The Amazing Red
The Amazing Red

Height: 5’6”
Weight: 147 lbs.
Real name: Jonathan Figueroa
Hometown: Brooklyn, New York
Pro debut: 1999
Finishing move: Infra-Red (Corkscrew senton), 718 (Tiger Feint kick), Code Red (Sunset Flip Powerbomb), Red Star Press (Standing Shooting Star Press), Raging Red (630° Senton)
Other aliases: Sprigun, Fuego Guerrerro, Misterio Red, Red, El Rojos
Career highlights: ECWA Heavyweight Champion (2), HWA Heavyweight Champion, MCW Cruiserweight Champion, NYWC Interstate Champion, ROH Tag Team Champion (w/AJ Styles), TNA X Division Champion, NWA World Tag Team Champion (w/Jerry Lynn), ICW Heavyweight Champion, PWF Junior Heavyweight Champion (2), UCW Heavyweight Champion, UXW United States Champion (2)
Trained by: Mikey Whipwreck

TNA profile:

A former TNA X Division Champion, The Amazing Red has been a longtime fan favorite in TNA Wrestling.

The star joined TNA at its 2002 inception, quickly establishing himself as the premiere innovative high-flyer in the X Division. The agile Red wowed fans with his in-ring aerial assault, which ultimately led him to the X gold.

Unfortunately, Red suffered a near career-ending knee injury in 2004 that kept him on the sidelines for the entire year. After a lengthy rehabilitation process, Red was able to make his in-ring TNA return at June’s Slammiversary Pay-Per-View, competing in a six-way X match.

The Amazing Red has once again started his climb up the ladder of contention in the X Division, although it will be a tough road for the popular star as the X Division has grown in size and ability during his absence. Based on his past success, no one doubts Red can achieve the X Championship once more.