"It's been 3862 days since Blur formed as Seymour, a shambolic, alcoholic, art-rock four piece from England's sleepy, violent, marginal dormitory towns. In the course of those 3862 days they've fought with themselves and others, been to the very brink of self-destruction and still found time to become the most significant and important British bands of the nineties."

September the 11th and 12th of 1999 saw the 10 year anniversary of Blur. To commemorate the occasion a one-off exhibition of various artwork memorabelia and press articles were put on show in London's Lux Gallery. All four members of the band were present at some time during the two day event, the weekend culminating in various items from the bands history being auctioned off - all proceeds going to the gallery itself.
For those of us unlucky enough not be able to attend this event, the best bits of the exhibition have been put online in almost virtual reality. Log onto and experience the Blur exhibition using a new technology called IPIX. This allows the user to walk around the exhibition on-line, zooming into any exhibits that take their interest, as they would do if they were actually there.
To use this technology you will need to download a plug-in for your broswer called IPIX. All the information of how to do this is featured on the site.

  • All images from