What other people think...

"I'd love so much to meet them. They have that nuclear energy and humour that means they'll always succeed. They're the only women I've read about in the last two years who I've thought, 'God, I bet it'd be brilliant to go out and do a pub-crawl with them.' I think I'd be scared of meeting them. I've already fallen in love with them, and if we didn't get on my heart would be broken."
Shirley Manson in Select.

"They're a big bunch of sex, that band Kenickie. They're a big, raw-boned bunch of fucking sex - all three of them and the boy. I hope they get good. I hope we're a good example to them, I hope this record's huge and then the big labels will start sniffing around and then those big fucking raw-boned sexy Newcastle girls will be huge and have Number Ones and there will be an Amazon planet the way I want it."
Courtney Love in Vox

I love them. I think Lauren is a great front woman. I think they should be more smart in pop."
Sophie Ellis Bextor from theaudience in an on-line chat thing answering the question "What do you think of Kenickie?" asked by me, aren't I clever.

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