The Fillmore Story! Pics at the BOTTOM!

OK, we’ll start on the street outside the Fillmore. From about 60ft I saw Daniel and Ben with his cowboy hat strutting down the street towards the entrance. So I walked straight towards them and told them "you guys are so cute." And they said "thank you," "we are already to late."

After awhile another car came and all the girls came out. I told Anna, "we’re sad you’re leaving,’ and she replied, "I know, I am sad too." Then I told her, "Good luck today," she said "Thanks." So me and my sister along with two new friends just hung out and talked. Well to our wonderful surprise, this dark, green Caravan (license plate 3EWJ139, detailed huh?) came and stopped net to us, and who was inside? DARREN!!!. I could almost immediately see Darren changing to the Darren Hayes Popstar mask. Well the door came open, and Darren looked at me ad said "HI". I said, "Hi Darren, you remember me?" He Said, "yeah,’ and gave me hug. YES! Then he gave my sister a hug and my friend Rebecca. Darren was wearing Blue Jeans and a Blue Jean jacket. He was then lead to the front of the stairs where I managed to sneak in a couple of pictures. By the time he got to the top of the stair case he shook his butt and slapped it for us. This is the precise time when we saw the Red boxers!!! HEE HEE

Some fans had passed by carrying posters , so we (sister and friends) went to look for these gifts. We spotted a Z95.7 van, we went and asked for a poster and they all gave us one poster and free Crash and Burn Cd’s. Those CAB singles aren’t even being sold here yet. So yes we scored again!!! Well then we walked back in line, and we saw Darren come down the stairs. So went to go and see him. My sister asked him to sign her SG tag and he said. "I like your shirt.". The same shirt I had designed and worn years ago. So then as he was signing my SG tag, my sissaid "Oh thanks, its my sisters, " and he said that "oh that’s sweet." I told him, "yeah that’s the shirt I wore when you came to talk to me during the Jay Leno show the first time you were on." He said, "Yeah I recognize your face." He smiled and moved on. Rumor had it, he went to do some press, or went to eat.

Well some guys from CMC California Music Channel, wanted to interview us live over the radio, but instead he taped us for video. Also this other very nice lady came to interview us too for the SG website, said "if you haven’t see Leonie’s updates it lacks some footage. Then I told her "that we were all excited and waiting to get inside." Possibly the same woman Darren was talking about, when he mentioned this other organized person. Time went on and we got to go inside. The concert was great. Anna remembered me from Donny and Marie and during the show we had a smiling war. J The same with Lee. I was standing next to a guy who was part of the Two Hour Tour and he told me that Darren had chosen these girls because they wrote their own songs. This other group Premier did well but sang and dance to someone else’s song. And a girl named "Lika" sang well but was very nervous. He also said that the band rehearsed in another studio close by. They had started setting up the scene around noon. Well Daniel, Darren and Anna saw my sign which was good, so that way I know he did see it. Darren kicked the camera and jumped and yes those pelvic thrusts were HOT. Also had a little fun with Anna and Angie, and Jennifer Blahema got a kiss on the cheek, to her surprise!

It was an amazing time had by all, smiles all around and even holding hands. He did talk about his wisdom tooth which was the lower right side. In case you are wondering. They performed 7 songs and 2 repeats and the remix of IKILY. And it was over. This very nice man walked over to me and gave me Darrens towel, and he also got me Darren’s water bottle. Yes score again!!! I let some girls touch it .

Well we all went outside and I got a chance to got backstage. The first person I saw was Daniel who was drinking some beer and talking with three others. So I hung around people from Columbia both from LA and New York. So Daniel managed to break free and came to sign autographs. We took a pic and he signed my shirt on the his picture which was my stomach area. Hee Hee Perfect. Well the I saw Ben and Lee, and something told me not to bother them so I didn’t. Instead I saw Karl and he was wondering his way here and there. I asked for a pic and he said "Sure" We had 3 pictures taken and 2 of them the flash didn’t turn out. He kept on saying he’ll take the picture, and we were just arm in arm, head to head, and side to side. He is very CUTE!!! He told me "That was fun." Well then Leonie walked by and I asked her if it was her, she said "yes" I thanked her for the updated on the web site and all the BBSers say Hi. Then I told her about the Cereal Box request *for those of you who know what I’m talking about* and she just chuckled. Thought it was cute. Well then I asked for a pic with her and she said sure and Karl took our pic, he did a great job too. I told her I brought something for Darren and she offered to give it to him, but I said "he won’t know its from me," so she said "He inside talking to some friends, let me go and get him." By this time I went to put my stuff down and some people left, and only 7 more fans waited. So I got ready and joined the rest of the girls. He came out through the curtain and pointed at me and said, "we go way back." We smiled at each other and others also were looking at me with a bewildered look. He said, "oh my goodness I never had so many people waiting for me." So he knelt down and right before he signed an autograph he pulled something out of his mouth and said "gross," it was hair. HA HA. He signed all the girls autographs and took some pics. So they began to leave. Oh he had already stood up after the autograph for the little girl. He pointed at me again and said, "You're a CUTIE!" Yes, I just smiled, oh by the way I am in my 20s. Those words came out of his mouth!!! Ahhh I am reliving the moment. We talked about my small gift and he was completely curious and interested in it. We whispered and smiled back and forth, he got close to me so we spoke close to our ears. I felt all eyes were on us. Curious as to know what we were talking about. He loved my gift. Then he looked at me with this beautiful gaze and said "HUG, HUG!" SO we did and he told me "I LOVE your hugs they are so careful and tender." Well then I asked for a picture and and we had quite an adventure attempting the "Sexy Pose." (Inside joke for Darren and I!) His bare arms were around me and his hand was touching my hair, we were chest to chest really tight. Picture flashed and I thought the moment was over so then I remembered my shirt. So I put some things down and borrowed a Sharpie and asked for one last request, for him to sign my shirt and he said "yeah sure." He took the pen and signed the top part of my shirt ( he was being considerate and didn’t want to ruin the picture) but then I told him "Darren, Daniel signed it on his side," he said " Oh ok, I didn’t want to sign on your breast, I might get arrested." I said, "I won’t tell!" We all had a smile. He said he would sign on his "belly." Oh that was AMAZING. I said good bye and bye to Leonie who was there the whole time. Then I went down those stairs just as he had and looked over to the crowd. Daniel came shortly afterward and led to a car. Then Darren came down and was also led to a car. He signed an autograph and pictures were just taken of him, and he said "BYE" and off he went. You know, I felt completely comfortable talking to him, it was not the first time, but still there is something about him. I loved every single moment. Oh yeah the moment that Darren and Anna spent was when he found out she was leaving they "had a moment and we cried." Anna said.