Kit Marlowe
and the
Templar preceptor
"to sleep: perchance to dream"                                                                 =

ale...and the preceptor's come!

preceptor..."he'd a mace stolen!"

preceptor..."he came and stole"

the preceptor...come and seal

con???  the Preceptor made seal

the preceptor...made *C* on seal...
to sleep: perchance to dream               =

O !  can pose the Templar creed !

to sleep: perchance to dream          =

a preceptor...scan ode..."the elm"

"the elm once..." a sad preceptor...

to sleep: perchance to dream       =

can a preceptor?
does the elm?
The elm at Gisors...    =

Hamlet's got sire...
A sad preceptor...?         =

C. Parr reads to E.R.

C. Parr to readers!
to sleep: perchance to dream  =

C. Parr  at Shene ?
Dee come? ...plot?

To Shene Palace, C.M.?!
Poet err'd?

To Shene Palace, C.P.?
Tome err'd???

To sleep: perchance to dream                   =

Hamlet...secret code?
rap, open?

Hamlet...encode a secret

plan secret map here...

ah! mere code?...
top secret plan!

Templar secret code???
oh! a pen! ...
Oh ! the Templar lay   =

or, the play *Hamlet*
to sleep: perchance to dream                    =

can compose...peer had letter
to sleep: perchance to dream                        =

note plot !  a C.M. speech, reader!

speech, reader?  
C.M. to pen a lot...
Templar page five
Shakespeare was a Templar?......
Kit Marlowe and the Templars  
templar page one

two       three         four

index or home
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Razes or Rennes-le-Chateau

   to sleep: perchance
           to dream     =

     meet a *de Chalons*...