International ZIONIST Jewry:
The Synagogue of Satan
"and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan"
--Revelations 2:9
International Zionist Jewry are of the synagogue of Satan.
The Jewish House of Rothschild, headquartered in the CITY of London, UK, stands at the very pinnacle of the world's social, economic, political and religious power structure.
They have crossed ALL lines since the year 2000 and are preparing Mankind and the Planet for the Apocalypse as is referenced in the Book of Revelations. Their primary objective is to maim, injure, kill and destroy every single human being on the planet- and this they do with great relish. Their's is a global eugenics agenda which exalts the zionist jew and relegates all 'goyim' (other than Jew) to the grave.
An important disclaimer must be stated here: I am indicting the international zionist jew- a very small cabal of international jewish bankers and global corporate elite at the top- NOT the typical average jew on the street. For the average jew are as much a victim, if not more so, of these sadistic/psychopathic/control freaks as anyone else- let only the Holocaust of World War 2 testify to this account.
International Rothschild Jewry completely owns, manages and controls the United Kingdom, the United States and the nation of Israel. The USA is completely infested with these jewish vermin as they use the US military and the US corporate, intelligence and media establishment to fight their proxy wars for them. All 3 countries are criminal/rogue/terrorist states (a true jewish axis of evil) of the highest order, particularily the little bastard nation of Israel, a regime that has become, ironically, the world's new Nazi Germany.
The International Jewish Empire, headquartered in the CITY of London, UK have made major geo-strategic mistakes in regards to securing peace in the volatile Middle East. As of the year 2000, they have lost the initiative put forth by THIS author that would have laid the foundation (stone) for world peace well into the 21st century. That threshold in space/time has been breached and will continue to lead to the devolution and ultimate destruction of human civilization and the planet in the years ahead.
Jonas the Prophet
California USA