
Cultures will be a permanent effect like races at the start which will influence by a special skill and a special unit.

Stone Birth- rock hard fighters who believe defense is the best option.  They gain the defend ability which has a 15% chance to negate all damage from an attack and the special unit the Defender- cost-600 Health- 600 Damage- 25 Accuracy-60 Speed- 3

Manafont-  A culture concentrating on the magic aroud them and use it in everyday life.  They gain the ability to have a 30% chance of having a double effect where the spell does twice.  Their special unit is the Sorcerer: Cost- 600 Health- 100 Success- 60

The Hammer- Striking first and hard is their way of life, offensive strength is their high point.  The Hammer culture gains a 15% chance for all noncaster and nonsiege to do double damage.  Their special unit is the Berzerker: Cost- 600 Health- 300 Damage- 100 Accuracy- 90 Speed- 1

Tranquil Queen- They follow in the light strong and proud warriors who are known for truth and virtue.  They are granted the ability to heal fully after every battle.  Their special unit is the Lifebringer- Cost- 600 Health- 200 Damage- 50 Accuracy- 80 Speed- 2

Sunderers- The Sunderers are a chaotic culture known for cruelness and hatred.  Their special ability is that if one dies the killer is dealt his own damage against himself.  Their special unit is the Vampire: Cost- 600 Health- 150 Damage- 75 Accuracy- 70 Speed- 2


Locations are also permanent, except if you build a new city, you can build it in a different location that will add extra benefits, however a new city if given the same location as the first, will not stack.  Locations will effect how well your army fights in certain areas.

Mountains: Increases all melee unit health by 50

Valleys: Increases speed by 1 for all units

Forests: Increases all ranged damage by 50

ManaPools: Casters attack every round instead of every other round

Seaside: Allows for better trade giving you cheaper production costs of your units and buildings by 25 gold

Lush Fields:  Houses, and people love these areas and will grant higher populations, 5 more people for every house.