Episode 4: Game Over

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Last Time on Survivor
Each tribe was down to 7 members and whoever won the immunity challenge would have the upper hand after those next three days. Ucayali had lost Evelyn and Maranon did not have Devon anymore. This immunity challenge was important.

**Philip: It would be great if we won this, I'd get to strengthen my position here in the camp, if we loose I'll be gone**

But that wasn't on the minds of everyone after an accident that had made Philip hurt. But others didn't notice he was missing.

**Louis: It didn't affect us much...I didn't really notice Philip was gone.**

Ucayali proved that they were still in this game and again won the immunity challenge where they jumped across pillar-to-pillar sending Maranon back to tribal council, Jessica had a special immunity though and felt pretty good after stealing 40 cups of rice.

**Jessica: Haha! I have 40 cups of rice, I'm immune and I'm tricking people to vote for each other. Its all good!**

And alliances were starting to show,

**Yama: Well, I'm in an alliance with every girl in the tribe.**

**Elisabeth: Tatiana and David are aligned with me! And Jessica and Jacklyn still think I'm in theirs so it seems like I'm in 3 alliances but Tatiana and David are the real deal!!**

But after the vote it was clear whom people were annoyed with even if that person was doing the work. Jacklyn had been voted out of the game due to her annoying conversations to her other tribe members.

X Evelyn

X Jacklyn
X Devon

One Survivor

-Maranon Camp-
-Day 10-

Tatiana searched vigorously around the camp searching for rice that had seemed to disappeared, was it because of Jacklyn and Jessica helping her cook, or did they just start to run out.

**Jessica: That Tatiana girl has all the rest of the rice in her bag, I can't get to it now!!!**

Tatiana announced to the group that she would be the only one cooking now and that she would be keeping the rice in her backpack. Jessica started to walk away and explore and to put the rice that she secretly had in her secret place.

**Jessica: I'm kicking myself, someone noticed, well they would've noticed soon enough**

Tatiana was yelling at everyone, looking for food trying to figure out what happened, she was hoping they would get more food at the merge.

Others were wondering if their first three days was for real, or did they have some sort of fluke the last six days, would they ever prevail in another immunity challenge?

Yama was also surprised at Jacklyn's leave. He thought all the girls would vote of James but his plan backfired.

**James: Yama and others are very...deceitful**

"Things were changing, for the worse, at least for me, I really hope we don't lose," said Jessica while fishing.

Things began to quite down, after a meal of tomatoes and berries in the half finished kitchen Jessica had started to make. But things were still mixed up for some people,

**Elisabeth: Absolutely I think I'm in danger, and I think that attitude sucks but I think I might go**

**James: I'd get Elisabeth out. It's quite of a top-over with her.**

-Ucayali Camp-
-Day 10-

**Gregory: If we loose I'm going to quit right after, its been fun but I'm tired, I just built them an extra room…who cares? No one**

Gregory got up that morning with a new mission, to unify Philip with the rest of his tribe. He didn't want him to get hurt when he was gone. The two went off into the woods.

"Philip, you need to talk to our tribe," Gregory said.
"I know, but the three guys don't want me here, I think in an alliance."
"Well then join up with Gia and Charlotte," Gregory said.
"Gia is never here and I think Charlotte is with Louis too," Philip said. Gregory sighed. Maybe this wouldn't work,
"Okay well you better hurry up, I don't want you to get hurt," Gregory started to return out to camp.

**Philip: Gregory is kinda like a father to me, he wants me to win, I'm going to hate to see him go.**

**Gregory: Philip better have a plan! Or if we lose another one after this he is the target**

Philip walked around a little bit and returned back to camp to help Gregory finish the room he was making. He didn't notice an anaconda had slithered toward the jungle as he made his way into the shelter.

The day was almost over when Charlotte came back with tree mail,

"I found this on the tree,
Hold as much water as you can or the prize will be to the others," said Charlotte.

"Water bearer!" yelled Gregory pumped up for the next challenge.

As the reward was nearing strategies were getting rethought, since the merge was closing in,

**Louis: I have no problem voting people off...glad to see them go...then we get more food. But when its merger time...assuming I make it to merger...I'll be excited to meet all the new people ...and then vote them off!**

**Rob: I might get voted out next time we go to tribal council, possibly, since I am a threat.**

**Joe: I need get Philip out**

**Charlotte: My alliance with Joe, Louis, and Rob**

**Louis: Someone from the other tribe needs to get out...anyone...I don't care...just someone**

**Joe: I want Yama out of the other tribe**

**Rob: Philip has to go soon**

**Charlotte: You get to know people around camp, as well as making friends and not knowing if they are going to backstab them or backstab you or if you are going to be staying its really not a good thing when someone leaves**

**Philip: Gia never does anything and needs to go, nobody notices that.**

**Gregory: When I'm gone they need to get Gia out not Philip.**

-Maranon Camp-
-Day 11-

**Jessica: Tree mail!"

It was on everyone's mind at Maranon. They wanted to win this so that they could feel good about themselves. This one was important, even though it was only a reward. The tribe really wanted to win!

"Lets win this one!" yelled Tatiana.

The tribe went back to work as Jessica finished up the kitchen, hoping that Tatiana would store the rice in their instead of her backpack. Jessica had planned on stealing the tomatoes and berries but they ate them for dinner the night before. Jessica also continued with her side plan. She wanted David gone. Before Jacklyn left, Jacklyn told the tribe that David and Tatiana had previously known each other, so they probably had an alliance. Jessica was wondering about this statement and who Elisabeth was really with, she thought Elisabeth would have voted for Yama or James, instead she voted for Jacklyn.

Elisabeth was having a great time, she acted all nice and kept a straight face but underneath she was with David and Tatiana. They would go all the way to the end.

Yama's plan to keep all the girls had failed. He had lost a person he was aligned with. He was still targeting James; too bad Yama didn't know that Elisabeth, Jessica, and Tatiana weren't aligned with him at all.

David was also in trouble. He hadn't been very active lately and didn't hear the announcement about the tree mail. David would be in trouble in the following weeks.

Tatiana felt pretty proud of herself too. She was doing great. She had her own little alliance, and tricked Jessica and Yama that she is with them. Tatiana was probably the best placed in her tribe. But one reason could pull her down; she was acting like the leader. She even told it to the camera a couple of times.

The Reward Challenge was important. Maranon was down by one member and needed to tie things up again.

As Maranon headed to challenge field, Jessica searched for Tatiana's bag. But had no prevail. She quickly caught up to the rest of the tribe.

-Challenge Field-
-Reward Challenge: Water Bearer-
-Day 11-

The two tribes eyed each other. Ucayali noticed that the high-spirited Jacklyn was gone from the Maranon tribe.

"Welcome, this one is simple, all you have to do his load the water onto the opposing teams sticks. The team member who can't support the water first will lose and the other ones will win. Okay, it is time to setup," Jeff said as the tribes agreed to put people in certain places.

"Survivor's ready? GO!" yelled Jeff as the tribes started loading water on the opposing teams water bearers. Ucayali already had a significantly leading with 20 buckets in the first 20 minutes while Maranon had 9. The tribes continued to load the buckets. Jeff thought it was getting tedious. Both of the water bearers were holding the ends of the stick so it wouldn't break. But soon enough it would. Maranon was catching up as well but Ucayali still had a 10-bucket advantage.

(Leading: Ucayali)
(Trailing: Maranon)

Ucayali continued to put buckets on when Gregory tripped and fell off the planks into the lake. Ucayali had to hold their production hoping Gregory was all right. Maranon used this to their advantage and piled buckets and more buckets of water on Ucayali's water bearer.

Gregory got up slowly as Maranon surpassed Ucayali and got 10-buckets ahead of them pulling them into the lead.

(Leading: Maranon)
(Trailing Ucayali)

Gregory and Louis piled tons of buckets on Maranon's water bearer. Catching up causing a tie. Each bearer was also feeling like horrible; they had at least 50 buckets on. Their backs were so sore.

Maranon started to pull ahead again. Ucayali was getting tired; all they had eaten was rice and fish for the last 10 days.

But an accident caused Maranon to stop as well, as Ucayali pulled ahead. Ucayali doubled the load on Maranon. Maranon about had it. They wanted to win this one but people kept falling into the water.

To make matters worse, Maranons stick was also about to break.

"No!" Tatiana called out. As Maranon's water bearer fell into the water. They had lost again.

Ucayali cheered; things were turning around for them.

"Ucayali, the prize is a head start in the immunity challenge!" Jeff yelled.

Maranon had a surprise look on their faces as they trudged back to their camp. They had a really bad feeling in their stomachs. They couldn't afford to lose one more person.

(Winner: Ucayali)
(Loser: Maranon)

-Ucayali Camp-
-Day 12-

Ucayali was doing well; they would have a definite advantage if they won the next Immunity Challenge as well. But if they lost,

"I'm quitting I'm sorry. If we lose I'm quitting," said Gregory to the camera. It had been a great 12 days but if his team lost this challenge he would get out of their.

Later that day tree mail arrived as well,

Throw balls of clay and maybe you'll get something great today," said Gregory and sighed. His team couldn't keep winning for long. The tribe got up and decided to head to the Immunity Challenge early. Gregory had a bad feeling in his stomach as the tribe made their way.

**Louis: Most everyone participates in the immunity challenge**

**Philip: I didn't want him to go.**

**Gregory: Bye Ucayali, if we lose.**

-Maranon Camp-
-Day 12-

Maranon had received their tree mail and were ready to win this time. But something was on their minds, food. Where did their rice go? Only Jessica had the answer.

She started to sneak off to her makeshift camp.

She had already made a mat for herself their. She had started spending more and more time at her own camp the Maranon's camp.

She started to make it back to the Maranon camp when she heard Tatiana yelling. As she made her way back she noticed that their fire was out, Tatiana had a makeshift icepack on her leg and that their shelter had fallen down.

"Hopefully tomorrow will be better then this," said Tatiana grumbled rubbing her pulled arm, the tribe wasn't in the best mood as they made their way over to Challenge field. Their camp was a mess.

-Challenge Field-
-Immunity Challenge: Clay Kill-
-Day 12-

Maranon trudged into Challenge field; Jeff kept his constant smile as they approached,

"Welcome back Maranon and Ucayali, I know this is important to both of you so let me explain. There will be two clay balls going around. You need it to splatter all over the other person. When the two splatter I'll put two more out. Good luck!"

The tribes set up; Ucayali's head start was being able to be using all 7 of their members while Maranon used 6.

"Survivor's Ready? Go!" yelled Jeff and tossed a ball to Rob for Ucayali and Yama of Maranon. The ball splattered all over Rob and as Yama caught it he aimed at Joe and got him out.

(Ucayali: Louis, Gregory, Philip, Charlotte, Gia,)
(Maranon: David, Yama, James, Jessica, Elisabeth, Tatiana)

Jeff tossed a ball to Charlotte and James. Charlotte sent it to David who it splattered over. James strategized for a second and sent it to Charlotte, who was to preoccupied throwing it to David that it splattered on her.

(Ucayali: Louis, Gregory, Philip, Gia)
(Maranon: Yama, James, Jessica, Elisabeth, Tatiana)

Jeff tossed two more to Louis and Jessica. Louis tried catch it but the clay ball splattered all over him. Jessica passed it to Philip who sent it to James. Who quickly threw it to Gia who dropped it causing her to get out.
(Ucayali: Gregory, Philip)
(Maranon: Yama, James, Jessica, Elisabeth, Tatiana)

Jeff threw one to Gregory who dropped it, and to Elisabeth who also dropped it. Leaving only Philip for Ucayali.

(Ucayali: Philip)
(Maranon: Yama, James, Jessica, Tatiana)

Jeff threw one to Philip and James. Philip threw it to Tatiana who dropped it and it splattered on.

(Ucayali: Philip)
(Maranon: Yama, James, Jessica)

James threw his ball to Philip. Philip then threw it back to James. James then threw it back to Philip. It would be close. Philip then changed his decision and threw it to Jessica. Who quickly threw it back to Philip and it splattered.

It took a second for Maranon to realize it. For a second everyone was in shock. The game was equal again! Maranon cheered!

"Congratulations Maranon, you are back in the game. Ucayali it is time for you to go back to Tribal Council," said Jeff and handed the immunity idol to Maranon who proudly tossed it in the air.

(Winner: Maranon)
(Loser: Ucayali)

-Ucayali Camp-
-Day 12-

"What?" said Philip. He knew that Gregory was leaving but not like this. Gregory was quickly packing his things. Gregory stopped for a second and got everyone's attention,

"I have an announcement. I'm sorry everyone but I have to quit, it was only to help you guys get along and started. I never intended on winning. I wish you guys' good luck. Kick those Maranon's out!" Gregory said and quickly walked with a crewmember out of Ucayali's camp. Ucayali was left with their mouths open. One of their active members just got up and left. Philip ran into the woods the opposite way.

**Philip: I knew it would happen but it's just so sad, I can't believe it just happened. I'm stuck with losers now.**

**Joe: I think it was helpful. Well for me it was. Then, there wasn't really a certain person that we needed to vote of. Him quitting was a very good thing**

**Charlotte: We were going to get rid of him anyway so I think someone told him**

**Rob: Not very much. It's a foregone conclusion that if he survives, he will
turn on us.**

The sun set on the Ucayali camp. As the tribe tried to go back and do their chores Gregory still lingered in their memories. Gregory was gone, and Ucayali was down to 6.

Gregory's Final Words
I'm going to say the same thing I said in my announcement. I had a great time, but all I wanted to do was to help my tribe get along and I don't even think that worked. Good luck Philip you're a great guy. Good luck everyone and enjoy the game its an amazing experience!

Next Time On Survivor

Philip tries to figure out a way to save him self,

**Philip: I don't know why they want me out of the game, I'm much more active then Gia**

While at the challenge Gia refuses to jump off something,

"Vote me out, I'm not going to jump off of this, I'm ready to leave anyway," she called back.

While at Maranon, after successfully getting their shelter up a second time it falls down again, things look dim,

**Jessica: Its like we are at day 1 again, this time we are a lot weaker though, and we have to make a fire!**