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Hello and Welcome to Christine's site, "sunshine_lolypops".
To download the song "Sunshine Lollipops" click here
Messages: "If the door is open, don't smash the wall to get out"
Here's some useful hints about using the site: Look on the left side of your computer screen and there's a bright green colored box (column) with words inside it. Clicking on the words/pix in that box will take all around my site (that column is on each page). You will be able to experience: the beauty, the wonder, my retardation and most importantly the bright colors!
Here's some useless info about the site: I began making this site all by myself in December 2000. There really isn't much of a reason for my site to be called sunshine_lolypops. I believe I chose the name cuz the song ("sunshine lollipops") popped into my head one fine day and thought it was a good name since I like sunshine, lollipops, rainbows and everything that's wonderful. And yes, lolypops is really spelled lollipops but I can spell lollipops however I please.
Make sure you sign the guestbook so it can be filled! Check out pictures from Maries debut. My fave part of the site is created cuz it has pix I've made and so it has taken the most time... especially the cat. Also go to the slideshow which is a cartoon-ish type of thing I made. To E-mail me click here. live_pigs@hotmail.com I have some stories made up for y'all. Please don't copy them and sell them for a million bucks and keep the money! Give all the money to me! click here.. Stories!!
Here's how many special people have visited my site!