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Pictures of Members' Vanguards.

A fine example of a Phase 1 Vanguard - LTU 517
Phase 1 Standard Vanguard awaiting restoration
The classic lines of the Phase 1A Vanguard - MNY 698
Phase 1a - MHP 730
Phase 1a - PKN 152
Phase 1a - OKP 829
A rare and immaculate Vanguard Imperia (Convertible)

Pictures of Vanguards kindly sent in from enthusiasts around the world

An early Phase 1 enjoying a day out near Sydney Australia
A Phase 1 at a rally in the USA
Another Phase 1 at a rally in the USA
A phase 1 surviving in Greece
A Phase 2 in the UK seen here in its prime

A Phase 1 on a holiday trip in Espinho, Portugal in 1953

Other images

An early Advertisment
New Vanguards on the production line

Make your own Vanguard - Print and cut these sheets:
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3
Sheet 4
Sheet 5

Other web sites

Click here to visit the "Heritage Cars" gallery.
