Name: Duo Maxwell
Seiyuu: Toshihiko Seki
Age: 15 (16 in Endless Waltz)
Blood type:
Origin: L2 Colony
Hair color: Brown (chestnut,, take your pick)
Eye color: Violet (^_^ love that color)
Gundam: Deathscythe, later Deathscythe Hell (with wings! *.*)
History: Alright kiddies, gather around. Story time ^_^ Here goes. See origin up there? Not exactly where he was born. Duo was born somewhere near the colony and wound up there later. Anyhow, by the time he was, I dunno, 7-8, he was 'adopted' by a boy named Solo. Upon staying with Solo, Duo recieved his name for Solo felt since his own name was Solo but he was no longer alone, his friend should be Duo. Hence Duo's first name. Duo stayed with Solo for a while until Solo became ill with the disease that was infecting nearly everyone. Duo went to get the vaccine for Solo, but, by the time he had finally stolen it, Solo had died. Horrified, Duo refused to take the vaccine himself, hoping he would die too. However, Duo never even became sick.
After Solo's death, Duo continued stealing to make a living since no one would hire someone so young. Eventually, Duo made his way to stealing from Maxwell Church. He was caught and taken in by Father Maxwell and Sister Helen. They took care of him for a while and were the ones who first braided Duo's hair. After staying a while at the church, Duo went out to steal a mobile suit in order to protect the church from the army. While he was out, the church was burned down. Once Duo got back, he saw the church on fire and killed the men who did it. In honor of the church, Duo took on the last name of Maxwell.
Special Trait Worthy of Notice: He's unbearably cheerful and talks alot! ^_^
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Duo (used for thumbnail)
Basketball Duo
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Duo on a Moon Background
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