This is the Triumph Alternative School's earthquake site. Please check back because this site is always under construction as a result of too many earthquakes.
Class links:
Holbrook School District's site
In this lesson we are learning about real time earthquake data.
Let's have some fun!
Plate techtonics site
USGS plate techtonics site
ASSIGNMENTS: USGS real-time earthquake site
Experiments and Activities site
Group 1 will visit the real-time earthquate data site and record data.

Group 2 will prepare a world map for plotting earthquakes.

Group 3 will plot the recorded data on the map

Group 4 will be working on one of the illustrations of the different types of plate boundaries
Questions for this lesson:
1. Do earthquakes appear to occur all over the earth's surface or only in isolated regions?

2. Is there a recognizable pattern to where earthquakes seem to occur?

3. If such a pattern does exist, could you use it to determine where high risk earthquake zones are located?

4. Do you think that there is a coorelation between tectonic plates and earthquakes?

5. What do you think the coorelation is?