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"This is a jazzy sort of number", KRANKTUS' buzz-grind bassist/vocalist Taras Ochota lies with a sly smile.  Their pummelling assault is about to begin. 

     What the hell is going on???? 

It's Mayhem. 

Guitars pistoning like big dirty engines, thick mountainess bass Grrr's are fuzzing out the room; the drummer is driving us home with his schizophrenic intensity;  and to top it off, Taras is up front doing what looks like a  
'Panicked goose shouting "fire in the hole!" 

The song is a stainless steel beast , and it's only one of many. 

Another purely KRANKTUS moment. 

KRANKTUS have sold out their debut CD, 'Virus' which occupied number one spot in the 'South Australian Real Music' charts for 7 weeks. 

Remaining in those charts for months to follow, Virus was also positioned at number 6 in Three D Radio's top 100 releases for 1996. 

Big Star Records rated Virus as the 2nd highest seller of local music, 'Ill at Ease', by The Mark of Cain being first,

This Grind-Core punk madness has attracted a huge following in South Australia, especially the coastal areas.  KRANKTUS are one of Adelaide's cutting edge bands, regularly playing alongside The Mark of Cain as well as having supported such bands as Spiderbait, The Cosmic Psychos, Bodyjar, Shihad, Budd, The Living End, Def FX, The Exploding White Mice, One Inch Punch, Ricaine and Ammonia, not to mention all the bands that played at the Big Day Out 1996 in Adelaide. 

KRANKTUS have just released 'Heckler', their 2nd independent CD which has been financed through their own merchandise sales.  Distributed by Bastard Records, Heckler is instore now, or you can order a copy online



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