thoughts on GG Allin
How does it feel to have
all your heroes let you down?
How does it feel to see all the bands that you figured would,
or could make a real differnce sell out? Disillusioned and
I watched all the bands I thought I loved cop out and fail. I
to find music that spoke of my feelings of total alienation from
I stumbled across GG Allin,a name I'd heard of but never heard
his music
previously. I was amazed by the extremes to which he was prepared
to go to...
how far he would take it and just when you'd think he could go no
he would cross the line! I decided that this was the music that
screamed it's
total hatred for the world in a way that echoed the sentiments of
my feelings...
my frustration,my anger,my fears! It was scary stuff,but that was
the essence
of TRUE rock n roll rebellion! That was the reason this music was
before all the phonies wimped out and signed up for comfortable
that were nothing more than financial gagging orders! Golden
What GG did was no joke,although there was a sense of humour
behind it!
Laugh at him and you'd get a bottle or chair in the face! His
ultimate goal was
to destroy rock n roll and rebuild
it in the name of GG Allin...
He was doing a damned good job of this,but it took more than a
human was able
to give and his endurance just ran out. I was saddened the day I
heard GG was dead.
I knew that there was so much more that needed to be done and he
no longerdo it. It's up to us to carry on the job,he showed us
the way forward
and if the mission ever meant anything to any of us...
we must do whatever we can to further the cause of the scumfuc
Next in line for the next best thing,
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