JAMES was born September 9, 1921 in Breathitt County Kentucky and died August 16, 2007 in Breathitt County. He is the son of CLEVELAND PARKS & SARAH SWEENEY. He married FERLANI SMITH and they had 2 kids: 1. JAMES GREELEY PARKS was born March 9, 1945, he was married to BONNIE ROBINSON. They had 3 kids: 1A. JASON SCOTT born January 8, 1984 1B. BONITA KAY born July 10, 1988 married BRANDON COOMER on October 21, 2006 1B(1) JAMES MATTHEW was born March 26, 2008 in Lexington, KY 1C. CRYSTAL LYNN born November 26, 1989 Jimmy also has: TAMMY JANE JOHN WESLEY PATTY JOANNE JAMES GREELY JENNIFER GALE Jimmy is now married to MARIE 2. SANDRA JOANNE lives in Frankfort, Kentucky. She has 2 kids: 2A. UNKNOWN 2B. UNKNOWN Jim & Ferlani divorced. He married BETTY OGLE and they had 2 kids: 3. RICKY ALLAN was born March 6, 1954. He is married to DONNA. 4.VICKY JEAN was born March 2, 1957. She married SAM DOLLAHAN 4A. SAM DOLLAHAN Jr his dad is SAM DOLLAHAN 4A(1)MELISSA 4B. LISA DOLLAHAN her dad is DWIGHT EVANS 4B(1)SEBASTIAN 4B(2)ARIEL 4B(3)JASMINE Vicky divorced Sam and is now married to JACK JORDAN. Jim and Betty divorced also. Jim lived in Indiana for several years. About the last 20 years he lived in Van Cleve, Kentucky. |
WILLIE was born in Breathitt County Kentucky on October 18, 1932. He is the son of CLEVELAND PARKS & SARAH SWEENEY. Willie married UNKNOWN EVERLY 1. MARY Willie lived in Indiana most of his life but moved back to Kentucky about 1984. A few years back Willie had a stroke. He is now living in the Nim Henson Nursing Home in Jackson, KY. We would like to talk to Mary and get to know her if possible. Last time we knew she was in Florida about 10 years ago. |
J I M |
9/09/1921-08/16/2007 |
10/18/1932 |