My Gallery
Welcome to my gallery. Enjoy the pictures and check frequently for updates. Please do not copy or redistribute any images o rphotos found here without my permission. Contact me at if you want to use these or if you want to comment on my drawing or suggest something for me to draw. These are all drawn by me and I spent a lot of time on them. I would really appreciate it if no one stole my drawings. Thanks!

You can also see my pictures at and comment there. It would be better if you comment there instead of e-mailing me. Or you can sign my guestbook...which I would like eveyone who comes here to do.....^_^

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Faerie sitting on a flower
A unicorn with different color styles
A pegasus unicorn thingy
A person
A different person
Two unicorns
A warrior drawn for a school project
Cat girl
Mage colored with colored pencil
Chibi me in color
A drawing of one of the RPGE members
A Fire Fox Faerie ...and yes..she does have two tails
I drew this from a picture of myself.....I love the hair!
Me wearing a hat in color
A pic modeled after the first verse of Everybody's Fool by Evanescence....I love it!!!
The second pic following the song Everybody's fool(next two verses or something)
The picture of the last two verses of the song Everybody's Fool
DOne for the plushie contest...I won it too!!!!! ^_^
A picture for Pitch Black Nyx of her character Nyx....umm only a basic sketch.
Done for my friend from Elftown, Hope she likes! ^_^
A shaman women outcaset due to her sex (in progress)
This is me on the bus having artists block, Tapping pencil on my knee adn listening to a totally differnt style, i wanna watercoor it ^_^
This is Morgause for my comic in Literature about The Once and Future King
Entry for a contest with elves... ^_^
Another contest: Tarot card for the hanged man
This is me and my cats.. the one with the bone is Sushi and the one that is sleeping is Wasabi. They both have a fasination with my head and so I one of them on there...
I alwaysed wanted a pet like this.. but what will Mom say?
For a contest... I want to make that shirt!!!
I couldn't decide which colors to put up ^_^' Elven warrior wounded (crappy scan)
Elven warrior character design (if you can't tell it was requested by a guy)
I really don't know... I just thought he was cool looking ^_^
Pirate. As a friend said,"That be one mad-sexy she-pirate."
Another pirate with another wuote by Kevin, "I must say, though it will probably sound like a breast-crazy shallow bastard, you managed to make that one risque enough that it's eye-catching, yet, it's still conservative enough not to be slutty." Thank you Kevin ^_^
Halloween picture for a contest ^_^
Quick little sketch of me from a mirror...
Same as above, but different quality.
Rose and her beloved who was lost at sea... (broken Link)
Rose in progress from the previous
A pirate Christmas in progress
My little five tailed fox for art.. I think it's cute ^^
Better pic of fox thingy taken by kevin.. thanks! *hugs*
Beginning of a picture, don't really know where I am going with it though...
WOLF!!! *pets it* MINE! ANyway.. this is multi media and It is fin.. not done yet though..

~*Fan Art*~

Dark Cloud from Kingdom Hearts
Gir from Invader Zim
Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas
San from Princess Mononoke
Edward Wong au Pepelu Tivrusky the 4th....enough said(done for Will.....hope you like it!)
Cloud and Valkyrie drawn as chibi people
Deedlit(Record of Lodoss War), Spike and Ed(Cowboy Bebop), Kenshin and Kauru (Ruroni Kenshin) and Vash(Trigun) in chibi from and just for the heck of it...jack skellington and zero in COLOR!!
KOS-MOS coloring in the process
Rena Lanford from Star Ocean in color

A picture of a squirrel at the Grand Canyon
A picture of my cat Sushi trying to fint in a basket...
My cats: above-sushi and below-wasabi

~*Text Stuff*~

These are the character descriptions for the story below
This is a pirate roleplay, almost like a story... it will be updated every once and a while so remember to check!
My first attempt at poetry.... I like it READ!!! and then tell me what you think.... Title "Between light and darkness, some find peace..."

~*Quiz results*~ This is what happens when Karis is VERY bored

I'm just watching a bad dream I'd never wake up from.
You're most like laid back bounty hunter. You're the cool headed Spike. Not much gets to you...seemingly. You hold some inner pain, but you keep it hidden as best as you can. Inner pain or not, you are incredibly bad-ass
Find out what anime bad boy you are.

Cutest little dragon master.
Confused about your sexuality? How about your allegiance with god? yeah, well I can't help you, but you must be cute in your evil little ways.
Find out what anime girl you are.

cold.. or are you?
You appear cool and calm, but really you have many bottled emotions inside. Besides that, you are dead sexy.
Find out what bishonen you are.

Ooooo Shiney!
You are that glittering thing that is currently attracting the majority of people...or if you aren't then try selling yourself in bulk. You are a good listener, and store more information than your predecessor. That new guy on the block is starting to make you nervous though...damn dvd-r's
What Random Object From Ydoc Nameloc's Room Are You?

Goofy, sweet, and a bit perverted. Usually your type tends to put an outward appearance of being a nutcase when they actually are quite serious and emotionally torn....and then some are just nutcases
Find out what anime character cliche you are.

You are intelligent and highly curious, which sometimes makes people think that you are evil.
What fuzzy creature are you?

What Goth Are You?

Legato Bluesummers
Find out what anime villan you are.

Find out what anime series you belong in.

Take the Anime Sountrack Quiz

