What is SPLIT (DOS):
A high-speed, low-drag DOS free file splitter. Does not need any other file to rejoin the split files. Just use the batch file generated by the program.

Why use SPLIT (DOS):
1. To transport a large file that will not fit in a floppy disk to another computer.
2. To email another person a large file. The reason for this is that ISPs do not allow for an email attachment that is bigger than 1 megabyte.
The other person will not need the `SPLIT.EXE' program to rejoin the split files. He will just need to run the batch file that was created after splitting the to rejoin the split files.

System Requirement:
1. Any IBM PC compatible system.
2. DOS 5.0 and above. Also compatible in Windows 95.
3. At least 128 Kilobytes of memory.

1. Windows 95/98/ME.
2. Dos 5.0 and above.
3. 4DOS 5.52 and above.
4. Take Command 32.

What are SPLIT (DOS) features:
Features (SPLIT (DOS) v1.0):
1. Extensive help and examples.
2. Able to split a file by number of partitions or partitions size.
3. The program will create a batch file for the user to rejoin all the split files.
4. Does not need `SPLIT.EXE' to rejoin the files.
5. Able to split the files to floppy disk or to hard drive.
6. The read and write processes during the splitting of the file are verified, so no fear of file error.
7. Able to rejoin the split file on the floppy disk using the batch file.
8. Will recognize if the files are to be split to a floppy disk or hard drive. Will ask the user to change the floppy disk when required.
9. Will check if the hard drive will fit all the partitions of split files on the hard drive.
10. Will inform the user how many floppy disk is required each time a file is split to a floppy disk.
11. Will check if the partition will fit the inserted floppy disk. If not the user will be asked to insert another floppy disk.
12. During the process of splitting files to the floppy disk, the user will have the option to abort the process, if there is not enough floppy disk.
13. Each time a file is written, the program will check if there is any other file with the same name and will ask the user if he wants to overwrite it or abort the process.
14. If rejoining the file, the batch file will check if the file already exist at the target.
15. The batch file to rejoin the file will check if the source and target is a valid location.
16. Low memory requirement. Will work in 128 KB of memory to split a 100 MB file to 100 partitions.
17. Long File Name(LFN) stored in zip or rar file done by WinZip, WinRar or PowerDesk or any 32 bit compression software will be preserved after rejoining the split files.
18. Will inform the user of the progress when joining or splitting the file.

New Features (SPLIT (DOS) v2.0e)
1. All the features of SPLIT v1.0.
2. To get help, type `SPLIT -?,-h,/?,/h'.
3. Menu driven. Just type `SPLIT' to get the menu driven feature of SPLIT. 4. When using the menu driven, the directory listing of the current drive and directory will be listed to help in selection of the file to be split. 5. Size of partitions can be shorten to: 144 : 1.44 MB disk, 120 : 1.20 MB disk, 720 : 720 KB disk and 360 : 360 KB disk.
6. All the command line options of SPLIT can still be used.
7. Can format a disk on the fly. Will be very helpful if at the end of splitting the 98th of out of 99 partitions to disk and finding out that you do not have any empty disk left. It would really suck if you have to quit the split process just to erase or format the last disk and then restarting the split process from scratch. If disk is empty, the split program will recognize it and not ask to format the disk. The content of the disk will also be displayed so that the user will not accidentally delete any important files.

Who created SPLIT (DOS):
Created by Syed Nasir Alsagoff (synasir@tm.net.my)
Split (DOS) v1.0 - May 1997
Split (DOS) v2.0e - Nov 1997

Known issues with Split (DOS)
Review on Split (DOS)