About Me

Hi, da name's Edin and I'm the bastard that created this here web site :). I thought I might write some info about myself to let ya know who I am. Well I'm 22, male and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I sometimes have trouble explaining to non-Bosnian/Sanjaklian people that I am in fact a member of the male human species, but its cool. Even when I tell some non-Bosnian/Sanjaklian people that I am male they still don't believe me, uffff some people :P. I'll describe how I look..., I have brown eyes, short brownish-blackish hair, I'm 179 cm tall and weigh 78 kilo's, and I'm medium built.

I'm also a full-time uni student, and I study at Victoria University of Technology (VUT) at Footscray. I'm up to my final year now and hope to finish this course! The course I'm doing is Business Information Systems, or in other words Business mixed together with Computing. But I like the course, it has things about computers that I like, like programming, systems analysis, helping you become a technical support person, helping you become a good manager and communicator and other areas too. Hopefully I can finish and get out there and work with nice people, and earn good money and drive a nice car around :P. Stuff all of us want.

As you can probably gather I'm not originally from Australia, although I was raised here and have lived here almost all my life. I was born in a town called Novi Pazar (for a nice photo of Novi Pazar click here) which is in a little province in Serbia (unfortunately and not by our own choice) called Sanjak. For those of you out there that don't know where Sanjak is click here. Sanjak is a mainly Muslim province (officially 56% Muslim) and its status for now is still unresolved. There is a great deal of people out there that have quoted the Muslim population of Sanjak to be as high as 75% Muslim. The reason Sanjak is quoted officially as being 56% Muslim would be explained by the mass exodus of people from a lot of the areas and towns in Sanjak to Bosnia, in particular to Sarajevo as the war in Kosovo was taking place and after the war there finished. We Sanjaklians have always been treated as second class citizens within our own boundaries and a great deal of us believe we will be the targets of more public Serbian oppression, this oppression is found in all facets of life in Sanjak. Because Sarajevo has a very high percentage of Muslims living there, a lot of our people have fled there hoping for more understanding from our fellow Muslim Bosnian brothers. We Sanjaklians are not Serb, even though we are situated there and as I mentioned previously - not by our own choice. We are Bosniak people, hence we treat Bosnia as our mother country, the same as what Australia does with Britain. So what can I say, the Balkan region is not a good place to be living in, which is why my dad decided to bring us to Australia all those years ago, and I ain't complaining to be here that's for sure, but the chicks here can make life difficult for us guys. I'm sure you fellow males from Australia out there can relate to what I'm talking about here :).

OK, now I'll talk about what I like and dislike.


Well I'm into watching a lot of sport. I'm mainly into cricket (GO DA VICS!), Aussie Rules (GO DA HAWKS!), Rugby (GO DA STORM!) and the local version of Basketball (GO DA TIGERS!). I also like Formula One Motor Racing (GO SCHUMACHER!) and I don't mind boxing either. Now love him or hate him, Mike Tyson is one mean dude and most boxers out there are scared shitless of him. That's my opinion of him anyway.

I also like music as well. I'm into anything that anybody is listening to. I'm like that with music, even though I used to be a huge Metal head about 6-7 years ago. But you know times change, people change, and you learn to accept other people's music tastes. But one particular music style I didn't like was music from my own country or surrounding areas. Funny as it may seem to some people, I just hated it with a passion. Mainly because I always thought Bosnian/Sanjaklian music was just folk music or music that was only for older people. But recently I've been listening to some Bosnian Rock that I got from my brother's friend and I've been impressed with what I've been hearing. The music just makes you get up and dance around the place. Sometimes when I find the time (uni, uff, what can you do) I go to Bosnian disco's for Bosnian youth and when the DJ play's certain tracks, girls and guys literally run up to the dance floor and go off. Bands that are really cool are Bijelo Dugme, Divlje Jagode, Crvena Jabuka, and other's that I don't the names of.

Don't get me wrong here, there are some good Bosnian/Sanjaklian singers out there like Rizo Hamidovic (the tenor of Sanjak) and Safet Isovic (the tenor of Bosnia) are some examples of good singers that make some good music. In terms of the local talent, there is Muriz Kurudzija. But Bosnian Rock for me has been like a breath of fresh air, cos the words help me learn my language and help me associate more better with people from Bosnia/Sanjak more better. Because to be honest, I don't know my Bosniak that well, but I am improving on it as I talk to more of our people and listen to more of our music.

I'm also into religion as well, but mainly Islam. There is always things to learn about Islam and heaps of things to learn from it as well. But I don't mind chatting with people from other faiths and discussing with them what they find good about their religion or what they find bad about their religion. Its always interesting to listen to what people have to say about their faith's and when I listen to people discussing Islam and elements about Islam people find controversial it surprises me. Because these elements are quite normal and logical and can be applied to everyday life like praying 5 times a day, it's simply a matter of not being lazy and being dedicated. Praying is something I strive to improve, as I'm not a good Muslim and trying to improve my Iman (as we Muslims say) is always foremost in my life.

If you talk about girls, well I'm into girls that like to talk a lot and laugh a lot, and girls that make me laugh cos I like to have a good laugh. Basically girls that like to have a good time, now when I say good time I mean going to the movies, going bowling, going for walks in parks or beside lakes and so on, ...romantic sort of places. I like girls that like who they are, not girls that like to be something other than what they are, cos its sad how a lot of girls out there starve themselves in order to have what they call a "perfect body" or having a body like one of those model's on TV, which is just not reality. I mean look at it this way, this girl told me once, "looks disappear with age but your personality doesn't", and I reckon she hit the nail on the head.

In terms of food, well I can never go past a doner kebab, yum :). Especially a kebab from Amasya Kebab Shop in Footscray. Let me tell you people, they make the best kebab's you will ever taste. I've been to a lot of kebab shops around Melbourne but the way Amasya makes kebab's is second to none, ...really excellent. In terms of our food, I like Pita. For you people out there that aren't Bosnian/Sanjaklian, Pita is spinage with onion mixed together and its placed in pastry and rolled into a snake sort of shape and its then placed in a baking tray and cooked. But baby when it comes out of the oven the smell is so yum, and the taste....well its like heaven :). Other food that I like from our place is Pasul (which is beans with potato and meat mixed together), Corba (similar like Pasul but a bit different), Sujuk (dried meat), Ajvar (paprika with eggs) and other's that I can't think of at the moment.


I hate guys that think they are top shit, you know the one's, the one's that act all macho and tough and think they are Hercules or Tarzan or guys that act like smartarse's or act cocky. Same goes for girls, OK maybe not being like a Hercules or Tarzan but showing off themselves and as the Americans say "thinking they are all that". Grrr, drives me crazy. I also hate Baklava (wafers layered with nuts and water), I just can't stand Baklava, it looks OK but the taste puts me off.

mIRC Chat

I also chat as well, so if you wanna talk to me you can find me on the following servers and channels:

My nick is usually Edin (Austnet) or BaSs^MaN (IRCnet).

At the moment my web site is still under construction so I hope to update the site as often as possible. But at the moment this will do. I just wanted to have something up and running and I hope you like the site thus far. If you haven't already, then please sign my guestbook and tell me what you think of my web site - Good or Bad.

If you ever want to write to me sometime, feel free and be my guest, my email is address is e_kecap@hotmail.com.

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