This is the offical Round One. Of a who knows how many series of expierments and projects
First rocket car up. The ol' K'Nex car. I simple modified its back wheels and widened its stance a bit so it wouldn't tubble over. Its not very exciting model. During its run it did well kept straight, but on the engine's ejection it made the bottle expand and it literally popped the engine right out; it was cool, but disapointing.
Next up is my friend's Storm Crow. The Storm Crow looking thing on the spoiler explains the name. This on had a dual engine design with a triad wheel format. It had good potential and had 2 pretty good runs, but the partchute deployement didn't work, its front wheel didn't hold well causing it not to drive straight plus it came off during one run. And it fell apart all together in the end.
Now its time to show off my pride and joy. I called mine 009 (I think that is some chick in the 007 series, which fits my beauty). My car had a dual engine design but wiht only one parachute deployment. It had a standard four wheel format and had the best coast distance of any of the rocket cars. It also had some really cool custom rims, oh yeah gotta fly in style. It helf really well, the first run its rims came off(they were only stickers) and the floor rips off too (which tells me that having it there would make a vacuum under the car to add resisitance to it making flight) Though I didn't see any difference in performance when it was gone. Its last run the engine mount got ripped right off, those little engines carry quite a punch. Overall it was the top performer (Least in my eyes).
The next two were borught by another friend of mine. He had two cars not really spectactular achivements of workmanship and design, but hella cool none the less. The frist on was REX (which I say stands for Rocket Experimental Exticnt Dinosaur, but who knows) The second car of his was simple, but had a cool paint job that changed from purple to blue depending on what angle the light hit it, pretty cool.