Yukito's Shrine

Name : Tsukishiro Yukito
Seiyuu : Ogata Megumi
Birthday: December 25
Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Blood Type: AB
Favorite Subject: Math
Least favorite subject: nothing
Extracurricular Activity: nothing (tho he does help out any that need extra members ^_^)
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Flower: Mealy primrose
Favorite Food: Anything
Hates to Eat: nothing
Best Recipe: Curry, stew
Most wanted item: A new lunch box
Family: Grandmother
Special Trait Worthy of Notice: This boy can eat! I mean, literally, he could beat Miaka ^^; Touya even admits that Yukito eats at least twice what he does during the time when he has soccer practice. Imagine a plate heaped with food. Double that. You now have Yukito's portion ^^;


Image Gallery

Touya and Yukito (used for thumbnail)
Yukito and Sakura
Clow Card
*SPOILER PICTURE* look at your own risk!
*Second SPOILER PICTURE* Also proceed w/ caution if you don't want to be spoiled!


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