Hi, I see you have arrived at my biography section,
read on to learn a lot about me. =)

:: D E S C R I P T I O N ::

Well, I live in Brooklyn, New York and I am currently a Junior attending Brooklyn College. I am 5'3, dark brown eyes, 145 pounds with dark caramel skin.

:: H O B B I E S ::

Sportscenter, yes definitely Sportscenter. This website, making cdz, dancing and shopping, definitely shopping. Stop looking at me like that panther!

:: G O A L S ::

My goal in life is to be a sports broadcaster for NBC. I adore the Yanks, World Series Champs!! I even went to the ticker tape parade! (all of them) BIG knick fan...Don't forget the Jets and Giants! But you can probably catch me leaning towards the giants... ;-)

:: L I F E ::

I am now living at home, and commuting to college, I did the whole dorm scene but it really, really, wasn't for me. I adore my school and believe that it is beautiful and the perfect school for me (although any collge probably would have been beautiful after Old Westbury).

:: L O V E ::

Lets see, what else about this here princess? I have seem to got a hold of this webpage thingie in February, right around Valentines day when I created my first page (Hip Hop 4 Hip Hop Headz) and when my "love" was treating me terribly. BUT! The month after, I met me prince charming and he swept me off of my feet.

For more about James read my Love Testimonial.

:: F R I E N D S ::

I have my peeple, especially my stister Sherri and Teresita. people in school say I'm way popular, but i don't know, I mean, who counts their friends? I believe that if you are friendly and nice, we could be friends, good friends. You can learn all about my peeps at my ShoutOutz Page.

:: M U S I C ::

I love reggae music, I also listen to hip hop, R&B and lotz more. I love to dance, I live for dancing espcially to dancehall reggae!!!! *wink, wink*

:: T . V . S H O W S ::

I'm just like the normal teenage gyrlie. I love Now & Again, Dawson's Creek, Buffy, Felicity, ER, Friends (!), and many more. As far as daytime soaps are concerned I wuv All My Children, and One Life to Live.

:: F I N A L T H O U G H T S ::

Okay, I've told you enough. ;-) Thanks for taking the time to learn about lil ole me *blush*, if you wanna chat about anything, my ICQ is 14026535, and on AOL im "WebMami", My e-mail addy is WebMami@aol.com. =)