"It's the game of speed and
strategy!" Blockbusters was on NBC daytime twice. The first
time was from 1980-1982 with Billl Cullen as the host, and the
second time was from January 1987-May 1987 with Bill Rafferty as
In Bill Cullen's version. A family paired team played against a
contestant playing solo to try to see if two heads were better
than one. There was a board with four rows of five hexagons going
across the board and each hexagon had a letter. Contestants
picked a hexagon with the letter and a question was read. The
answer to the question began with the letter in the hexagon. The
first contestant who buzzed in with the correct answer won the
hexagon and control of the board. The object of the game was for
contestants to try to connect hexagons from one side to another.
The family pair would try to connect from side to side and the
solo player would try to connect from top to bottom. The first
team to do that won the game. The first team to win two games,
won the match and went to the Gold Rush for $5,000.
In Gold Rush, there was a board with four rows of five hexagons
going across the board and each hexagon had a letter or letters.
The answer to the question would start with the letter on the
board. (i.e. BTC: Game show hosted by Bud Collyer. Answer: Beat
The Clock). If the contestant connected from side to side, he/she
would win $5,000.
In the 1987 version hosted by Bill Rafferty, there were two solo
players, but the game was played the same. In the first round,
one contestant tried to connect from side to side while the other
tried to connect from top to bottom. In the second round, it was
reversed. In the third round, the board was even (the board had
four rows of four hexagons going across the board). First person
to win two games won the match and went to the Gold Rush for
$5,000. $5,000 was added to the jackpot each time the Gold Rush
was not won.