U.S. Private and
Public Sectors Lesson 4 |
U.S. Private Sector |
1. U.S. Households
- Functional Distribution of Income
(2005) - where a household's income comes from
- Income comes from wages/salary, interest, rent, profits
- Personal Distribution of Income
(2004) - which group earns household's income
- Divide income earners into 5 classes (quintiles)
- Lowest 20% are the poor
- Highest 20% are the rich
- Household spending - where does a household's money go
- Disposable income - income after
taxes are taken out
- Household can spend and/or save disposable income
- Expenditures
- Durable goods - products that
have a life of 3 years or more
- Automobiles, furniture, computers, etc.
- Nondurable goods- products
that have a life of 3 years or less
- Food, clothing, and gasoline
- Services - a service provided
to the consumers
- Attorneys, barbers, doctors, hotels,
2. U.S. Businesses
- Definitions
- Plant - a physical place such as
factory, firm, mine, store, or warehouse
- Firm - a business that owns the
- Industry - a firm or group of
firms that produce a similar product for a market
- Legal Forms of Business
- Sole Proprietorship - owned by a
single individual
- Owner liable for his business debts
- Business is dissolved when owner dies
- Accounts for 72% of business firms
- Collects 5% of the business revenue
- Farms
- Grocery stores
- Restaurants
- Partnership - owned by a two or
more persons acting as co-owners
- High risk, because all partners are responsible for debts
incurred by 1 partner
- If one partner dies, then business has to be reorganized
- Accounts for 8% of business firms
- Collects 11% of the business revenue
- Law firms
- Accounting firms
- Corporation - owned by
stockholders and is a separate legal entity
- Limited liability - if
corporation bankrupts, the creditors cannot sue the stockholders
The stockholders only lose the value of their stocks
- Ownership can be easily transferred
- Easy to buy and sell stock
- stock - a share of
ownership in a corporation
- Theoretically, a corporation can live forever
- The stockholders elect the board directors who in turn select
the managers to run the corporation
- Corporations can issue a large amount of stocks and bonds
- bonds- corporation borrows
money in its name
- Corporations can accumulate a large amount of
- Problems
- Corporations can merge and buy other corporations
- vertically integrated - firms owns or controls all levels of
- Many oil companies extract, transport, refine, and sell
petroleum to consumers
- horizontally integrated (mutliplant) - firm controls
production and sales across a market
- Microsoft controls over 95% of operating systems out there
- conglomerates - firm controls or produces in several
different markets
- General Electric (GE) owns (or majority shareholder) in
NBC Universal, electricity generation, finance, medical
- Problem is its focus is too wide
- Accounts for 20% of business firms
- Collects 84% of the business revenue
Similarities and Differences between
Public and Private Sectors |
- Government - public sector and includes federal, state, and
municipal governments
- municipal government is city and county governments
- Similarities:
- Economic efficiency -
benefits of activity > costs
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Most value from resources
- Society benefits
- Examples:
- Firm's profits > 0
- Consumer's marginal utility > 0
- If benefits < costs, then the activity is inefficient
- Firm's profits < 0
- Consumer's marginal utility < 0
- Government should be efficient, but usually is not
- Competitive behavior is present
- Agencies compete for tax dollars
- Politicians compete for office
- Firms compete for customers
- Scarcity imposes financial restrictions
- Total government spending = total taxes collected
- Government can borrow funds, but borrowing is restricted by
future tax increases
- Total business revenue > total costs
- A business could earn losses, but only temporary losses
- "No free lunch"
- Differences:
- Government sets legal structure, while firms follow rules
- "Rules of the game"
- A process for settling disputes
- Protect private property against invaders
- Government can use force to modify human behavior
- Remove
(e.g. death penalty)
- Remove
(e.g. prison & jails)
- Seize
(e.g. taxes, fees, & fines)
- Government can redistribute wealth and income
- Private market: A
person who buys Coca-Cola drinks the Coca-Cola
- A person's consumption is linked to his purchases
- Public sector:
- Transfer payments - transfer
income from one group to another group
- Welfare, food stamps, social security, Medicaid, Medicare,
college financial aid, etc.
- Transactions in a private sector is voluntary, while government
can use force like paying taxes
- Tax Systems
- Progressive tax - Richer households are taxed more
heavily than poor households
- U.S. has a progressive income tax
- Proporational tax - everyone is charged the same
percentage on income
- Russia and Kazakhstan has a flat tax
- Regressive tax - poorer households are taxed more heavily
than rich households
- Social security, Medicare, property taxes, sales tax on
food, and excise taxes.
- Government is political
- Democrats versus Republicans
- Income and power are distributed differently
- Private sector: People
who supply highly valued goods / services tend to have high
incomes. (1/2 the millionaires earned their fortunes from real
- Public sector:
Campaigning, fund raising, and public relations
help capture voters
The Opportunity Cost of
Government |
- Sum the following:
- Government consumes goods, services, and resources
- Major resource is labor
- They could be working in private sector
- Goods, services, and resources could be used by private
- Government consumes resources to collect taxes, and enforce
government regulations and mandates
- Cost to prosecute and punish violators
- Deadweight loss from taxes and regulations
- They cause higher market prices and lower market
Resasons for Government
Intervention |
Violates the invisible hand. Gives government valid reasons to
regulate or control a market.
1. Lack of Competition:
Sellers collude together to decrease production. They act like a
- Example: OPEC - reduce the production of oil (i.e. supply
function shifts left)
- Acts like a monopoly
- Monopoly - one firm is the sole
supplier/producer in a market
Petroleum Market |
2. Externalities - failure to
include all costs and benefits
- Negative externality - an
individual's or firm's action harms others without their consent
- Property rights are not defined well
- Not all costs are registered, therefore supply function understates
the true cost of production
- Example: A polluting firm
- A firm supplies Q* which sell for P* and freely pollutes
- Pollution is a social cost to society
- Government can force the firm to include pollution costs, causing
the supply function to shift left
- Taxes, regulations, pollution permits, etc.
- Equilibrium price increases while quantity supplied decreases
- This is efficient because firm pays all costs including
- Firms still pollute, but less
A Polluting Firm |
- Positive externality - an
individual's actions generate benefits for nonparticipating parties
- Demand functions understates the true value of output
- From the viewpoint of efficiency, too few units may be produced
- Example: Inoculations - people getting inoculated help prevent
the spread of diseases.
- People who are not inoculated also benefit
- The market price and quantity is P*and Q*
- Government can subsidize inoculations, bringing the market price
Market for Innoculations |
3. Public Good - government
produces good, because firms have difficulty supplying good through the
- Two conditions:
- (i) Every one can consume the good at the same time
- (ii) Nonexcludable - the good
cannot be restricted to the customers who pay for it
- Payment is not linked to consumption of good
- Free riders - person has no
incentive to pay for public goods
- Free riders will consume public good, but not help pay for
- Examples:
- National defense (military)
- Radio and television broadcast signals (FCC)
- Clean air (EPA)
- Stable monetary and financial environment
- Federal Reserve System, i.e. central bank.
- Influences inflation, interest, and foreign exchange rates
- Controls/creates money supply
- Regulates private banks, etc
- Quasi-public goods - market could
supply these goods, but the supply would not be enough
- Postal service
- Highways
- Libraries
- Education
- Sewage disposal
4. Poor information
- Asymmetric information - either
the buyer or seller has more information than the other side
- Examples:
- A person buys fire insurance, knowing he faulty wiring in
his home
- Credit card companies - calculating interest rates
- Difficult to inspect good or seldom purchases the good from the
same producer
- Some firms will provide:
- low-quality
- defective
- even harmful goods
- Asymmetric information problem is minimized by purchasing good
regularly or through brand names, franchises, and product warranties.
Government Statistics |
Circular Flow with Government
- U.S. Government Receipts - from taxes and fees
- Personal Income Taxes - federal
taxes on income
- Payroll taxes - income taxes
are taken out of each paycheck
- Corporate Income taxes - taxes
levied on corporations
- Double taxation
- Corporations are taxed on profits
- Investors are taxed on income as corporations pay dividends
- Dividends - corporation
pays some of its profits to shareholders per
- Social Security (FICA) taxes
- Approximately 8%
- A matching tax
- Employee pay approx. 8%
- Employer matches payment
- Note - Medicare is a matching tax too!
- Excise taxes - taxes that are
levied on specific products
- Excise taxes on alcohol, tobacco, and gasoline
- Not shone because they are small taxes
- Sales taxes are levied on a
variety of goods
- Usually a percentage on things sold in
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) -
value of all goods & services produced in an economy in one year.
- "Measure the size of a country"
- We can see how taxes grow relative to the size of the
- Government Expenditures (or outlays)
- National Defense - Military spending
- Payments to people - includes transfer payments
- Grants to State and Local Governments - federal government gives
money to gov.
- Not free money - many conditions apply
- A way to get local governments to do what the federal
government wants
- Interest on U.S. Debt - government borrows money to cover
- Net interest on the national debt
- Government agencies hold approximately 40% of the
- Government outlays relative to GDP
- U.S. government compared to other countries' governments
- Europe - ranges from 40% to 60% in 2006
- Asian - ranges from 17% to 25% in 2006
- State governments - rely on sales, excise, and income taxes
- Education and public welfare are big expenses
- Local governments- rely on property taxes
- Property tax - government
assesses a value on property and collects a percentage of that value
every year
- Majority goes to public education like schools
- Note - seven states do not have an income tax
- Taxes tend to be smaller, but these states over rely on property
taxes and fees
- Property taxes and fees tend to hit the poor
My Notes:
- Easy for government to grow in size but difficult to reduce
- Government tries to find new tax revenue sources
- Bureaucrats have self-interest
- Maintain their jobs and importance, not necessarily helping people
- Expand programs
- Design programs that are long term
- Justify programs and importance to legislators, i.e. funding
Gov can do great things, but can be oppressive and
evil | |
Terminology |
- functional distribution of income
- personal distribution of income
- disposable income
- durable goods
- nondurable goods
- services
- plant
- firm
- industry
- sole proprietorship
- partnership
- corporation
- limited liability
- stock
- bond
- economic efficiency
- monopoly
- externalities
- negative externalities
- positive externalities
- public goods
- nonexcludable
- free-riders
- quasi-public goods
- asymmetric information
- government purchases
- transfer payments
- personal income tax
- payroll taxes
- corporate income tax
- dividends
- sales and excise taxes
- property taxes
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)