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Sexual Abuse and Incest Resource Links |
Purely for Fun Links |
I will be adding more links as I find them. If you would like to have a link added to your own survivor's page, please feel free to email me. |
Personal Survivor Website Links |
This website is created by Haullie and was inspired by Tori Amos's website for Survivors. It contains great links and indepth helpful advice on healing from abuse. Haullie also has some of her personal information and poetry posted here as well. This site is very easy to navigate and professionally done. |
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Self-Help and Self-Improvement Links |
Journaling and Creative Writing Links |
A personal website created by a very talented young lady. She includes her poetry, links, personal stories, experiences on bullying/abuse/mental health issues, and many other helpful items. Very well done and quite powerful! Check it out! |
Susan Maree Jeavons' personal website. Contains her beautiful poetry and links to her two other websites. Also contains a little informatin about herself as a survivor and other survivor links. |
This webpage is Noelle's story. It is not only about her abuse, but shows her strong courage as well. |
A beautiful website dedicated to Pat Swinger's Journey through healing from childhood sexual abuse. She has even written a wonderful book on her experience. REVIEW OF "The Journey Home" (10/14/03) I have read Pat's book and it is WONDERFUL! Very inspiring and healing. It is not a book full of sadness nor pity, but an uplifting tale into Pat's healing journey. A must read for all survivors who want to focus on healing from the trauma. |
This is Scarlet's touching story of being a survivor of rape. Beautifully designed, she has many resources, books, myths and facts, personal information, and other links for all survivors of sexual abuse. |
This is a blurb from Leah's website. She focuses on being Jewish and an abuse survivor. Very unique and interesting. |
This is Marie Waldrep's website. Her mission is to provide helpful information to survivors of childhood sexual assault and to let them know there is hope for them. Many wonderful and helpful links. |
This website contains information on one survivor's journey through Dissociative Identity Disorder, self-injury, and verbal / mental / sexual / emotional abuse. There are some really neat insights into coping techniques and creativity. There is even an on-line drawing board where you can draw and chat. |
This website is created and maintained by Blain Nelson. It contains a male's perspective on abuse and gives some wonderful insights into all forms of abuse. He also includes a very insightful list of questions you can ask yourself to determine if you are in an abusive relationship or are being abusive yourself. |
updated 10/9/05 |
This is Pooja's personal site dedicated to survivors of sexual abuse. She lists many good links and resources and also has a section of her own writing to her abuser. She is very open and honest about what she has gone through. Her site is easy to navigate around and contains lots of useful links. |
This is a safe place to learn about all forms of abuse, DID/MPD, depression, hate crimes, etc. If you page down on the main page, there is a nice listing of the "Survivor's Bill of Rights". |
This website is dedicated to providing lots of information to male survivors' of abuse. It has links, resources, films, and books all listed dealing with various survivor topics. Great for any survivor, male or female. |