Suntrekka Saga
Last Updated: 5/17/6

Welcome to the Suntrekka Saga!

Hi all! Have been back at work for the VA for 4 years! Sold Suntrekka and bought a small sloop for bay sailing. Thinking of the next adventure! Be well! BC
Suntrekka and I arrived in San Diego Harbor at 11:00 PM on 29 Dec 2001 after a boarding by both the Coast Guard and the Border Patrol outside the harbor. Both boardings went well and after clearing Customs and a few hours sleep I made my way through the bay to the Fiddlers Cove Navy Marina to be met by family, friends, and Channel 8 TV News. In the days that've followed, I've reconnected to civilization and enjoyed the company of my family and friends. I've gotten my first cell phone(thanks to sister Cathy and BIL Dana) and have been pretty good about not saying "over" when talking on it. A fruitless search for a permanent slip in San Diego has forced me to take a mooring in Fiddlers Cove. I've also been busy and successful at selling off the cruising toys such as the wind vane, wind generator, night vision scope, life raft, extra anchors and rode. While they are indispensable for sailing the world, they won't be used much or at all in coastal sailing here in southern California waters. I've also sold Suntrekka. After all we've been through, it was a tough decision. It's been a fantastic adventure and one hell of a challenge and none of it would have been possible without the help from Dad and many generous gifts of useful gear, food and supplies from Cathy, Steve, Lina, Shahr, Terry and Carmy and so many others. My will to keep pressing on was bouyied so often by the cards, letters and care packages from family and friends. Many people say "I don't know how you could do it!" Well, it wasn't only me. Sure, I was alone on Suntrekka for each and every day of the more than 280 days of sailing during passages that covered almost 30,000 miles, but I had the love and freindship of many people to keep me company on the darkest stormy nights. If anyone wants to know how I did it, that's it. Thanks to all of you, I've lived a life's dream! Bob Case, S/V Suntrekka

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