
University of California, Irvine
Sunday, March 3, 2002

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This is our man, Brian.

I guess I could embarrass him and tell you what a hunk/babe/sweetheart he is (which he is), but a picture is worth a thousand words and this one does speak volumes!

Not only is the packaging attractive, Brian is a treasure of a person with a good, good heart.

Amazing what a quick search on google.com will bring up. Here's Brian, describing himself on the Jodaiko web site:

" ^_^ Brian, here. I'm a sophomore this year, and... well, I'm pushing 20; it'll only be a few more months now. Kinda scary when I think about it.

This is my second year with Jodaiko, and appropriately, my second year playing Taiko. I guess my favorite part of Taiko is that feeling in your gut whenever you hit the drum just right.... It's not over-powering, but not weak, either. =D It's just right!

Shout-outs to Generation 8, and to the new kids, Generation 9!

In the interest of keeping this shorter than most of my profiles, I'll just say that my most captivating hobbies are Taiko and learning about those lovely Islands of the Pacific.... Japan. ^_^

I play the Tenor Sax, in addition to knowing a few Cuban rhythms on the congas.  My musical taste is a bit too odd and much too lengthy to put here, so ask if you have a burning desire to know. Peace! =D ." ~ Brian

Captivated with Anime (Japanese animation and manga -- comics) in high school, Brian's interest in all things Japanese lead him to Japanese language classes at his high school.  The taiko bug bit him hard when his Japanese language teacher, Ms. Eilene Oyama, introduced UCI's Jodaiko club to her students.  

The rest, as they say, is history.

"Teachers affect eternity; 
they can never tell where their influence stops." 
~ Henry Brooks Adams

Brian became a founding member of the high school taiko group, Kokoro Kara Taiko (From the Heart Taiko).  Soon, UCI became his first choice, although Claremont Colleges was given a passing consideration. UCI's strong foreign language program and Jodaiko Club clinched his decision.

Here's an Kokoro Kara Taiko website page with an MP3 of 'Omatsuri', which was performed in 1999 at Knott's Berry Farm with Brian on increments.  I'd tell you what an increment is, but I don't know.  Ask Brian.

I don't know where his language and taiko skills will take Brian in this world.  There's always a big demand for someone with multiple talents.  

Well-raised with solid values, his foundations are solid.  His life is blessed with caring family and friends.  He is multi-talented and gifted.  His contributions to the world will be wonderful and meaningful, as they already are.


September Morn © 2002