ARNOLD DALE PARKS was born August 14, 1919 in Illinois. The only child not born in Breathitt County. He is the son of CLEVELAND PARKS & SARAH SWEENEY. He married ROXIE IRENE SMITH (known as Irene). She was born May 25, 1925. She died February 5, 1986. She is buried in the Parks Cemetery on Shockey Fork. They had 16 children. Dale has lived in Kentucky his whole life. He was a farmer. 1. DARLENE born Septmeber 16, 1944 2. DONNIE born 1945 3. DELMER born April 2, 1946 4. DUARD born May 25, 1947 5. DILLARD born 194? 6. MADELENE born March 13, 1950 7. CARTIS BEACH born February 9, 1952 8. CHALMER born 1953 9. ELMER born August 23, 1954 10. OVA WAYNE born December 24, 1955 11. SARAH ANN born March 29, 1957 12. ARNOLD DALE born October 3, 1958 13. NORENE born January 1, 1960 14. GROVER born May 24, 1961 15. LEOTA born August 17, 1962 16. SCOTT born January 4, 1964 |
8/14/1919 |
1. DARLENE was born September 16, 1944. She married ?. They had 2 kids: 1A.WENDELL (1960) Wendell married RHONDA ?. They have 2 kids: 1A(1) JUSTIN 1A(2) MITCHELL 1B. LYNN Darlene's husband was killed.She was married to JAMES BOWLING and they live in Ohio. They had 2 kids: 1C. JAMES jr (196?) Jim married KELLY ?. They have 2 kids: 1C(1) FEMALE 1C(2) FEMALE 1D. DARYL 2. DONNIE was born in 1945. He is deceased and is buried in the Dunn Cemetery. 3. DELMER was born April 2, 1946. He married OLEDITH GILLUM March 25, 1966. They had 4 sons: 3A.TIMOTHY 3B. DONALD 3C. RICKY 3D. JEFF 4. DUARD was born May 25, 1947. He married OGELEE GILLUM June 24, 1964 in VanCleve, Ky. Ogelee was born June 26, 1946 in Campton, Ky. They have 3 kids: 4A. DAVID ALAN born March 14, 1965 in Campton, Ky. David married MAXINE JOHNSON on December 15, 1990. 4B. DARRELL KEITH born June 22, 1969 in Campton, Ky. On June 20, 1992 he married SANDRA FLINCHUM who was born March 30, 1974. They had a daughter: 4B(1) COURTNEY IRENE born July 4, 1994. She was born in Lexington, Ky. 4C. DUARD ELVIS born June 12, 1978 in West Liberty, Kentucky. He has a son with GWEN. They were married in 2003. 4C(1) TRAVIS KIELEN 5. DILLARD was born in 1949. He died March 1, 1953 and is buried in the Dunn Cemetery. 6. MADELENE was born March 13, 1950. On September 29, 1967 she married REX STAMPER. They have a son: 6A. RANDELL 7. CARTIS BEACH (known as Beach) married MARIE CAMPBELL on February 24, 1973. They had a son: 7A. CARTIS BEACH Jr. He married VENUS.. Beach & Marie divorced. Beach died August 24, 1997. |