Yea
Where do you see yourself in 5 years: Singin, performin and shakin my groooove thang! Thank you! =)
Where do you see your self in 10 years: Same or in the comp biz..or both ;) Im multi talented baby!


Loved somebody so much it makes you cry: Yea...unfortunetly =(
Drank alcohol?: Ummmmm
Done drugs?: No
Broken the law?: No
Ran away from home?: No why would I
Broken a bone?: No
Cheated on a test?: Yea
Played strip poker?: No, but hey theres always a 1st time
Played Truth Or Dare?: Yea
Kissed someone you didn't know?:
Been on a blind date?: Yea
Been on a talk show/Game show?: Yea...and goin to be
Been in a fight?: No
Been out of the U.S.?: Oh yea
Rode in a fire truck?: Umm no
Been on a plane?: Yea how would I get outta da US lol
Come close to dying?: No
Snuck Online?: No
Cheated on your Boy/Girl friend?: No if I have a bf Im faithful!
Gave someone a piggy back ride?: Yea
Eaten a worm/mud pie?: NO ewww
Kissed Someone?: Yea lol =)
Been in a sauna?: Oh yea very relaxin
Swam in the ocean?: Yea


Country?: As in the music..its kewl
Alternative?: Its kewl
Heavy Metal:. NO! Classical?: Umm when I reallly have to relax then its all g-o-o-d
Soap Operas?: No, their kinda stupid
Airplanes?: Ummmm


Your good luck charm?: My Gemini and dolphin charms..also my Gemini and Leo teddy bears (take them everywhere I go)
The worst song you've ever heard?: Hmm have to get back to you on that one
Best song you've ever heard?: Anythin from da guys (*nsync)
The most embarrassing CD in your collection? Well I dont have one I make sure they arent embarrassing before I buy em LOL
Your bedroom like?: Neat and clean baby! =) and theres always music playin!!
Your favorite thing for breakfast?: Hmm either waffles (with strawberries) or cereal (Rasian Bran)
Your favorite thing for lunch?: Hmm...whateva I feel like havin LOL
Your favorite thing for dinner?: Pasta or Chinesse =)
Your favorite Restaurant(s)?: Havent been to restaurants so...


Coke or Pepsi?: Pepsi
Oranges or apples?: Apples
One pillow or two?: One
Deaf or blind?: Ummm for?
Hugging or Kissing?: Both =)
Blondes or brunettes: As in for a guy...dont matter, but for girls (no Im not les..LOL) Blondes have more fun!!
Tall or short?: For a guy Taller!!
TV or radio?: Radio baby!! =0
Bike or Rollerblades?: Neither
Dress or Skirt?: Ummm...dont really like my legs so...
Solid or Stripes?: Say what?
T-shirt or Tank top?: Tank top!
Sweet or Dill Pickles?: Umm neither
Chips or Popcorn?: Chips..well maybe Pop
Peace/ying yang/smiley face?: Smiley Face!
Beanie Babies/Star Wars?: Ohh boy ok Beanies for Lance and Star Wars for JC
Movies or T.V: Movies..well both they are both at home...
Music or Computer: Music!
Telephone or T.V: Telephone
Beach or Pool: Both
Movie Theater or Rent: Rent =) chillin at home is the best
Garage Sales or Thrift Store: Neither depends on what your buyin for
Wal-Mart or Target: Target (havent been to Wal-Mart)
E-mail or Snail Mail: Both....more romantic if its Snail ;)
Day or Night: For what...Im a nite person
Big or Small Envelopes: Umm depends what your sendin
Swing or Slide: Neither
Romeo or Juliet: Whats the question LOL
Pantene Pro-V or Herbal Essences: Hmm well Pantene is more healthier, but Herbal smells gooood


A Good Driver?: Yea =)
Good At Sports?: Ummm maybe ;)
A Good Singer?: Yea I wouldnt be in a group if I wasnt
A good Actor/Actress?: Hmm Ill get back to you one that one!
A deep sleeper?: At times, but sometimes I can wake up easily
A Good Dancer?: Oh yea baby!! =)
Shy?: At times
Outgoing?: Oh yea!!
A good storyteller?: Not really...
Beautiful/Pretty/Good-looking/OK/Ugly/DISgusting?: Well Ill go by what my friends and guys say so it would be.......pretty
Preppy/Slutty/Sexy/Sporty/All of the above: Hmm all of da above except Slutty =)


Chicken Pox?: Yea
Strep Throat?: Yea
Flu?: Yea
Cold?: LOL yea
Stitches?: Yea
Bloody nose?: Yea
Cancer?: No (Ya just threw this one in huh)
Surgery?: No
Someone besides your family say they Love you?: Yea...
Someone punch you?: No


Enjoy parks?: For what?
Like Picnic's?: Yea....sometimes
Like School?: Ummmm no comment =P
Like the color pink?: Umm reminds me of Brit =P
Wet the bed?: No thats the guys job
Collect anything?: Yea...stamps, music!!
Like to sing?: Oh yea =) Love it!
Like to shop?: Uh huh Im a girl comeon now!
Get in trouble a lot?: No
Wear make-up?: Yea


Go to an N Sync concert if you had free ticket?: I do get free yea lol
Ever get any body parts pierced?: Hmm no but thinkin of gettin my belly pierced what ya think?

What comes to mind when you see the word:

Fan Fiction: Un true and silly
Body roll: LOL damn! J and da guys =)
Wife-beater: J and da guys
Forever: True love...sugarbaby
Love: Sugarbaby and love for da guys
Chocolate: Hmmm....good!!
Crazy: Me Crunk and Chris!
Goldfish: Ummmm gold LOL
Whoopie: Cushin! LMAO j/k
Candle: Romantic dinner =) with that special someone
Bubbles: J (Yelena..ya know why I said this) Fun
Leather: Yummy...gotta get a pair of leather pants!
Internet: Fun, meet people
Survey: Time consumin


What is your favorite/best pick up line: Hmm..well I like "I think God must have taken the stars from above and puttin them in your eyes cuz they are sparklin girl" somethin to that sort.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Yea =) My Gemini and Leo teddy bears!
If you are what you eat, then what would you be: Seriously...Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream YUMMY!!
If you could be any super hero, who would you be: Hmm well I know Joey would be Superman, but me dont know.
Would you rather be seen picking your nose in public or seeing your boyfriend/girlfriend pick his/her nose and eat it: SAY WHAT! LOL..umm Id rather pick my nose in public. =(
Do the curtains match the carpet: *looks* yea =)

Say Something about/to the other Crunkettes:
JAENNE: Hey girlie! Sup Im glad we are friends, Jaenne is a nice person and a good friend!
YELENA: All I gotta say for this is..."Giddy up giddy up ride it ride it!!" LOL Yelena I love ya girlie! Thanks!
HEIDI: Hmm Heide...HI I luv ya too!! Thanks for bein my friend..and we gotta get together one time!
FANNYA: Well lets see da girl is da bomb! Hehe just cuz its MOI!! =)


Hmm well gotta say hi to all my friends! Ya know who you guys are!! Almost Perfect baby!!!! we are GONNA ROCK DA MUSIC CHARTS!! I love da guys with all my heart, soul and mind! Sugarbaby I love you too!! =) Hehe...lots I want to say so I just wont say it =P Bye all Love Fannya Be with God and Gods with you! "You can make anythin come true as long as you believe in it and are determined" Laterz! YES YES HERE WE GO!!