Sun Valley Ski Guy and Buddy
You have found it! You are finally here! Now relax and enjoy.......
Buddy and I have worked many hours to bring you information about our life. You will find pictures and information on; the Sun Valley / Ketchum area, our hobbies and interests, trips we have taken and even some stuff about our friends! Buddy has also included a list of fun places to visit on the Internet. The links on the left side (and buttons across the top) will navigate you through this site. Most photos are small thumbnails and if you click on them you will see a full size picture (if the pointer arrow turns to a hand, then click!). You will need to use the back button to return to the webpage after viewing the full size photos. There are also some "hidden" "secret" pictures ..... you will need to explore and search the entire site to find the special treats! Email Buddy and I if you find any! Click the mail box to send me or Buddy an Email. website by This page was last updated on 04/20/2015. |