The Incipient Canton of
Swans Keep

in the Barony of Septentria
in the Kingdom of Ealdormere

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)

is an international, non-profit organization, celebrating pre-17th century history.  It has members who study every aspect of medieval life.  We are brewers, archers, calligraphers, heralds, spinners, blacksmiths, costumers, dancers, equestrians, cooks and armoured fighters.  We enjoy feasting, embroidery, leatherwork, fencing, beadwork, socializing, live weapons competition, period music, theatre and much more.  If someone did it back then, you can bet someone is trying to do it now.
Paid membership is not required for participation in local meetings, practices or events.

Our regular meetings (no charge) normally take place
on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays* of the month from 6:30 - 8:30 pm
at the Midland Public Library
downtown at the corner of King and Elizabeth Streets.
320 King Street, Midland, L4R 3M6 (526-4216)
in the 3rd floor Board Room; there is an elevator.

Contact Seneschal, Lord Bohemond du Mont Saint-Louis (Rob Nicholson),
705-835-6016  or email
Rob Nicholson

Archery, fight practice, sometimes rapier (no charge) take place in Barrie
on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesdays* of the month 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Martial Arts contact: THL Augustyn von Brixen (Nick West)
705-526-8642 (no calls after 9:00 pm please)
or email
Nick West, for directions and/or further information

*Rarely, a meeting or practice may be moved or cancelled - advisable to phone first

The Incipient Canton of Swans Keep is in the process of planning a mid-winter weekend indoor camping event to be held in Barrie, hopefully to be a Kingdom event, date and name to be determined.  Many details have yet to be worked out but it is expected to include fighting, archery, thrown weapons, dance, Arts and Science and merchants.  STAY TUNED.


      September 1 - Heavy combat demo (Little Lake Park, Midland)
      September 8 - Folding wood tables, finishing and next event planning (Midland Library)
      September 15 - Heavy combat demo (Little Lake Park, Midland) OR
Archery, fight practice, fencing (Barrie)
      September 22 - Canton members next event planning meeting (Barrie)
September 29 - Archery, fight practice, fencing (most likely Barrie)
Kingdom of Ealdormere Home Page
Kingdom of Ealdormere calendar of activities and events

SCA Home Page
SCA Demo Site
Page last updated: September 2, 2009