The question I am asked most is...
Whats with the bees??.....
If you have been to my house you will find yourself over whelmed with BEEs. I have been collecting bees for a number of years now and have everything you could possibly imagine with a bee on it or in a bee shape.  Eveyday I wear a bee, if not a
t~shirt than socks, or jewelry.
I LOVE them!! And NO I never get tired of them. And you have to admit you will never see another bee and not think of me. :-).

So the real question is

Wayyyy back when Dale and I started dating and we were all lovey dovey we started calling each other little nick names. He started calling me Stir. When asked why he would either say because I stirred his soul OR because I like to stir up s***. It would depend on his mood. Because he cuts meat he would bring home stir fry stickers and stick them to me and things around the house. One day he brought home a "special" sticker and stuck it to me. I knew I had him then. ( see now you will never be able to pass a meat special without thinking of me either..LOL) 

Eventually he started calling me "Little B" Little because I was so much shorter than him and B because thats what my name starts with.
I started calling him Bunny, but thats another story.

So one day he was shopping and he came upon a cute little Bee, he bought it for
his "little B" and the rest is history. From then on he was on a personal quest to buy me BEE gifts. I loved them because they came from my Bunny. After a couple years others joined in and my bee collection has snowballed. I even got a bee tattoo a couple summers ago :-)

So when I opened my daycare it only seemed logical to call it Becky's Beehive. Plus it gave me an excuse to buy the bee play tent I found at Ikea. :-P

Ok I hope that answers the question!!!!
2003, Becky Schwartz