Morbid Angel Discography


Malogo.gif (16203 bytes)                       Animated.gif (92095 bytes)



Altars.gif (99538 bytes)

Altars Of Madness- 1989

Abomin.gif (107943 bytes) 

Abominations Of Desolation- 1991

Blessd.gif (110936 bytes)

Blessed Are The Sick- 1991

Covenan.gif (88996 bytes)

Covenant- 1993

Laibach.gif (78290 bytes)

Laibach Re-mixes - 1995

Domina.gif (107186 bytes)

Domination- 1995

Entang.gif (77908 bytes)

Entangled In Chaos- 1997

Formulas.gif (94625 bytes)

Formulas Fatal To The Flesh- 1998

Rapture.Zip (short quicktime movie)



Animat3.gif (7351 bytes)