[ FAQ ]

this is a bunch of frequently asked questions about matchbox 20. if you see something here that is wrong, a question you'd like answered, or you have something to add , please email Dawn or Carrie.

FAQ Compiled By:

- Version 1.0
- Version 2.0

SECTION 1: About the Guys
1.1 Who is Matchbox 20?
1.2 Matchboys Birthdays
1.3 Shoe Sizes-the mystery is over!
SECTION 2: What's in a Name?
2.1 The Band Name
2.2 CD Name
2.3 Nicknames
SECTION 3: Previous Bands/Other CDs
3.1 Tabitha's Secret
3.2 Compilations
3.3 Tribute Album
SECTION 4: Awards
4.1 Awards mb20 has been nominated for....
4.2 Awards mb20 has won....
SECTION 5: Videos/Television Shows
5.1 Videos: Director/Synopsis
  • A. Long Day
  • B. Push
  • C. 3am
  • D. Real World
  • E. Back 2 Good
5.2 Talk shows/live performances
SECTION 6: Fan Stuff
6.1 Mailing Lists
6.2 Fan Mail Address-Atlantic Records
6.3 Newsletters

-----------> SECTION 1: ABOUT THE GUYS <---------------

1.1 Who is Matchbox 20:
Rob Thomas - lead vocals
Kyle Cook - lead guitar, vocals
Adam Gaynor - rhythm guitar, vocals
Brian Yale - bass
Paul Doucette -- drums
Joey Huffman-keyboard

1.2 Matchboys Birthdays!
Rob-February 14, 1972
Kyle-August 29, 1975
Adam-November 26, 1963
Paul-August 22, 1972
Brian-November 14, 1964

1.3 The mystery of the shoe sizes? Who's is who's?
If you have the album, you know there's a part listing the band's shoe sizes in no particular order. Here is what they really are:
Rob: 9 1/2
Kyle: 11 1/2
Adam: 13
Brian: 9 1/2
Paul: 8

-----------> SECTION 2: WHAT'S IN A NAME <--------------

2.1 Where did they get their name?
According to Rob & Paul the name dates back to their waiting tables in Florida, and it hardly made a good first impression. A guy walked into the place I was working & I wish I knew who this guy was because I have no clue," Douchette explained. He had a big number twenty on a softball shirt... a bunch of patches all over it and the only word that I saw from the patches was the word 'matchbox' and I was like 'Matchbox 20.' At the time I wanted to start a clothing company. I was like 'Matchbox 20 clothing company' but then I said the name of the band." "We hated it," Thomas said of the band's reaction to the idea. "They were like "That is the dumbest name in the world," Douchette added. Then like a month later Rob's like "Matchbox 20."
-article from MTV online

2.2 Where'd they come up with "Yourself or Someone Like You"?
The band came up with the name for their CD, when Rob and Paul were at a cafe, they were both drunk, and a girl was playing a song she dedicated to "Yourself or Someone Like You." They had originally named their album "Woodshed Diaries" but they thought the other name was so cool so they called up their record label and told them they wanted to change it and they had already sent everything out. So it took the band 2 years until they released their album, and to date it has sold 8 million copies. An interesting fact about the man on the cover of the album is, that the man used to sit outside of the studio everyday. The band members would go out and talk to him between takes. He had been a welder. He got paid a modeling fee, but in the beginning he wasn't supposed to be used for the cover, then they changed their minds. Quite fickle band members wouldn't you say?

2.3 Nicknames for the Guys
Brian is sometimes called Pookie! Rob is affectionately called an asshole(if the shoe fits....), Adam's most famous nickname is HashBrown.

-----------> SECTION 3: PREVIOUS BANDS & OTHER CD'S <---------------

3.1 Tabitha's Secret
Rob, Paul, and Brian previously were in a band called Tabitha's Secret. Don't Play with Matches was released in 1997. It features 13 Tracks including the original versions of " 3 A.M. " ," Forever December " and " Tired ". "Dizzy" is the hidden (13th) track. As of 1/10/99 -A Tabitha's Secret Live CD is in the works, see http://www.radzone.org/tsecret/ Though no official track list has been released the following are to be included: Million Miles, This is Not a Lovesong, and Loss, Strain and Butterflies.

For more info contact:
Forbidden Records P.O. Box # 555488
Orlando, FL. 32855-5488

3.2 Compilations
Aware 3 -The Compilation features 3am-the second version from TS(released 1995) Absolute hits from Atlantic Recording Artists(available now)-features 3am(the mb20 version)

3.3 Tribute Albums
Legacy: A Tribute to Fleetwood Mac's Rumours Matchbox 20 covers Never Going Back Again. The song is made haunting and unforgettable. It's a great change from the original version.

-----------> SECTION 4: AWARDS <---------------

4.1 Awards Matchbox 20 has been nominated for...
12/97 Amercian Music Awards

  • Favorite Album(pop/rock)
  • Best New Artist
  • Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group-Push
8/98 MTV Viewer's Choice Award-3am
11/98 AMA Favorite Album(pop/rock)
3/99 Blockbuster-Favorite Modern Rock Group

4.2 Awards Matchbox 20 has won
1/98 Best New Band Rolling Stone-Reader's Poll
3/98 Blockbuster Favorite Group
11/98 Billboard FAN.tastic video award-3am

-----------> SECTION 5: Videos & T.V. Shows <---------------

5.1 Directors/Synopsis
Matchbox 20 has made 5 videos to date. They all have their own brand of humor. And they each have a unique personality that helps portray Rob's thoughts behind the song. Following is a brief description of the video and some quotes behind the songs.

A. Long Day
Director: Roger Pistole
Long Day was the group's first video and the budget showed. It appeared that Rob was a taxi driver who drove around a prostitute. He seemed able to look into her life and see the hopelessness. Between scenes with the prostitute-the group was seen singing and playing on the roof of a building and in a freight elevator(as Adam held the button so the elevator doors wouldn't close). The taxi Rob drove has a large 20 on the top!
-Rob said on an AOL chat -"Long Day is about how a day in a bad relationship can feel like forever."

B. Push
Director: Nigel Dick
Push is full of symbolic meaning. As it begins Rob is seen playing with a marienet. The group is performing in an alleyway as Rob is shown in different situations ie: chained to a wall, being "pushed around" in a crowd of people, trapped in a box. Each of these situations is symbolic of the relationship he was in. In a more humorous moment Rob is seen sitting on a bed as you briefly see some naked ladies butts. And damn he looks good in those leather pants. At one point Rob is shown as a blind man with a money cup in his hand as well as a scarecrow.
- Rob said" It's about emotional violence and emotional abuse. It's about being manipulated and controlled." "Push was writted about a girl I was living with" says Thomas "She treated me like shit and I didn't care because I was so gaga."

C. 3 A.M.
Director: Gavin Bowden
" I usually get my best ideas when I'm walking," says Thomas when asked about his songwriting approach. "I used to do a lot of hitch hiking when I was younger, from 17 to 20, and I'd spend a lot of time at 3 in the morning sitting on an off-ramps for hours."
"The general feeling of 3am is the feeling of being around others and yet feeling alone"
3am seems to be the video that shows Rob's pain and loneliness the most(maybe because it's about his mom). His feelings are clear as he sits on a sidewalk(with ice beside him), as he watches a woman grocery shop, and as he walks on an off-ramp. The video flashes to all the matchbox men as they stand alone ie: Paul in a phonebooth, Kyle and Brian beside some phones. As the video ends, the band is shown playing and singing as it rains behind them.

D. Real World
Director: Matthew Rolston
Real World is a satirical video. It shows the band members in various situations ie: Rob in a bowling alley with a camel, Paul in a skirt and heels, Kyle as an ice-cream man handing out a steak, Rob and Paul as customers pointing out the ice-cream they want, Adam eating breakfast with a family, Rob as a newscaster as Brian directs. In my opinion, the best part is seeing Paul dressed as a waitress with red hair. Paul makes an awfully sexy woman.
- "Real World was just.....we were going to make a record and I was never going to be a policeman.....and if I weren't doing that, would everything change? Would everybody think of me the same as if I were working in fast-food restaurant?"

E. Back 2 Good
Director: Paul Hunter
Back 2 Good is based on the Brazilian movie "Black Orchid." It portrays a South American version of Mardi Gras. In Rob's own words" It's a dark video and we chose our wardrobe accordingly." The director states "The video is full of chaos and turmoil and we put the band right in the middle of it."
- Back 2 Good is about the "consequences of cheating."

5.2 Talk Shows/Live Performances
7/97 Letterman-Push
11/97 Letterman-3am
1/98 AMA Push
4/98 MTV Live from the 10 Spot
7/98 Jay Leno-Real World
7/98 Fanatic
May 1, 1999 Pay Per View Concert set to premiere!!!!

-----------> SECTION 6: Fan Stuff <---------------

6.1 MB20 Mailinglists
There are a million floating around it seems. If you'd like yours or one you're on advertised here, please email me. Please include the name of your mailinglist, how to subscribe, and any other info like if it's a digest.

Matchbox 20 News: http://www.listbot.com/cgi-bin/subscriber
Coollist- subscribe at matchbox20@coollist.com

6.2 Fan Mail address
Matchbox 20
c/o Atlantic Records
9229 Sunset Blvd.
Suite 900
Los Angeles, CA 90069

6.3 Newsletters
Rob Lovers-The Unofficial Rob Thomas Fan Club - http://www.angelfire.com/fl/roblover
Rob's Real World Heaven - http://members.tripod.com/~matchbox20yeahbaby
Unofficial Kyle Cook Fan Club - http://www.angelfire.com/ky/kyleloffers
Adam Gaynor Fan Club - http://www.angelfire.com/fl/adamlovers

"i wonder what its like to be a superhero"