Candy Bouquets
























Our Candy Bouquets are the perfect alternative to flowers.

We deliver in the Little Rock  metroplex just as a florist.

We have treats to delight children and gifts for those who already have everything.


Our Candy Bouquets are a unique way to win clients and reward employees - not to mention a tasty surprise for family and friends.

Order with confidence, knowing we are committed to providing you with unique products, quality ingredients and exceptional service.

Entertain the Beer Lover in your life with a 12 pack Beer, Chips, Peanuts, Lollipops and Bite-Size Hershey’s Chocolates.

(Imported & Bottled Beer available for an additional charge.)

LOTTA-POPS!  $30.00
A beautiful fun bouquet of Blow Pops, Tootsie Pops, LolliPops, AstroPops and various SuckerPops!

This arrangement consists of Bite-Size Hershey's Chocolates -  Three Musketeers, Snickers, Baby Ruth, Butterfingers, Milky Ways, Nestle Crunch!

Send this Sweet Bouquet to a childhood friend or family member.  It contains all your childhood favorites:

Now & Laters, BlowPops, Jolly Ranchers, Bubble Gum, and Tootsie Rolls Pops!

Visa & Mastercard Accepted.
Nationwide Shipping Available








M&M Candy Bouquet  $45.00 (Full Size)










More Sweet Treats!










More Candy Bouquets






Cake Price List














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Caterer & Chocolatier




















