previous entries

nov 1 2002

checked out intramural soccer at school yesterday..those chicks were choice..anywho..went over to cvs and bought a police out fit that was for a 4 year old.  cut off the sleeves and stretched it on me...vinyl too...met over at stephs then on to the warehouse...2 kegs, it was pretty wasted pretty fast..1 am rolled around, went to emerald for a bit. saw that she-bitch ashleigh...i cant believe i had sex with her way back...she would have been cool if she hadnt told the cops i robbed her...her house got burglarized when we were hanging out and she told this detective..tai did it..the cops called, and told me i was a suspect.i'm like if you have proof charlie, come get me..anyway..these two latvia girls were choice..accents are crazy sexy..i want diana.shes beautiful.. theyre calling later tonight..diana wants a ride on the way back to the party at 2 , stayed for a bit..jet to the clock to meet mr paul vitale with ryclef. tonight, the anniversary at orpheum..emo sheemo...fucking queers.


Nov 2

went to audras going away party at her casa..will,walt,eric,simon, dev and i...audras way nice and has these crazy sexy tats on her and i stayed for about half an hour...its all cool, being mellow and shit..but 30 dudes and 2 chicks a sausage party it does make. wa supposed to meet the lativians from the night before, but i never saw them. off to new world,beat..then to hub for last walks out of the bathroom and i was checkin him in the hallway and i saw some kids give him a hard time, he turns and says something and walks away as he walked away the cheesedicks said some more shit..i was kinda wasted, but i grabbed dev and said ,'come with me' i'm like, 'did you say shit to him when he walked away, cause i think you did.' 'no dude(shivering in fear), his friend chimes in, no man he wasnt..i was like, 'i'll let it slide cause you think you can impress these two chicks youre with, but if youre gonna talk shit, be punk enough to own up to it cheese dick...' why is it so hard to see asians these people*whites* act like youve never seen asians before...what if devon and i dressed in tommy hilfiger and had bowl cuts like most asians..would you still stare and gawk..


the latvians called me at and i met them in tampa at 7 pm..theyre like, 'show us tampa.'..i'm like look girls, this late, theres nothing to do but drink..hung out, took them down to new world, to perhaps to catch a band, but  too fucking trap, too by the time 10 came by , they jet to and i were we slept from 10:30 to midnight..its tiring drinking so early man...checked out orpheum....i have never met someone so insistent about me being a jerk , asshole, snob, before, until tonight...i'll call her 'h'...basically we've never talked but shes seen me for like 5 years and has this conception that i'm a dick..i'm like people that have never talked to me that think that shit, i really dont care about..but she was fucking blunt as fuck..and i thought it was rad man..this super cute, stylie person, was telling me shit straight out..i totally dig straight forward we talked for about an hour..invited her out to flogging molly, so check your mail!...she got me a stool later on after we talked when i was at the bar, i thought that was i think we're cool now...have to find somewhere esle to go, this towns getting beat..or make a road trip or something...

for all of those coming to dev and robs birthday thing, the ski 'lift' passes will be picked up on thurs or friday, i'll be getting in touch with those of you for payment.

Nov 4

so im still thinking about that convo i had with that girl. i totally dig her after one convo, is that nuts or what.....anywho, FLOGGING MOLLY tonight...i have to call their manager today see you kids at the show. this is a plea for a favor for those of you that know her, she runs in the same circle, but the only way i can get this 'friend' her number is talking to an ex, and i'm not about to do that if you know her....and what the fuck is extreme tracking?



flogging molly has to be the best live show ive seen in awhile. well how bout andrew wk you say?  hes just , ..noise.  hair thrashin, arm contorting, white acid jean wearing, noise..him letting the underaged kids on stage was cool..but my ears are still there about 9, two free tix waitin at the door,choice. lot of drama, they attacked this kid, security did, for having a so called video camera, and he had a model, similar to mine..good thing i had a photo pass man...they let me up front and on stage, it was way rad..hensley was way cool, gave dev and i a guinness while he was playing, will jumped into the crowd, when no one was, and he also picked up a dead rat that got squashed to fucking death cause he thought it was a hat, i'm so not kidding, it was gnarly. castle was beat afterwards, ran into kim,'hey tai, we should hangout, '...we never follow thru for some reason, shes this beautiful, korean/danish girl. show with 'H' on weds.flogging molly pics posted sometime soon, ive got tests and shit. peace~


from L to R

andrew wk, him again, devon and hensley, devon and wills rat, wills jump into the crowd, betty crowd surfin, flogging molly lead dave king, hensley, andrew wk and crowd on stage, flogging molly guitarist, me on stage with hensley, behind the camera i should stay, dev cant take pics aye?



wouldnt it be choice to see a show every night..passed on the hydepark cafe tonight... just too tired , fucking house musics the same,and blah fookin drama..might run into maggie..i just want sex and thats more girlfriend, its been fucking sweet the past few months...youre gonna drink, probably do drugs, meet cool kids with me, and do shit you ve never fookin maggie calls 3 times today..for no reason apparently..i called back, just to make sure shes ok...she just wanted to see how i was...same shit..anyway, hpc is on this saturday...and next week diesel will be having a party there, cheesedick mallrats hanging out..i think i'll pass on that talked to'h' on the phone for over an hour...ive never been so frustrated, and infuriated on the phone before, and yet, i still wanted to talk to her more..craziness.....nutrajet, bad wizard, and andrew wk pics posted...flogging molly is not yet complete...ive got a sorta confirm from rob from the spot on a hookup for tony hawks boomboom bonanza thing..the thing is that night, i have two free dick dale tix...either way, maybe 'h' will come and get the fook away from the orpheum..les savy fav tomorrow night, melt banana saturday. also, the ski lift passes are due before sat for all of you involved.

im thinkin about starting a service, probably in brandon, lutz, or lakeland, the de-mulletizer, its kind of a makeover center for mullet men and women, computerized , 'after,' shots..check it.



nov 6

today is devons birthday! happy birthday swankcowboy numero deux, devon truong to honor him lets take a look at him thru the years.

nov 8

hung out with 'h' on weds, went to the les savy fav and pretty girls make graves or some shit like that....lot of those kids that go all to the little punkrock shows that i dont really pay attention to, but this time, i was with one of them..hahaha, i' kidding. 'h', is way rad, stylie, and has some crazy legs was a way rad time, i dont think shes had a bud light in her life, but i got four 16 ozs for us, she cashed pretty wasted, not too much though, but for someone that drank every night and now i've cut back to once or twice, 4 newcastles, a madress, and two budlights, and one and a half blue moons..thats alot o drinkin for this freaky asian. saturday is dev and robs thing, looks like the itinerary is hpc, fly trap, orpheum and strip if youre into it, show up at hpc  and say, 'swankcowboys rock my socks off.'..............jk,.thats not the password

for all you queers wanting new found glory tix for monday, the mother fuckers are sold out....age group at show, 12-16..


checked out the garden/perch /mastrys last night with ryke......its just getting so beat on meetin any new stylie chicks these days..maybe because we've seen theme all....elle and i were hanging out at the lobby and just watchin chicks with girl asked us to dance with her, both of us, kinda like a sandwhich bump n grind.and we passed, shortly after she got to dorks to dance with her, and all three started making out...nuts..


 nov 10

so last night was rob and devons was cool, i passed on melt banana for fear of lacking money for the nights festivities and extra curricular sports activities...anywho..the first 5 mins at hyde park cafe almost was our last as i instigated a fight with some cheese dicks in ties sitting with their this black guy just stares, then whispers something, then his dudes stare, then their girlfriends stare..its all cool and shit, but dont make it fucking so obvious taht you are..i stare too, but incognito...he had some balls to do that shit right in front of i just wanted to let him know hes an idiot and hes not a bad i said,' youve got a staring problem man?' he goes, 'no.'...then rob goes 'tai whats the deal dude,' i say,real loud so the dudes hear,'well, these cheese dicks over here are just staring obnoxiously and i asked them if they had a problem.' that made this guy stand up like he was gonna do shit...then his girlfriend said dont..of course hes gonna pretend like hes gonna do something...thats the ultimate chicken shit want to seem like a tough guy, but you know your girlfriend will bail you out by telling you to back down, you fucking stupid little hyde park yeah, we  get mad free drinks, jade was working the door, so she gave us more tix...some free pizza and shit, its like chucke cheese, but with strippers...anway, we ended up at orpheum, well, half of us, the other half went to fly trap...ran into maggie, she was on me like white on ..rice? nice analogy i know...ended up at robs at 4, stayed up with maggie at her place til about 8, then up at noon for we arent back together..anway, saw 'h', out, she looked way rad, didnt really have a chance to talk to her, she wasnt with her kid, but ..anyway, this saturday is dickdale, diesel party and dj heather at malios with brian busto, and tony hawks boom,boom skate brigade. no more negative energy will be wasted here at all..sorry for the bitchin about ex's and other shit. so if i get tony hawk tix, i will have two dick dales to give away, shoot me an email.


nov 11

checked out castle last night...dead but, made out with a couple of chicks, was bettin with rob and tom on the possibility of the 'menage'...aslo saw the bartender from the lobby..shes way i've downloaded jackass..its actually pretty fuckin funny..


so devon wants to go to the diesel party on saturday...i'm avoiding that mallrat scene for the maggie reason...anway, dickdale is sat...but i'll get him tix...if yorue interested , there is a diesel party this sat..girls, definately, cheese dicks, yes...blow, uhm i might go after dick dale afterall..that party meets all my pre requisites...flogging molly pics not up yet..charisse from gainesville fame, i met her the night of devs graduation  and stayed up with her till 9 that morning..has an interview at usf..hopefully she'll hangout.


got two tix to the diesel party...dick dale, then that..i'll give it a shot..i've never let anyone keep me from doing anything....passed on a chance to do the diesel fashion show in two weeks...might talk to angela about it on saturday...but its not worth my time...its really choice to have free satellite....not that i have it, or will have it, or would ever condone such attacks on direct tv and to fcc regulations on signal pirating and such.....

nov 15

school and gym today, saw jen of  jen, kim and heather fame..shes an elementary school teacher..lucky kids.wanka, wanka....saw the raddest girl this side of howard fucking franklin...holy shit..kinda alt, kinda, abercrombie..i';m sure i could fuck the abercrombie out of her....i'm totally kidding..shes amazing..ive given her my email before..well indirectly...i gave her a flier with the swankcowboys website on it..maybe she didnt know it was me...anyway..i was gonna be all 5 th grade and leave my number on her car, but i passed..whats wrong with 5th grade? dickdale, diesel shindig, whats your pleasure this weekend?

nov 18

friday dev and i met will down at mastrys.  damian marley was playing..i checked him the last time with maggie.  sounded the same. behind mastrys is jannus' courtyard the alley is a huge dumpster you can climb on to see the show..but security rushes out and tells you to get off. i was like 'you fucking own the alley?' they were like, 'no we own the dumpster.'..i was like od will and i climbed on to this 2nd level of mastrys, above garden, lobby, there are apartments..we checked the whole show from guy on stage had the job of waiving the jamaican flag, for 2 hours, this nigga(the cool term, not the 'n' word) was wavin that shit..what a choice gig...afterwards we checked out the garden. lobby was pickin up..only went there to see the bartender, that i hung out with at the castle last week...shes where its at.

sat i skipped dick dale and tony hawk, was beat after work...checked the diesel thing out at hyde park cafe out..rolled up around 1120,huge line outside, we just walked up front..cause we're cool like that..all these cheese dicks in their diesel jeans and shit...chicks were fuckin everwhere..holy canoli.  mike from toni and guy was in from orlando, jp from the burg...half of the people that used to go to budious..skyes friend kim was there, skye too...skye dj tom cornelius gf, has to be the most beautiful person i've ever back to kim, we're all about  one another, but the thing is, theres absolutely no effort coming from either one of us...she'll just become one of the girls you hug and kiss on the cheek and say, 'hey its been awhile.', instead one of the girls you wake up next to  and say, 'you need to leave.'....havent been takin too many pics.why ?  cause i've been using my bag for fucking a six pack..had like 6 beers bought for me also...devs smart plan was to go back to our folks wasted at 4 in th we did, i puked in the kitchen sink..on sunday my dads like' dont drink to much.'..i was like i hate drinkin..hes like dont lie, i smelled it on you last night...cats out of the fuckin bag, my folks know i drink...

so are the donnas worth checkin out? their will be youngins there..and the donnas are quite overweight....

nov 18

castle, chicks, numbers

nov 19

hyde park cafe

nov 21

nothing really is as important as friends and having people you can depend and rely on ...if something happens, 'yeah, he'll be there' of our good friends of over 10 years is very sick....and i'm not gonna mention his name for privacy sake...what could i ever type or mention in here would have any meaning? besides for my menage on monday night?! hells yeah!..had to end that on a light note there.. Friday, art show, 20 keg me for details...

nov 22

checked out jays show at the usf art gallery..that kids shit is off the hook kid...very impressive...saw alot of familiar faces..this crazy beautiful girl alyssa was insanely attractive...and as brad put it, 'that girl had some dsl'...let her borrow my jacket..she seemed cool..then we went to the covivant gallery and she was a snob..whatevs..not my loss..bought a 12 pack and headed down to new world brewery...henry sciao had a kinda reggae/percusion/keyboard jam session going on...very diverse crowd out....met this quirky,stylie, crazy pretty,  girl name jillian down there..talked to her on and off for about an hour..shes choice..we were like a sarcastic married couple..she held my attention pretty well..yeah shes new in tampa and hasnt really found the niche(sp) in places to go and shit...but hey, whats a swankcowboy gonna do, show her around right? nothing going on for the weekend..theres a fashion/music 'to do' at the castle next week..weds i believe.

both art shows were crazy.i'll have pics up soon.


is something wrong with me if i cant stand african american porn? weds is the scene/music/fashion extravaganza.and i think i'll are playing also...are good friend is out of the hospital which is good..thanksgiving is thurs.i dont fucking care..double time is all it should support the big brother corps. and shop on friday you stupid materialistic fucks..have  a great week. emailed miss jillian to no avail. check your stinkin email~



88.5 benefit was last night..'scene and heard ' it was called. personally i dont think mall clothes displayed should be called a fashion show..and the music..just rob from monday was in fact cheese. some crazy hot girls though..spread the love all over the room...2 numbers and 2 emails..not a bad night..not that i'll use them..ive got too much on the line up right and fam are what i'm about right now...after wards we checked out fly and sky were out..if you dont know them, check out the main page and theyre on the kim wants to hangout thanksgiving night..we'll see how it fares..whenever we try to never just as bad..we both want to hangout but neither of us want to work...our friend just got home from the hospital and his bills for the week will exceed what i would make at cvs in a year..hes what some of us are talkin about is a benefit for him to raise money..i'm gonna get in touch with state, orpheum , spot to try to get a venue..get like 10 bands together..some choice house and drum  n bass dj's....charge like 10 bucks or something like that...its all about friends, real friends.

tonight, all you fat people, dont eat anymore than you need to..people in america are just huge..helium bomb/we have agents tonight!

dec 3

we have agents and helium bomb were choice on thanksgiving..friday we checked out this party in kenneth city...average age of all was about 15 i think..and they really fucking showed it..we were there for the kegs and nothing more....some times when i think someones not worth the time, then i say wow, shes cool, i should stay with my this jesus bitch in the median of us 19 is collecting money in a tub that says' love for jesus'..she comes up, i say , 'buddhist sorry.'.she hands me a flier and says, buddhist aint real..i'm  like, 'you fat, uneducated, st pete medicaid, cracker mother fucker.' then ripped up the flier in her face...i am a bad ass aye?sat night was swankcowboy heaven at orpheum..the cutest girls this side of gandy i say..not the regular poser scene girls..but fucking crazy pretty girls i've never seen.

what made the weekend was kim, shes in town.i will be forever in love with kim, or just want to have crazy amounts of sex.shes in philly now. shes a bit stylier now, not a skate betty anymore. ..talked to her for a bit, was nice, had an erectin the whole time.jk


Benefit for Robert Mcardle is set for the 13th of december, 5 bands, dj, skatepark of tampa merchandise..fliers to come after i get confirm from all bands..castle, new world, fly trap also involved. venue:orpheum

art up from jay giroux show at usf and the covivant 3rd anniversary...go to the main page and check them out fookin wanker.

dec 4

new world or orpheum for the benefit, cant reminded me that new world has free beer...if any of you have anything of value you are willing to part with let me know...for a raffle at the show..i've got two new decks, wheels, bearrings, skate passes to the spot, tony hawk pro skater (new version 3 of them), my newly acquired dukes of hazzard coloring books brand new~! 

one final to go next week and thats miss jillian emailed back which is choice..coma girl,helium bomb, boats, and we have agents have committed to playing for robs behalf..just need dumbwaiters then we'd be set. on a lighter note.. will godfree is my idol. and thats what jen looks like now, not bad.

dec 6

went fliering for rob last night..thurs at the castle really sucks aye? karaoke at new world is pretty packed..this weekend is no go out for tis the time for studying..i'm not missin out on anything..there is a student art show tonight at FAS...last time i went i met alyssa, the hottest girl i've ever seen..shes got DSL...holy cow does she...

dec 7th 2002

went fliering with brad last night in ybor for robs benefit. hit the castle, fly, orpheum and new world...its tough trying to pull in people to this thing all on your own.  and none of your friends has asked to help...its like on me if the turnout sucks , but anyone coming out is great, dont get me wrong. its just finals week, and im trying to devote time to rob and school also.....i dont think i have enough shit to raffle off and im' gonna have to buy nifty shit on my own to raffle to donate.but i think the turnout is gonna be rad..hopefully pull 2gs for him...was contemplating auctioning of my scooter on ebay for rob but, as much as i love rob(in that friend way) i cant afford to do that. year scripts to thrasher, maxim and playboy have been thrown into the mix.gonna stop by diesel to see if angela can donate a gift certificate to diesel. actually i'm gonna get a packet together and mail like 20 establishments music//restaurants//clothing and see if they can alot easier than going to the stores.

self esteem booster for the day:

'tired of going along just to go along? yeah you. ever just get beat and say, i'm changing things around. what im' doing really isnt anything at all and if i dont do something about it now i'm gonna be in the same place 5 years from now. but wait, its been 5 years since you thought this already.'

i want to take the time to congratulate my brother, as well as yours, Devon Truong.  He was on that path,and a 10 year college plan, but he graduated, came back from Gainesvegas a new man.  No beat girlfriend holding him down now and doing what he wanted and gettin paid crazy amounts of money to do it. hopefully i can follow suit.  I think the venerable lord buddha came to me in a vision in my nap after work. even though the mid 20's are amongst some of us, im still seeing that oh' you dont dig this person, so i cant be friends with you like i used to be thing'..its beat really, and i have no time for the nonsense. its like we're chicks in the 5th grade sometimes..i know i'm a cool kid, thats all that matters, my mom loves me! oh, i'm asian and quite the fucking badass too. well, will godfrey thinks i am.jk i'm working on a motivational line for hallmark.

if you can donate some flow to me $5-10 for the benefit, let me know..most of you are broke as well as i, but if you dont drink for two nights and donate themoney instead that'll work aye?.  Yeah i'd rather have you donate to the raffle than pay the entry fee on thursday, or both. castle,orpheum have funds set up already which is choice. raddest email today from a complete stranger.


so my last test was today..fucking awesome..i went to lunch with jillian..the fucking styliest, niftiest, yet oddest girl to fucking date..shes got crazy nice hips though..and sports low riders more than spanish guys.

so i go out to flier for rob..all intents on buying beer..but got 3 for from this girl, i'm like thanks.talked for two secs...then two from this lesbian..shes about 45..i've seen her hanging out with ex-allison and carpet mary...shes like,'you are with alot of girls.'..i'm like thanks for noticing ..not reallly but..somethin to the effect..she was wasted....then she goes..'all your girls, i know them.', i was like i think you just know one, allison...she was like, 'NO, all of them..' then she continues on, 'you go out with this swagger and i'm too cool attitude.'..i was like, i come to hangout, drink some beers, maybe hold a conversation with someone new and talk to friends.....' youre pretty stylie she says.'..i think she wanted to form a partnership..i bring home girls, she straps on a dildo and fucks them...i'll give her the fatties and stinkers..fair trade...i'm totally kidding about this..although we did have a convo about me, and girls, and my 'attitude.'...i would never hangout with fat girls. so crash mitchell was added to the line up with out my knowledge...i felt like an ass..he was like we're playing that night too..i'm like where..he goes for the benefit...i'm like..ok..theyre ok, but 3 bands are enough...but the more the better i guess..they do have their own following.

dec 10

picked up simon went down to grand finale..that place is kinda chill, mellow, less cheesedicks...saw chris' ex-maggie there...looking choice as usual, but i cant really dig her for what she did to was marcella's b-day, bought her a beer..shes so cute and and her are fucking rad, the nicest couple this side of the gandy...there were some kids doing rails of blow and shit in the i miss it, fuck no..theres really nothing worth staying up fucking cool shit happening after 3am anymore..and most of the people i know, i'm kinda beat on after 3 am anyway, just want to go just feel disgusting sleeping at 9am and waking up at 5 and half the day is gone..cocaine is the white devil, not white people..well, them too. gina from the burg is donating some massages and a haircut to the cause which is choice..i sent out letters to businesses today.hopefully will get responses before thurs night..

dec 12

TONIGHT Crash Mitchell/Coma Girl/We Have Agents/The Boats...please come out and support our swankcowboy as well as yours, Rob Mcardle.  Its a 5 spot at the door.  givin away decks, wheels, skate passes (10 spot each, got 10) xbox games, magazine subscriptions, music certificates and salon auracle in the burg donated two gift certificates valued well over 250...for the love of god come out. you can go to fly trap, masquerade or the castle another night mofo.

just checked my grades for the semester and i am the golden mother fucking god!!..should i give in to the white devil for tonights festivities and my good grades!>?

Weekly Planet writeup:

A Benefit For Rob McArdle Feat. Helium Bomb/The Boats/Coma Girl/We Have Agents  (12/12/2002) Yeah, yeah, I know I rave about these excellent, category-confounding local bands all the time, but this one's important. Scene staple Rob McArdle (he's worked at 911, Empire and Masquerade, and now holds down the bar at Charlie Doan's place, Fuma Bella) just got out of the hospital a little while back, and needs your help to cover some of the exorbitant medical costs (what seemed like a cough was discovered to be congestive heart failure). Come and check out what I truly believe is some of the best, most creative tuneage the Bay has to offer, and donate a bit of green. There will also be a prize drawing, with killer stuff donated by The Skatepark of Tampa (represent!) and others. Do the right thing.

rob has been making some guest appearances on survivor. Jan on survivor is rob in drag.

dec 15

the benefit for mcardle was excellent, the rain let up and allowed for a great show..thanks again for the friends and bands that came out to contribute, tom nichelson, coma girl, boats, agents and crash a drunken stooper i became calling out the raffle tickets...i started drinking early and often(free) because i was bummed i thought the rain would keep people from coming...christina came out which was choice..gerard and phil showed up late..and thats when the insanity started...

as i was watching the final band this cutie pie blonde was dancing in front of me..somehow we ended up making out and she left with gerard, phil and i..on the car ride to the davis island..we both got freaky ...gerard for some reason stopped at bottle cap beach on davis island..she and i get out and go nuts on the beach..could have been totally busted for public nudity...putting on quite the show for the two back in the car.....back in the car we went to some kids house for some shit on davis island..she and i stayed in the back seat and made me some kids was crazy....i got home about 5 in the morning with her..more sex, woke up friday, sex, mid day, sex, before she left, sex..i was sexed out..fuck..back on the homefront, a friend was driving brad home and rain into the back of a drug dealer cops friends car this girl(no names cause shes cool and i'll hangout again)didnt leave until friday was nuts..took her for a ride on the scooter and was nice was like an overnight girlfriend package, but not..ends up this betty has a pseudo boyfriend..datinga month..whatever, i still would have hung out with her anyway..because i dont know that guy, i dont fucking care who he is..if she dug him, you know..she wouldnt have been getting a tai truong cultural experience.

friday dev and i checked out hyde park was beat..devs in love with the waitress and bought her a drink, 30 mins later, she downed made 'the move' to no avail, she had a boyfriend.

back at the hub later that night . fight almost ensued with dev and this cheesedick josh..i was there, i called off dev...hes making mad money to be throwing on a whitetrash cheesefuck and an ex...

sat we checked out orpheum...crazy amounts of dick still hurting from the fuck fest from before..i was just there to get fucked on the other hand...was lookin for the biotches..2 in fact....saw phil..he told me gerards BMW..thats right fucked in a new beemer..sweet..anyway, his electronic seats got fucked up and dont work because of my long legs trying to get leverage when i was disrespecting(joke) that girl after the benefit...its a fucking car..thats all. as for miss muffit...shes way cool, crazy amounts of sexy and is me with boobs..

this month is beat on shows and shit happening around town...

dec 17

last night was nuts at the castle and alyssa from the art show was out..this amazingly beautiful french/asian girl with lips worthy of the title, "DSL" damn..want to welcome devon into the world of the living again..he talked to this girl for about 2 hours, made out, felt some breastasis and got some digits and a date on saturday..myself...just hanging out, will , simon and justin made the drive out..

dec 18 

took claudia to hpc.she had never been was ok..just a nother  reason to drink is all my daddy said.

dec 20

beach with claudia..i had taken the day we stopped by ross for a suit for the undertow we were the only people out there, and she was the only one in a bikini, it was freezing...took claudia to the agents show at the was packed kids..devon came out also..he had called this chick from the castle on monday and she called back..she was going to diamond dolls and wanted him to come out...claudia wore this choice 170 dress we had bought earlier in the day..shes got a crazy rockin body my daddy said...took her to the  garden lobby for some live jazz with buster cooper.girl ended up calling d-love and his special sauce for a booty call but he declined at 3 am.

dec 21

if someone blew up the orpheum with all the alterna-kids inside, would the culture of the world take a say hell nah...girls are way cute, and yeah i'd like a chance to disrespect them all..but they are nobody's nothing spectacular about them....just walking vaginas...took claudia down there for some hodown of jen,heather fame was in town....ran into christina..she was like .'i left two voice mails..whats up with you..' i was just like.when i buy somone a drink two weeks in a row..then they dont hangout and they are making out with cheesedicks later..thats not someone i can be into..

dec 22

the two towers was checked out today with will, dev..its a choice film...afterwards checked a party out with was was some don pablo christmas party with two 130 am, the first keg was yet to be cashed..i mean, thats a crazy night waiting to happen..this crazy hot girl was quoted saying, 'whoa, i'm wasted.' will and i turned to each other simultaneously and had the 'muhahahhaha look ' that old men have when they see young girls...ahhahaha...yeah it was weird..katie and justin were there..but thats it...some dorks i didnt know talking about 'who wants to throw down with a blue cheese eating contest with me? i will throw down!' he proclaimed.

dec 23

claudia and went downto  the was a super good night..lots of  kids and claudia had never been on the monday before...unfortunately swankcowboy #2's ex-girlfriend was there and drunk and obnoxious with her friend stevie nicks. she pushed me and i let it slide but claudia was gonna unleash hell on my this big quido cheeese dick threatened a swankcowboy #2 with his demise..' i'll bust a cap in your ass, and in his ass too(referring to me)...i contemplated taking my own life at the thought of a cap being inserted into my ass hole.....with his gold teeth glistening in the blue moon light and tight shirt clinging to his muscles the cheese dick again threatened response, 'you and her arent worth a thought.'...i cant believe i thought this girl was so cool 7 years ago and today shes affiliated with such trash....personally, i'm glad you arent with are a nobody and going nowhere fast...believe me, if something were to happen to swankcowboy #2 or I, the asian community would seek revenge..gettin all bruce lee retribution on you kids..sorry..i dont like drama, yet its always around , and in this case it has nothing to do with me..but when people threaten someone over something they arent even involved in..its stupid....just imagine a muscle guy at the gym with a hat on backwards, black tee, thick gold necklace and gold fillings saying, 'i'll bust a cap in both yo asses dawg.'this is the last word..i know swankcowboy numero deux is over this i am too...asian represent. cant even go out and get wasted in peace anymore..jeesh

jan 7

wow, i've been slackin years was good..went to some doctors house on gandy and bayshore that was off the hook..their pool was straight out of the blue lagoon..if they had a daughter or sister i'd impregnate her to be apart of their family so i can live in their school started..wrecked on the scooter yesterday..fucked up my legs a  a new car..well new to me anyway..and i've been with the same person going on a month and its been great..sexually compatible,sarcastic, smart..and she knows everything....devon's dating i'm stoked for him..back on the poonani gravy train...nothing happening locally for a bit..bored with st pete for the month i was many nights can you just chill at mastrys or one cares for the excitement this dirt skank i used to date went up to a friend at usf yesterday and asked him if i flattened her tire...get over your white trash self you fuckin dirtrock, waste of skin, pussy dispensing skank.

tip of the day: when in a urinal do not try to aim or dissolve the blue bar in the whole because it will splash back and youre gonna have your piss, and others who have pissed before you on your pants.


.....When things go your way they just do i guess, until you get mangled in a scooter accident.  Won two choice tix to Sundays Bucs playoff game.  Expect alot of drunkenness, mullet pics, and boobie pics. Checked out Masquerade on the usual thurs for the first time in a year.  It really sucked. Unless it was a coincidence all the rejects,nerds, and overweight women were all there at the same time as me!~ta

checked out four green fields with was choice..had some guy, lets call him pete o malley in there playing some choice irish music..kinda flogging molly without the punk...kobas sushi was excellent last night..koba was flirting with claudia and i almost asked for 50 percent off from that biznitch..yeah i used the word....he's the coolest asian kid i know..besides dev and myself...went down to masquerade..weak.

jan 11 

checked out the boats at emerald, went to the garden to hangout, brought elle back to the emerald with us..typical boats show..same faces..its all good...we had this lush of a 17 year old at our table, dev, elle and i were fucking around with her..wasnt too nice of us.

jan 12

last night checked out an art show at emerald then drove over to orpheum..like6 of us...orpheums gettin did run into alyssa, this 50/50 we've met before...she sounds like a skate trick aye?

jan 13

that bucs game was choice...swankcowboys, beer, bucs, sun, all you can drink tailgate party for a 10 spot with food..thats a whole lot of nonsense waiting to happen, throw in two 17 year olds in front of us talking about piercings on their bodies..yikes...i'm not going to mention what they were saying for this is a family fucking website..took claudia to her first truong family food and to congratulate her on her first day officially as a physicians assistant and props to D.T. for scoring her the job.

jan 16

its been a stay in week for me kids, school and understand dont you? just got back from pickin up my free tix to the shindig for the skate park...wills coming so its claudia ,him and i....$14 at the door..also the boats are playing a show at masquerade on sunday along with 19 other bands..the theme this weekend kids is? 10 free kegs , you guessed it...2 shows 20 kegs between them= 10! school, i'm driving my scooter around or just walkin..and i dont see faces..i just see breasts..a girl might be smiling, but i just see boobs...whats happening to me...claudia and i are good..her first week on the job and shit..

jan 17

claude took me out to ambrosia for dinner last night..just working out kinks in the armor type o deal..shes way cool and shit, and you know me, i'm down with o.p.p ...afterwards we went over to the lobby at the garden..the best kept secret in the burg has ladies night on thursday..and fuck yeah we hook that shit up...claude had harps and wine, chocolate martinis are the off the fucking hook...oral sex in the car...would that be considered hazardous...well, i was wasted too...TONIGHT SK8(old school!) park of tampa anniversary party, 10 kegs, mr white acid washed jeans himself, andrew wk rolls his raucous noise into town... i'm there before nine but shows start 10 premiere at 7..for those of you that have ever gawked or got an erection from a little skate betty, two words...ALL AGES! yeah boi!

jan 23

been slackin i dig, claudia, work, fam, school, drinking...not so much drinking past few weeks..well maybe 7 party was packed, waited crazy amounts of time for a few beers...the line was all the way from masquerade to the parking garage...most of the cheesedick alternatives were in anyone stupid to stand in that line..not me..they were later turned away because the masquerade was at capacity..i had spot passes so we went up front...had a few spot locals 'swankcowboy' represent  me...saw will inside...claude wasnt drinkin cause she went nuts the night before with me..heck why cant girls drink every night? i just wanted her to see andrew wk and the noise and nonsense he was funny..i think she got it....tom nicholson actually told me those acid washed jeans awk  wears are never removed..imagine the p-funk that is comin from those white acid washed bad boys...checked out hyde park cafe early on tuesday like 9 stayed till midnight..she has to work early and i have school, so drinking early should become a say why drink at all on a school or work night? cause we fuckin can...

for you chicks, lobby is free drinks, wine, harps, and other madness on thurs..check it tonight..gasparilla and vietnamese new year is next sat..its gonna be a crazy gasparilla, sleep, covivant, buddhist temple next saturday....for all of you posers that wish to be culturally inclined email me and i'll tell you where the temple is..its gonna be off the hook...400 slanted eyed mofos represented...dragon dancing...super bowl this weekend!  bucs represent..!!!!

jan 28

checked out this weak ass art show called nude night on friday..saw the senator from castle fame full me the fuckin chills...sat checked out fly trap..not bad, doing some renovating.. last night Checked out the castle last night for a bit to take a break from reading..I have to say that the style factor here in Tampa is nonexistent.  No hot alternative girls remain in tampa? You girls are either overfuckin weight or just butt ugly. But hey, you look alternative so thats cool right? NO. Just be ugly, the fact that youre trying to be alternative or goth just adds to the gross factor.


claude was sick for a few days but shes much better...uhm checked out 25th hour..spike lee is still one bad black mamma jamma but, still trying for that edge..edward nortons' always a bad ass...tonight..mike mcnamara returning to the burg from miami..tomorrow gasparilla, and vietnamese new year!

feb 4

friday checked out the year asian style..represent!  checked out mike (boomerang) at the was chill..all the budious maximus locals... 

saturday claude and i awoke early, bought a choice cooler, held like 5 cases of stinkin was her first gaspar, and it was choicei think...will,walt,liza,ryke,dev, renee, and her bf all walked around creating a back to the car at around 9 30 ish...too lazy to post pics up today but if you check the main page, there are a few pics up there...i dont little brother got jumped by 5 of you pussy caucasian motherfuckers...i'm just letting you know that asian hell will be unleashed.

feb 14

happy valentines day..especially to miss claudia. last night we checked out grand finale, gold star, then back to gran finale, then back to gold star..ryke and his brother reese were out..theyre on their way to atlanta...snow boards were in full effect and someone (ryke) was very friendly..not often do we exchange hugs...he was fucked up...good star is a ghetto-fab sausage party on thursdays and i highly suggest staying away from that home about 2:30 stayed up till about bound..nothing too spectacular in town this weekend, so entertain yourselfs..well, on sunday, henry hsiao will bring his masterful stylins to redstar along with some other instrumentalist...asian represent...

feb 14

left the burg about 7 to claudias dismay..made it to miami about 10:30...went straight to the marlin where dj boom(mike) is the manager..its a way stylie club(old hotel) with state of the art recording studio and rooms above..sarah was bartending and was half stripping and drunk i, it was nice seeing her..she hooked us up a mighty parties til 5am..insanity...we hung though thanks to the white devil. jay-z and beyonce knowles came in and walked right out...mike told me shes recording upstairs for a few months..they left cause miss sara screamed out.."look everyone theres beyonce and jay-z!"...stayed at marlin for a bit(3 hours) at 3 we jet to the maze to meet mr joe'budiousmaximus' grey...its a crazy big intense club...its just huge and too much techno..but his private parties are upstairs his venture "aquabooty" happens every saturday there...about 4-5 am..we were out of it, not too much out, thanks to the white devil...made it back to his warehouse got naked and passed out...


woke about noon and made it out to mcnamara's house by coconut grove..and yes joes warehouse does have a shower now...anna mac is doing an amazing job raising parker and good...i was very impressed...those kids are so well behaved and so fookin intelligent.....just so remarkable how parker has grown and is so great...she remembered me from the wedding and the burg...she was like throwing out 5 syllable words, i'm like holy shit...i used two poison words because i have a foul mouth, luckily i wasnt caught by the kids....took us 3 hours to get the kids(mike included) out the door and down to the coconut art festival...had some great work down there..not like tampa whos art mainly consists of sea horses and beach murals and shit.....made it back to mikes about 6, he had to jet to work..he works like 6-6 every day except one day...its hard, but they re great parents....we slept til about 10 woke and headed to joes party at the maze...started off slow..but it picked up..didnt get as crazy as the first night..the white devil was still kickin...mellowed out about 3 and jet to marlin..but mike closed it down early...just went home so we could make it to the beach on sunday.

feb 16

beach for 3 hours..insane amounts of boobs and shit everywhere..crowded and ghettofied..but hey, its miami...afterwards we checked out south beach for a bit and started to get ready for the trip back..but before hand i had to find some farmers markets or such to hook up with shit for the folks..otherwise...i wouldnt be a good son..found one and bought a crazy amount of miamified fruits and vegetables as long as some plants for claude's and my moms house...

joe budious is lovin miami and doing good down there..saw the old budious maximus gear in his house..i'll post pics should be up and running soon...its stpte/tampa, with more style, class, spanish people,and definately more booty...mikes planning on moving to washington or canada...parker said, 'its not enough nature and there is too much, its just too much in miami'...just fuckin smartkids those macnamras...winter music conference in one month for all of those interested.

feb 21

checked out ale house last night..just to get some beer in me...i'm studyin thats right kids...and ale house has the hoochiest and ugliest girls i've ever seen..its like takin canadian seconds and throwing them in the burg...theres no style or anything there...i know you know this..but whatever...i think i'm blacklisting clubs for a bit, well, theme clubs anyway...i can play old wave, house, hip hop in my fucking house..its just so beat...i'm in a jazz and live band mood this month i think...less than jake is performing on saturday..talked to the band about free tix and photo pass..dont know if i'd be caught dead at a less than jake show, just as bad as blink182 or i dont know....

march 4th

eazy e is back in town,otherwise known as eric, 'bedgood', or just the flatulator. nothing too spectacular happening, iraq should just bomb tampa and the burg just for kicks.  uhm, im kidding jackass. me and the misses are still together, going on 3 months strong. checked out castle with devon last night.  beat scene.  claude just got two days off for the winter music conference...which is gonna be rad. Avoid SUV's on the beach. This week kicks off the Bonk fest up til the 8th. Dev mentioned,' we went last year, and its just all the WMNF'ers hanging out, its like having a party just for them.'..and he's right...musics ok, but really, cant any attractive girls show up that wont have on a black t shirt or studded, belt, or maybe not cuff up their pants....might as well come out naked fuck...So those of you that might need a ride or want to get the burg/tampa funk off of you for awhile..hit me with an email, or give me a call 727-385-4104.

swankcowboy spotlight:


Name: Devon Occupation: Physicians Assistant 

 march 5th

checked out hoo doo room (formally fly trap) with claudia, dev came down later...its their grand re opening.they want it to be a mesh of like, orpheum, liars club, but with more white trash and everything last night..drank a pretty penny worth of newcastle, claudia went nuts on the stiff drinks..jet around 12, the misses has to work early. this friday check the xchange out, cause boom is in town, for you budious maximus friday, boats at new world..any of you been bonked yet? bonkfest runs thru out the week..check it.

march 14 

bob log and the boats put on crazy sets tonight..phew...i drink too much and ski alot...buddha help me. devs girl came out in practically nothing..and good for him... tomorrow, frank black. check the boats pics out, some crazy ones..thanks devon! why cant we all party like devon and will? BOATS!

march 15

checked out frank black and the catholics with the misses and devon..if you dont know her, her names claudia..damn that frank black for playing pixie songs!..haha jk..every other song was a pixie..although my favorites 'allison,' and 'here comes your man' were left out..checked out mastrys after wards.. winter music conference comin layout being worked on..keep the comments to a minimum if you dont dig it bitch. talking about bitches..ah nevermind. 45 Black pics posted.


march 18

checked out the castle on monday..for st patricks day and all cause i love irish people..well except one of them.  If i could make two rules. fat girls stay home please..actually, its just that one...i'll hear beef from the misses on that one..but is it wrong to want to see skinny attractive people out..come on. music conference  this week and hopefully it wont be called off because of the war. run saddam run! City of God has to be the fucking best movie i've seen in recent years.

i forgot to mention i had a run in with the owner of squaresville. he doesnt own a computer but some of you dorks have mentioned to him that i said, 'if you shop at squaresville i'll kill you.' he approaches me monday...'dude you hate me or something?' i'm like no man. mellow out, its just like youre robbing people for shit they can find on their own..and you cater to all the diesel, old navy, yuppy tampa crowd.  in all fairness, i've made a logo for squaresville and will be posting it thru out the site.

march 31

woah, back from the music conference and trying to get back into the swing of, claudia..the fam...this saturday, if you enjoy my mindless thoughts and want to come out.. Birthday Party you locals who just hangout on or livejournal...i'm really not into you kids being there..because poser scene kids are beat and the burgs got enough of them...the rest of you..come on down..2 kegs of newcastle and ski lifts may vary depending on local weather.check the eflier here.

woah, been awhile..but here goes.

april 6th

thanks to all that came out for my birthday was rad...the white devil showed up and had most of those that remained in his/her trance till about 9 am. she said she loved me...

april 11th

ryke , claudia and i checked out grand finale for its final run..$2 bass cant be passed up can it? the white devil again appeared in a vision...picked up will and snuck into the vinoy, cold jacuzzi, so we went down to the holiday inn on st pete beach..stayed till about 4 am..

april 17th 

boats announced as openers for former lead minutemen and firehoser, Mike Watt.

april 18th

caught a ride down to the show with the godfreys with claudia.  most of the boats fan base were out...the turnout for mike watt however was way the kids in the area not know mike watt? some gay emo band shows up at orpheum and they're all out, sitting on the curbs and shit of the orpheum..but mike watt and the boats  and theres a weak turnout..fuck you stupid fucks..about 250 turned out which was rad...doesnt take away from the choice show by the boats though, and mike watt.

watts' punk is whatever we made it to be.'(sticker)




april 19th

worked fucking 9 hours i really want to be a pharmacist..? Grand Finales last night tonight..Claudia and i took the scooter down there about 11 and met ryke..crazy amounts of people..couldnt get a beer, so ryke got a 12 pack and came back...very nice amount of pretty girls there..but hey, i have a i dont care..i was stoked for ryke....this one girl, just came up to claudia and i and said,' i 'm not hitting on your bfriend, but i just had to meet him..etc'...i was like woahh, 'this is my girlfriend claudia....'i think i was more upset than claudia...thats all cool if you look and stare but you dont come up to me....claudia looked great..shes got this rock'n ass that i cant stop pinching..its like an the store, with the fam..everywhere...i need help...afterwards ran into rhiannon at some house party down on the southside..its some kid derricks....these kids are like duckey from pretty in pink....not even cool retro..its like the gay 80's...wheres molly ringwald when you need her?


Happy Easter!

April 20th

claudia and i had it rough the night was another white devil infested time...11 rolled around and we had to make shit for her family's easter shindig..she bought me this sweet monochromatic shirt and tie...we looked way good, she also was in an amazing forest green floral printed dress...the 4 hour wasnt as bad as i had thought...the only bad thing was us falling asleep practically from the night before...she is by far the best gfriend i've ever had..i'm not just saying that either...


may 30

checked out studio 1935 art studio in stpete..nice new place to support local art...vitales were out in force along with stpete locals..our foursome decided to buy $15 worth of shit each and checked out rain since their opening. it was dead but we were fucked up..came back and drank claudias liquor supply...woke up and got her a new haircut at jimmie bobs 510..the thing about doing that shit is you fucking sleep the next day

june 6th

claude,ryke and i checked out dirtfest st pete..oh i mean, 'first friday' that stpete throws the first of every month..i thought it would be special since its stpetes 100th birthday..but it sucked ..we went out at 8pm and claudia faded at 11..took her home and came back to garden/perch...kinda sucks that i just cant hangout in stpete without the white lady..i mean..drinking gets beat after awhile..maybe i should drink so much and drink once a week instead so i dont get so burnt out...caught a black vs. white fist was weak..we followed these two guys for about a block..till the cops got them....2am rolls around and this vagrant tells us of this house deep in the southside that sells liquor and alcohol...its not a business either...just a house..seemed sketchy..the catch was..we had to give this guy a ride...the anticipation of the white lady coming makes you want to do stupid shit to get alcohol...

'dont run whitey.'...this guy kept on walking away...and was getting nailed from behind..I dont break up fights...unless its a dude beating up a girl, or one of my friends....breaking a fight up between strangers is nuts...we were yelling, 'turn around!'...he got clocked hard a few times...if we were drunk enough.i'm sure we would have began singing the childrens nursery rhyme, 'fight , fight, a black and a white, if the.....' i am just intrigued at human behavior and i apologize in advance for these pictures.

july 2nd,03

shit i've been slacking..white stripes were crazy was way short though..$40 back please.  got crazy wasted with ryke=rykesanity. went to the castle for the first time in awhile on describe the experience these days....'its like going to a strip club on their bad night and seeing all their scab dancers and rejects.'  and watching the entry to the castle is waiting to win the lottery...(if i were single) is still good and double fisting newcastle is the way to go. this thursday at the garden dj boomerang(mike) returns. 

i had my phone run over by a car...if you are a verizon rep or work for verizon and can steal me a will be nicely reimbursed...also all 200 or so names are if you've ever called me, call again and leave a voice mail with your water music tonight......

july 9th

fourth of july was nifty..john west's party was ok if i was on shrooms like the rest of them..back to the garden..beat..on saturday the white devil was with us in a night at hyde park cafe for a fellow neuro-surgeons birthday...

so claudia revealed to me .........

july 13th

checked out marks house in downtown spte..kinda pseudo art show, party..2 was good..same people but hey, you need to get used to seeing the same people around...

back to the ex thing..i'm over it..claudia and i are so much better than that..even though her bfriend says i misunderstood cause he overheard the whole could you over hear from across the room when youre spinning records...they were in a booth with two other chicks and i was at the were no where around there..but hey thats know your girlfriend right..a bundle of conversation she is all the time, would never talk shit about anyone.....and i dont hide behind this shit..i'm on the pc doing hey, i take 2 mins out of my day to vent..i dont tell anyones girlfriends to read this shit..i dont mention names...i dont need to waste my time confronting nobodys ....i'll leave the drama for someone elses mama...

thanks to simone for reminding me that i am tai truong.

july 22nd

checked out les  nubians last week with dev, elle, and claudia.. little lauryn hill, little pharcyde, little tribe.  Not to mention they are crazy beautiful black women those Nubians were. i got like 100 or so pics that will be up.  only negative from the show. besides the weak crowd(stupid fucks!) jk ..was the girl from covivant that said, 'dont you think youve taken enough pics..?'  i was gonna freak out on her but, just turned..i cursed her later in a drunken stooper.

copeland wasnt half bad either. besides the fact that everyone was under 16 and claudia and i were the only ones drinking.warped tour is this friday.  Havent decided if its worth the check.






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