Youkai Name: Kurama
Human Name: Minamino Shuuichi
Youkai Seiyuu: Nakahara Shigeru
Human Seiyuu: Oogata Megumi
Human Birthday: March 29
Youkai Age: over 1,000 (or at least, it seems that way)
Human Age: from 15-19 (depending on place in the series)
Blood Type:
Weapons: Rose Whip (his most famous move)
Powers: control over plants (such as Shokuya Shiyoku butsu, and Makai no Mimosa)
Human Family: Mother, later a stepfather and stepbrother
Special Trait Worthy of Notice: he's very intelligent (he's the top of his class and seems to be the team strategist)
Image Gallery
Kurama (used for thumbnail)
Kurama and Hiei
Kurama, Both Forms
Youko Kurama
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