I would like to thank all the wonderful people who took the time to review and evaluate
Chinese New Year Customs and Culture and have honored it with their awards. Each award and comment
or suggestion mean a lot to me and I am very proud to display these Site Awards won.
Thank you everyone!
Susan Chua
susanchua_sg[At]yahoo.com |
Susan Chua,
I truly enjoyed visiting your site "Chinese New Year". It is evident that
you have put a lot of hard work into your site. It offers to the visitor
nearly all aspects of the chinese culture. So I was well informed but also
entertained. Thank you for this enrichement of the net.
You sure can be very lucky, that your ID included the number 6: Because the
number 6 sounds in Cantonese like the word for luck, you said. No wonder
that the evaluating team of the MOON AWARD program decided that your site
deserves the MOON Gold AWARD.
Congratulations and all the best for you and a happy next chinese New Year!
Jenny and the team of the
Award Sites! rated 3.0; WebsAwards rated 1.0

MOON AWARD Winners Page |
Chinese New Year Customs and Culture
Your site has been chosen as a Silver Award Winner of The Lynx Award for this month. I truly
enjoyed visiting your site. It is evident that you have put a lot of hard work into your site.
It is an honour to present the Lynx Award to you.
Best Regards,
Lynx Awards Program
Award Sites! rated 5.0; IWARA Elite 5+ & Webs
Awards rated 3.0
Dear Susan Chua!
Thank You for Your interest in my awardprogram! It was a pleasure to visit Your sites, and I see
the big work and time You have invested in making Your sites!
You give very good information about Chinese New Year, the Year of the Rooster now, with
beautiful illustrating images! You give beautiful historic informations and explain the
various symbols.
In Your articles I learned all abut the New Years taboos, about the rooster, and the legend
of the twelve animals!
Your site is a beautiful trip to China- with colourful pictures of the New Years celebration!
(I like Chinese Food too!)
Timelines Awards Program
Award Sites! rated 4.0; UWSAG 3+; Eutoda rated 2.0;
Webs Awards rated 2.0; and PAI rated 2.
The evaluator is member of Ethics Pledge and APEX member.

Timelines Award Winners Page |
Dear Susan,
Thank you for your interest in the USS SAVAGE's Award Program.
I have now had time to review your site, and am proud to say that you have earned my
"Quartermaster Award of Excellence."
I learned many things about Chinese customs and culture. It was a pleasure touring your site.
Continued success!
Diane C. Day
Quartermaster Award of Excellence
Award Sites! rated 4.0; I.W.A.R.A. rated Elite 4; EUTODA rated 2.0;
Webs Awards Rated 5.0; OAI rated 3.0
Hi Susan,
Our judges have all visited your site, and found it a pleasure to surf through. You have
excellent information, and it is well presented and easy on the eyes. The navigation is good.
One of the only suggestions we have for you is to add some "back to the top" links on your
longer pages.
Well done.
Purrs Lin
Penmarric's Rexellent Page Awards
Award Sites! rated 3.0; UWSAG rated
2+; Websawards rated 1.0
Olymp-award rating 3.0; Eutoda rated 2.0

Penmarric's Rexellent Page Award Winners Page |

[Award Close] |
Congratulations, Susan!
I am so honored to present you with this award... the
"Webmaster's Excellence" Award. You have obviously worked very hard. I found that your
site has good layout and designs, excellent content, and was easy to navigate. Thanks for
making such a great place to visit! Keep it up!
Again, congratulations and thank you so much for applying!
Gracie Mimi Jones
(Webmaster, Web Site Evaluator)
A Woman Is Awards Program
Award Sites! Rated 3.0, UWSAG Rated 3, Eutoda Rated 1 |