Hello, My name is Tanya.
I am happily married, and I  have 3 beautiful girls.
I know how to play the violin, which I don't do nearly enough.
I like to play cribbage, and can be found most in yahoo game cribbage room intermediate 3. I play, as well as host tournements, in a cribbage league there known as Mycribbage. New faces are always welcome so stop on by!
I love to ride horses. I haven't in many years now and I miss it! 
I also love fantasy pictures
(such as pixies and fairies), and of course I love to play on the computer.
My Family

You may also read my blog, or make comments by visiting  my page on

Daily Prayer

So far today God...
I've done alright.
I haven't gossiped,  haven't lost my temper, haven't been greedy, or grumpy, nasty or self-centered.
I'm really glad about that.
But in a few minutes God...
I'm going to get out of bed... and then I'm going to need a lot of help.
Thank you!