
I am who I am
no one can change it
You don't like it?
I am unique
my hair
my smile
my personality
I am a star
in my own mind
The best there ever was
I am the moon
mysterious and bright
overlooking everyone
So far away
I am me
and I am happy with that
and no one
absolutly no one
can change that
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a breath of fresh air
before going back under
sinking beneath everything
that i have encountered
trying to recover
trying to reach the surface
struggling, not getting anywhere
nobody realizes
how sincere this really is
nobody gets it
the pressure is unbearable
in the back of my mind
is the option of fleeing
running away from everything
ending it
but then i think
of people and the pressure
and how its not all that bad
at the end of the day
ill still be me
and that pressure will still be there
whether im concious of it
or not
and in the end
its not really worth it

a rose by any other name
is said to be one in the same
but a rose when wilted
is ignored

if I was that wilted rose
would you ignore me?
would you talk to me?
would you listen?

that beautiful rose
may be adored
but all roses wilt

so i'd rather be
a wilted rose
that was once adored
and now at rest

than that rose
which has not reached it's time
that is overwhelmed
with adoration

a rose by any other name
will still be a rose
For My Own Good

the pain the torture
unbearable torture
all for someone to be happy
they think they are helping
when they are really hurting
wanting whats best
when they really have no choice
in the matter.
at the same time
ex friends
stabbing with their painful words
strangers now
painful strangers
who's words hurt more than anything.
and now
i have the overwhelming feeling
of being smothered,
even if it is
for my own good
Copywrite© Hilary Spencer