Photos of our sweet Pomeranian, Cherie...

All photos are taken in Finland, where we purchased her.

Here we are, finally getting our long-awaited "baby" !

Pirjo-Riitta (Cherie's breeder) and I with Cherie

Maarit and her mom, Pirjo-Riitta, welcomed Roger and I to their home.
They surprised us with a cake and delicious pastries to celebrate our 3rd anniversary!

Roger and Cherie getting to know each other :)

They had a house filled with Poms (and a few others) and it was delightful mayhem.

Julie arriving in downtown Waasa where we spent the day shopping and exploring--wonderful time!

Nice photo of Roger at a point by the gulf, marked by a cool seagull statue.
We had considered taking the ferry over from Sweden but decided to drive instead.
Glad we did.. so much to see.

More to come soon!

Visit Biconty's Homepage.. Cherie's breeder. Great site!