My Links Page
Page is under Construction
My Bravenet Website Website I have worked on
Summer 2003, Some of the events I have taken pictures for this past summer including Tribal Journeys 2003
The Elder Conference
Two Weddings
Travels to the Westcoast
and more updates to come
Race Relations in Victoria
There are lots of links on this site, including many interactive photos, and a map of our Victoria Office, updates on a regular basis.
My 81X Website
This website was created after I returned from Europe in 1999, there are several photos from my trip to Greece and to England, with some stories of the journey.
NAVA-VIC Online Newsletter
Here is a website I built for some family members who were asking for pictures of the Canoe Races last summer in Duncan, I will be adding more photos when I get more time, check back or send me email and ask for more pictures.
A Newsletter I publish for the Veterans
on Vancouver Island, this site is updated every four months with a new Newsletter and more information about Veterans on Vancouver Island
Spring Fever 2005
Here is my most recent addition to some closeup photography with my new Sony Camera, let me know what you think.
A website about Tribal Journeys
This is a startup website which I had created last year.  I hope to upload more photos from the Tribal Journeys each year as I am able to travel with the canoes along the coast of Vancouver Island.
Another link to my present website
This link will soon be linked to another website which is still being built, as we are allowed to create up to 3 different profiles under one name, great for different subjects, and all built with   I will add another link here once I get the new website setup, check back. I also have another email address connected to V3
the other email addres is
send me email
A photo show about Lanzville
I rencently went to a reception for the Warren family in Lanzville, have a look at some of the pictures I took while up there, it is best viewed by the slideshow, which is at the top of the page. Enjoy and please send comments in the guest book.
My SMS website
This website will allow me to send and receive messages directly to my cel phone, my contacts can also send me messages if they want to, hint, hint
AOL has a photo sharing page where I can add photo albums and share them.  There is allot of space available to share these albums so check this link out
My Tripod Website
This is a colourful website hosted by Tripod, which is another free website hosting domain, signup for your website here, send me email or link back to my main page, more to come, check back and see what has changed
I joined up with Flixter, a movie website
I built a bit of a profile on this site, click on the link and see my profile or see what movies are playing