By: _SW_Squall


Squall Trocian

Cloud Strife



Pan (One of my friends)

And a special mystery guest!

Disclaimer: You know what goes here. Don't use Squall Trocian or the Mystery guest with out my permission, 'cause their both my chars.

The Seventh Heaven in Midgar

Squall: Damn! Nothing on T.V!

Cloud: Turn on the radio.

Pan: Yeah!

Squall: Cloud, remeber the last time we turned on the radio? That gay as hell Backstreet Boys cam on!

Cloud: Yeah, but we killed them. *Points back to the spikes where the heads of the BSB are* What could go wrong?

Squall:*Turns on the radio, only to hear "Pop" by N'Sync* SHIT? WHAT THE F**K IS THIS SHIT?!?! IT F**KIN' SUCKS ASS!


Cloud: *Falls to his knees* TURN THE SHIT OFF!!!

Yuffie: *Comes down* WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!?!

Squall: *Turns off the radio* God! Thats almost as bad as BSB!

Pan: Yep

Cloud: Looks like we got more people to kill

Squall: Uh huh. Pan, your coming with us.

Pan: kk

Squall: Yuffie, stay here and guard the bar, and don't steal anything.

Yuffie: Whatever.

*At the theater where N'Sync is practicing*

Lance: Hey guys, there are some weird people driving up on motorcycles. There's this one guy with really spikey hair, and another with blue hair, and theirs some chick on the back of the blue haired guys cycle.

Justin: *Is making out with Joey*

Joey: *Is making out with Justin*

Chris:*Is looking at a gay porno site*

JC: *Is looking over Joey's shoulder*

Cloud and Co.: *Busts through the doors and stop their cycles in front of the stage*

Justin: Hey! Its those two dudes that killed the BSB!

Squall: *Gets off his cycle* Damn straight we did!

Pan: *Gets off Squall's cycle* And now were gonna do the same to you!

Cloud: For your crimes against humanity!

N'Stink: Crimes?

Squall: That shit you call music is shit!

Lance: He said the 'S' word!

Ramza: *Comes out* Hey, I'm ready, huh?

Squall: You actually joined these gay ass pansy's????

Ramza: Yeah!

???: Die you bastard!

Ramza: *Is shoot 25 times, then sliced in half*

Everyone: What the fuck?

Kyle Atradies: *Jumps down* Hi! I'm _SW_Squall's other character!

Squall: Oh, yeah. He told me you'd be coming. What took ya so long?

Kyle: My cycle broke down, so I had to walk.

Squall: I see. Well, we can handle the rest.

Kyle: Ok, cya later. *Walks out*

N'Sync: Please don't kill use! Where just a bunch of fags!

Squall: *Turns into his Dragoon form* Too bad!

Cloud: OMNI-SLASH! *Kills Justin and JC with it*

Squall: *Kills Joey and Chris with a Ultimate Break, spraying a lot of blood and gore all over the stage*

Pan: I've always wanted to do this. *Grabs Lance and knees him in the groin*

Lance: *Is unfazed* Is that supposed to hurt?

Squall: Good God! He's a transvestite!

Pan: *Beats the shit out of him, the uses Knights of the Round on him*

Back at the Hideout

Squall: *Relaxes with a Dr. Pepper* Ahhhh. Life is good.

Pan: *Stretches a little, then settles into her bed*

Cloud: Yep, and we have more souviniers. *Points back to the 11 spikes, each holding a member of N'Sync's and BSB's head, including Ramza's*

Author's Notes: Well, here's Part Two. Part Three will be along as soon as I can get it. As before. Squall Trocian and Kyle Atradies are my chars and may not be used without my permission. Pan is my friends char and may not be used without her permission. I don't own N'Sync or BSB. Stay tuned for part Three!