I've put some of my artwork online in my
Art Gallery.
My Interesting Fax & Email Page is a repository for some of the funny and interesting emails and faxes I've received. Trying to make ends meet? You might need my JavaScript-Enhanced Budget Calculator. My roommate and I compiled what we call The Rules of Polite Discourse, which have prevented and tamed many an argument. There's also a Certificate of the Right to Play, for kids of all ages. |
(Yes, I know there are a lot of dead links.)
© Sunny Snaith
Post Office Box 921521, Norcross, GA 30010-1521 http://www.oocities.org/sunshinepages/fun.html Last revision: February 19, 2001 |
(Since Jan 16, 1998) |
Sunny's Awesome Homepage: CREDITS, with acknowledgements for companies like GeoCities and CafePress.com. [PRIVACY STATEMENT]